
Hi I am trying to lose weight to get in my dress, I need to lose 5 inches. How many pounds would that be? Thanks


  • HellYeahItsKriss
    HellYeahItsKriss Posts: 906 Member
    There is no set pounds, people lose inches without losing any pounds or vice versa, also. weight can come off one spot and not others or come off everywhere.. you could lose weight in places not needed to fit into your dress..

    you will fit into it eventually, but you will have to just wait.
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    You could try a lifting program... that kind of thing seems to work wonders for changing someone's shape, even if they end up actually weighing more than they used to! But it takes time.

    Check out this blog for an idea of what I mean.

    But as the others said, there's no real way of knowing where the inches will come off when you lose weight. I've lost at least 8" off my belly, but that took about 60lbs (and 18 months) and it's still a Buddha belly. Whereas other areas look much smaller in comparison now!

    Depending on the occasion (I'm guessing probably a wedding) and how long you have, you might do better to consider having the dress altered to put in some side panels and make it bigger where it needs to be, rather than stressing yourself out about losing that many inches.
  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
    Not sure why you need to be in that dress in particular, but what happens after the event? Do you just go back to old ways? Why not focus on making sustainable changes for life rather than just focusing on wearing a dress.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited January 2018
    You need a different dress. Why did you buy a dress that was 5" too small? Or is it someone else's and you want to wear it for sentimental value? Thank the person and tell her you love her and would like to honor her by wearing her veil instead. Or her pearls. And then buy a dress the fits you. I mean fits you right now. It is much easier to take a dress in than add panels or all sorts of lace and do-dads to make it bigger.

    FTR, I have lost 60 lbs., it took well over a year, and my waist is only 4" smaller.
  • ja20102004
    ja20102004 Posts: 349 Member
    I bought this dress before I had my 3 kids then I had a premature baby and we had to focus on her instead of my weight.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    I have looked up this question and the best answer is 10 pounds is roughly 1 inch. That being said, I worked out a ton this last year, lost about 5 pounds and 3 inches off my hips and another 4 or so inches off my waist. I am 5’2 and 5 lbs usually is an inch off my hips and an inch off my waist.
  • WhereIsPJSoles
    WhereIsPJSoles Posts: 622 Member
    I've lost 16 lbs and not a single inch off my hips and maybe 1 off my waist. So y'know...might be a thing, might not be a thing.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    5 inches over all or from a specific place like your waist? 5 inches overall doesn't take much weight loss, but from a specific area could take a lot, depending if it's where you genetically lose weight first or not.
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    Unfortunately, there's no way say for sure. As you lose weight, you'll lose it from different places on your body. And different people will lose different amounts of weight from different places on their body. One person might see a change in their waistline with 5lbs, others might need 15. So there isn't really a good x lbs = x inches.

  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    you cant spot reduce.

    how soon is the wedding? having the dress taken out will likely be the best option, if the wedding is anytime in the next year :/

    and why didnt you buy a dress that fits?

    but guess thats a different issue .....
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    you cant spot reduce.

    how soon is the wedding? having the dress taken out will likely be the best option, if the wedding is anytime in the next year :/

    What?? Why should it take a year to lose 5 inches?
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    I guess I missed that this is a wedding dress. That does make a difference.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    you cant spot reduce.

    how soon is the wedding? having the dress taken out will likely be the best option, if the wedding is anytime in the next year :/

    What?? Why should it take a year to lose 5 inches?

    it shouldnt. but we also dont know the persons habits, level of dedication, or patience. or even when the wedding IS.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    you cant spot reduce.

    how soon is the wedding? having the dress taken out will likely be the best option, if the wedding is anytime in the next year :/

    What?? Why should it take a year to lose 5 inches?

    Depends how big she already is and where she wants those inches to come from. .it may be impossible to lose that many inches.

    Or it may not. Seems a very arbitrary bit of advice without knowing more.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    What size dress are you in now and what size is the dress you want to get into? For me I usually drop a dress size every 15- 20 pounds.

    But as everyone else has said there are too many variables to be able to tell you exactly.

    Just put your stats into MFP weigh and measure everything you eat, stick to the calorie allowance it gives you and you will lose weight. As you lose keep trying the dress, you will fit into it eventually.

    Or you may have to buy another dress that fits you now if it is for a special event coming up very soon.
  • HellYeahItsKriss
    HellYeahItsKriss Posts: 906 Member
    you cant spot reduce.

    how soon is the wedding? having the dress taken out will likely be the best option, if the wedding is anytime in the next year :/

    What?? Why should it take a year to lose 5 inches?

    Depends how big she already is and where she wants those inches to come from. .it may be impossible to lose that many inches.

    Or it may not. Seems a very arbitrary bit of advice without knowing more.

    Exactly. I agree
  • Jingsi84
    Jingsi84 Posts: 127 Member
    A reddit study found: "Multiple regression tells us that on average, for every 8.5 pounds lost, people dropped an inch off their waist. (And for every 1.5 kilograms lost, people dropped a centimeter off their waist.) Every 10 pounds lost was accompanied by 1.18 inches of waistline reduction.