Why wait until January 1 - let's log now!



  • amazsplendor
    amazsplendor Posts: 314 Member
    edited December 2017

    @valcandothis and @happyfitr2d2 Not sure if the link above will work? I joined a great monthly challenge.. you set a mileage goal, make a ticker if you want and get moving. Its alot of fun.

    * Anyone can join!!!

    I have a Charger that doesn't charge anymore.... LOL so I am down to my old FB Zip. Enjoy yours!!
  • Add me I could use more friends who log daily :)
  • mca90guitar
    mca90guitar Posts: 289 Member
    Was heavy into working out until the end of June when my back and shoulder injuries flared back up. Knocked it out of me and I get lazy as hell and a little depressed. Started logging again but man that scale and measuring tape was a huge kick in the sack lol.

    Oh well, I'm confident I'll get back to where I left off relatively fast. Beach season is far away and not anything to do here during winter. Plenty of time to workout and correct my bad ways.

    Good luck everyone
  • SweatsOnSunday
    SweatsOnSunday Posts: 514 Member
    @wellnesschaser I hear you about the backward slide. I've been sliding since Thanksgiving.

    But yesterday was a truly good day. Calorie total was under, and the morning cardio felt good. Planning for a repeat today.
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 951 Member
    Still here, still logging! I’m pulling it together...
  • kstephenson40
    kstephenson40 Posts: 47 Member
    Still trying to get it together...I have a million excuses...none of them good haha
  • SweatsOnSunday
    SweatsOnSunday Posts: 514 Member
    By 10:30am yesterday, I'd eaten my calories for the day. And at the point, I just said, screw it....

    2 glasses of wine last night with dinner, a lovely night with my wife, and 9 hours sleep! I'm in a much better mood this morning.
  • happyfitr2d2
    happyfitr2d2 Posts: 53 Member
    I can relate. I often eat more when I have wine or beer. All things in moderation but all my willpower goes out the window and my thin family often says “ let’s get a pizza” when we are having wine. If I could only have one slice that would be fine. But when I am having a wine or beer all cares go to the wind. I need to change that.
    I am doing this challenge here on MFP. It is open for a little while longer if you want to be on a team thst holds you accountable. It’s under the Motivation section of Comunity.

    Fat 2 Fit WLC and Support Group
  • everhopeful62
    everhopeful62 Posts: 1 Member
    Never posted before.....not sure if this will work...but I really have found this thread wonderfully helpful...best of luck to you all from uk...Will try to keep logging too...
  • kstephenson40
    kstephenson40 Posts: 47 Member
    I’m glad you posted @everhopeful62! Good luck in the new year!