Is this disturbing??

BecksgotBack Posts: 385 Member
Discussion in the office right now...just wondering what other's thoughts are?


  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    I would not buy that for my child.....yes disturbing.....
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    I don't think it's disturbing... Maybe a little strange, but I'm not a parent. Hence why I find the pregnant Barbie that comes with the newborn baby that goes into the Barbie's stomach a little disturbing. It's definitely not a doll I would've put in my letter to Santa when I was little.
  • BecksgotBack
    BecksgotBack Posts: 385 Member
    I don't think it's disturbing... Maybe a little strange, but I'm not a parent. Hence why I find the pregnant Barbie that comes with the newborn baby that goes into the Barbie's stomach a little disturbing. It's definitely not a doll I would've put in my letter to Santa when I was little.

    yes, but where does the baby come out?? That would be disturbing
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    1) Doesn't seem age appropriate to me.
    2) Some things take minimal teaching, this being one of them.
    3) Isn't the 9 months of pregnancy enough time to prepare for breast feeding?
    4) Little girls (prepubescent) being preoccupied with motherhood isn't advantageous. is it?
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    I don't think it's disturbing... Maybe a little strange, but I'm not a parent. Hence why I find the pregnant Barbie that comes with the newborn baby that goes into the Barbie's stomach a little disturbing. It's definitely not a doll I would've put in my letter to Santa when I was little.

    yes, but where does the baby come out?? That would be disturbing

    Actually there's a removable panel on the stomach that you open and stuff the doll into... I found it on Amazon when I was trying to find a gift for my neice. My reaction was "What the **** is that?"
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    Definitely NOT disturbing. Any mom who has ever breastfed a baby with older sibling around knows that the older kids will mimic breastfeeding, with or without a special doll. To kids who have a breastfeeding mom there is NOTHING weird or sexual about it. It's simply the way you feed babies.

    The only "problem" with a breastfeeding doll is that people are still afraid of the word "breast" and can't seem to wrap their brains around the idea that we're mammals and are meant to breastfeed our babies.
  • mattiol4
    mattiol4 Posts: 89 Member
    I find this very very disturbing.
  • mocklin
    mocklin Posts: 33 Member
    I find it disturbing. I wish we could just let our kids be kids. If their Mom is breastfeeding, that's great, they can ask about it and learn that it's something you do when you are an adult. I'm all for breastfeeding, it's good for Mom and great for baby. It's natural FOR ADULTS.
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    Not a big deal. Of course, I whipped one of my funbags out at the train station in Florence because I had a hungry baby and sat down on the curb to do what I needed to do. Whipping funbag out or crying, screaming baby. It was an easy decision to make.

    I don't see the issue.
  • kerriknox
    kerriknox Posts: 276 Member
    I totally don't think there is anything wrong with this. I don't think it is necessary to teach little girls about breastfeeding at that age but I also don't see anything different between this one and the bottle fed baby dolls that have been sold for decades.

    My son used to pretend to feed his stuffed animals when I used to feed his brother. he was fully aware that as a boy he couldn't actually make milk but he found it funny to pretend to be me. no big deal. Both my kids are weaned but they both know milk came from me. If my youngest sees me coming out of the shower he'll point to my nipples and say milk. Kids aren't stupid, and they remember more than I think they are given credit for.

    As for this quote from the article "A little girl who is perhaps four years and up who plays with baby dolls is probably not ready to pretend she is breast-feeding. For those young boys who may witness a girl playing with her Breast Milk Baby, they, too, will probably be confused and full of questions." I just think BULL S&%T. What a crock. Breast-feeding is not taboo. Little boys who saw their mommy doing it or were breast-fed themselves aren't going to think twice. And little girls just like to play grown up - doesn't mean they want to be one yet.

    If it was for teenagers I'd be disturbed but instead I am more disturbed that this is found to be disturbing. I'd rather my kids played with this than the one that drinks from a bottle.
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    Definitely NOT disturbing. Any mom who has ever breastfed a baby with older sibling around knows that the older kids will mimic breastfeeding, with or without a special doll. To kids who have a breastfeeding mom there is NOTHING weird or sexual about it. It's simply the way you feed babies.

    The only "problem" with a breastfeeding doll is that people are still afraid of the word "breast" and can't seem to wrap their brains around the idea that we're mammals and are meant to breastfeed our babies.
    Yes it is natural, but why would a 8 year old need to have a doll that she can "breastfeed"?....I believe this is something that a mother & child need to talk about and not to just giver her a doll......Also, I did breastfeed but my daughter never had the urge to mimic me because she knew that it was for mommy's and not chidren.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Mom's breast feeding their children is natural. Children learning to breast feed from a Barbie Doll/ toy company is not.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Definitely NOT disturbing. Any mom who has ever breastfed a baby with older sibling around knows that the older kids will mimic breastfeeding, with or without a special doll. To kids who have a breastfeeding mom there is NOTHING weird or sexual about it. It's simply the way you feed babies.

    The only "problem" with a breastfeeding doll is that people are still afraid of the word "breast" and can't seem to wrap their brains around the idea that we're mammals and are meant to breastfeed our babies.

  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    I find it disturbing. I wish we could just let our kids be kids. If their Mom is breastfeeding, that's great, they can ask about it and learn that it's something you do when you are an adult. I'm all for breastfeeding, it's good for Mom and great for baby. It's natural FOR ADULTS.

    It's also NATURAL for children to see and mimic feeding a baby, just like it's natural for them to see and mimic mom or dad doing dishes, or working on cars, or working in the garden, or doing any number of other things that kids aren't ready to do for real at their current age, but will be ready for when they are older. I have to wonder if you feel the same way about other things that adults do that kids can't. Driving, for example. Those pretend steering wheels, or Power Wheels, or simulated driving games...should we take those away too?
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member

    Yes it is natural, but why would a 8 year old need to have a doll that she can "breastfeed"?....I believe this is something that a mother & child need to talk about and not to just giver her a doll......Also, I did breastfeed but my daughter never had the urge to mimic me because she knew that it was for mommy's and not chidren.

    I don't think kids "need" dolls that they can breastfeed. I just said I didn't think a breastfeeding doll was disturbing. I actually find it more disturbing that no one thinks anything of a child giving a doll a bottle, or a pacifier, or feeding it with a spoon, but people DO find it strange to have a doll that "breastfeeds".

    And kids aren't learning to breastfeed from a doll. I doubt most moms would be interested in a using breastfeding doll to "teach" their kids. I mainly see this being sold to moms who breastfeed and who have kids who already play pretend and mimic what they see their mom doing.

    Just because your daughter didn't mimic breastfeeding her baby doll doesn't mean other kids don't or shouldn't do it. As a former La Leche League leader I've seen LOTS of siblings pretend to breastfeed their baby dolls simply because that's how they see their mom taking care of their baby brother/sister. It's no different to them than pretending to burp their doll or change it's diaper. Not all kids do it, but a lot do, especially if the mom doesn't hide it.
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member

    Yes it is natural, but why would a 8 year old need to have a doll that she can "breastfeed"?....I believe this is something that a mother & child need to talk about and not to just giver her a doll......Also, I did breastfeed but my daughter never had the urge to mimic me because she knew that it was for mommy's and not chidren.

    Oh, and I forgot to say that I totally agree that breastfeeding is something that mom and child should talk about. Just handing the child a doll and expecting them to figure it out on their own WOULD be a little weird to me. (Can you imagine if we taught our kids about other bodily functions that way? Here's a "learn to feed yourself doll"...go figure it out. LOL)
  • Nancyhusanu
    Definitely NOT disturbing. Any mom who has ever breastfed a baby with older sibling around knows that the older kids will mimic breastfeeding, with or without a special doll. To kids who have a breastfeeding mom there is NOTHING weird or sexual about it. It's simply the way you feed babies.

    The only "problem" with a breastfeeding doll is that people are still afraid of the word "breast" and can't seem to wrap their brains around the idea that we're mammals and are meant to breastfeed our babies.

    Totally agree! Both my BOYS pretended to breastfeed when my youngest was born and saw me nursing. If I had a daughter, or even a younger son I would definitely be buying one of these!!
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    HELLOO!!!! This is on Weekly World News... you know, the people that gave us Bat-boy, and all the other stuff that the National Enquirer didn't find fit to print.

    FYI - YES, I breastfed both my boys for 13-15 months and I'm proud of it, but before you go being all judgemental on an article/product make sure it's not a SPOOF first!

    apparently Amazon has it in stock. for enough money that no child is going to GET it.

    as for the original question... IDK. is breastfeeding totally natural? absolutely. but there is something... off about this product. i can definitely say that this is one i would NOT get for the neice.
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    I breastfed both my kids but i wouldn't buy that for my daughter.
    If it is a real doll... I would want to slap the creators of it.
    Kids grow up too fast as it is without pushing them further into
    mommy & daddy mode. There are TOO MANY young mothers & fathers
    as it is. Let's not press the issue further.