Women over 45 Support/Motivation for 2017-Happy New Year!



  • Nachise
    Nachise Posts: 395 Member
    I'm 66, and have been on a two year plateau. Gained eight pounds over the holidays, and really need to declare my intentions to get back on track. Getting ready to head to the gym for some cardio and weight training.I have to admit to myself that I've been on maintenance, and need to refocus to start losing weight again. First goal is to drop ten, then get down to twenty, then regroup.
  • Fififox9
    Fififox9 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi! I'm in! It's great to see this group. I am heading for 52 and definitely I have been struggled when it.comes to weight loss from my mid 40's....no problem putting it on though!!! Where I put the weight on has changed as well. It used to be evenly distributed but my whole mid-section has ballooned with approaching menopause. Looking forward to approaching this journey with you all. I hope to lose 55lbs.
  • shardwilk
    shardwilk Posts: 41 Member
    I'm 47 (48 next month), mother of 8, stepmom of 3, trying to lose 50+ lbs. This is probably my 3rd go around on MFP and maybe the third time is the charm as I have lost 18 lbs since mid March and am on a 48 day streak here logging meals/exericse on MFP, I've never lasted more than two weeks before. I started struggling with my weight in the late 30s after baby #7. Before then I was was always able to shed a great deal of pregnancy weight. Not so since. Would love to connect with others for motivation.