Going alcohol free for January.

Hi all,
Would anyone else like to join me for an alcohol free January?
I would like to do this for a few reasons, to save money, to improve my overall health and wellbeing mentally as well as physically, and to save on calories they really do add up.
Also to not rely on alcohol to have a good time..


  • marygraci999
    marygraci999 Posts: 1,917 Member
    I have already started.. been Pretty much alcohol free since Sept.. But I will celebrate tonight but... in moderation as opposed to the old me who would get totally wasted... Cheers!!!
  • amycakes90
    amycakes90 Posts: 14 Member
    I bet you feel so much better for it, I won't say I will never drink again but I definitely could do with a long break from it to start with.. have a good one this evening :-) xx
  • marygraci999
    marygraci999 Posts: 1,917 Member
    amycakes90 wrote: »
    I bet you feel so much better for it, I won't say I will never drink again but I definitely could do with a long break from it to start with.. have a good one this evening :-) xx

    I sure do.. I was a social drinker actually drunk couldnt just have A couple.. But I think I have a grip on it.. Its easier now seeing I am healthy and workoit and I am very cautious with my calorie intake..
  • Timetogetstarted
    Timetogetstarted Posts: 14 Member
    I have to get through the last few bits of alcohol tonight before I too go alcohol free for the month. Also going to be cutting out fizzy drinks.
  • cozmokitty61
    cozmokitty61 Posts: 3 Member
    Amy, I am totally in for an alcohol free January!!!!
  • cozmokitty61
    cozmokitty61 Posts: 3 Member
    I’ve gone AF before and I feel so much better I often wonder why I ever start drinking again!
  • amycakes90
    amycakes90 Posts: 14 Member
    This time of year is always hard isn't it... and people seem to be confused if i decline a drink like there is something wrong with me.. I have really noticed the effects it's had on me this year so I know I'm doing the right thing just hope I have the willpower xx
  • I'm with you. No alcohol at all this month. It's not so bad once you get through that first week. At "cocktail time", I fix an iced lemon water.
  • amycakes90
    amycakes90 Posts: 14 Member
    Nice to meet some like minded people, we will have to check back in when we have done it :-)
    LAVIDA_LOWCARB Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm going Alcohol Free starting the 2nd. We're finishing up the last of the booze in the house on the 1st. I'm not one who can just drink a couple. If I drink at all, it's usually means drinking until bedtime, so quitting for a while is important for my weight loss plans this year. We can do it!
  • kerryjudson
    kerryjudson Posts: 137 Member
    Yep I'm doing dryjanuary, all the Christmas alcohol has gone. Glad to see others doing this too. It has to have a good impact on our weight loss journey :-)
  • bluekitti9
    bluekitti9 Posts: 1 Member
    This is a great idea- one I was contemplating myself earlier today. I am in!
  • MRSR3G4N2018
    MRSR3G4N2018 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I'm in. ^_^
  • amycakes90
    amycakes90 Posts: 14 Member
    We are all going to notice such a difference! Physically, mentally and financially :-) good luck everyone! ! X
  • cshern
    cshern Posts: 55 Member
    I will join you. I did my celebrating last night - went over my daily calorie intake by about 2500 calories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just the lovely taste and feel from the alcohol threw me into an binge eating spiral. So today, I'm going back on the wagon :-)
  • ricmac68
    ricmac68 Posts: 10 Member
    I will be abstaining until my trip at end of January. I have come a long way from my old days. All the best Girl!!
  • ricmac68
    ricmac68 Posts: 10 Member
    cshern wrote: »
    I will join you. I did my celebrating last night - went over my daily calorie intake by about 2500 calories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just the lovely taste and feel from the alcohol threw me into an binge eating spiral. So today, I'm going back on the wagon :-)

    I feel ya. I did the same :( Back on track today. Always get down on myself for going off track.
  • rkdunn889
    rkdunn889 Posts: 8 Member
    I have been alcohol free for 3 years. It has been the best thing I ever did for myself.