New to My Fittness Pal

Hi all,

I have been struggling to lose weight for five years. I am now 120kg - I was 85kg six years ago. Stress at work lead me to comfort eating with little exercise and weight gain. I have juts signed up to MFP to see if it can help to get me back to a healthy weight and exercise regime.



  • duplaja
    duplaja Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Mark,

    I'm new here as well, with the same things. Stress at work / home led to comfort eating (junk food, sodas, etc). Stress at home has been mostly resolved, so now it's just dealing with the consequences, and looking to move forward. Good luck on your journey!

  • kr31lly615
    kr31lly615 Posts: 9 Member
    Good luck to both of you! I'm new here as well. I need to drop the 75lbs I've put on over the last 4 years. Work, relationship, family, and life stresses brought me to my sugary downfall.

    - Kelly