50+ lbs to lose (ages 35-45)


I'm going to TRY to track for the next month, partially for accountability, but also to try and determine what has been causing acid reflux. ):

I'm wondering if there is anyone from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada out there!?


  • sugaraddict4321
    sugaraddict4321 Posts: 15,836 MFP Moderator
    Not from Canada but welcome to MFP. :)
  • SoulOfALion5
    SoulOfALion5 Posts: 115 Member
    I am from the UK. However I do need to loose 50lbs+ and within the 35-45 age group. As for the acid reflux. I had this for a while, however I don't know what caused it or why it rarely comes now and again.
  • KingsKid2006
    KingsKid2006 Posts: 6 Member
    I’m in NS Canada!! Still a distance, sorry! Lol. I dealt with the reflux a few years back, and within 6 wks of Keto, it was gone completely!! Now because of weight gain after injuries, it’s back, and so is the weight!!
  • I'm Melissa 43 from Baltimore Maryland. Down 53 lbs since March 2017 with about another 50 to go...Feel free to add me for tips or motivation