Leaning Out Then Bulking! Who is with me?!

Leaning out Jan-March. Bulking April-June. Leaning out July-Sept. Then Maintenance! I would like accountability with sticking to macros. Anyone else need accountability? Let's do this!! 2018!


  • import_soul
    import_soul Posts: 23 Member
    I need some accountability! I've got about 25 to 30 pounds to lose.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Your profile pic suggests to me that you're already lean...if you are at a healthy weight, but just want to work on your body composition, have you considered recomp rather than losing weight then bulking?

    Recomp involves eating at maintenance, following a progressive lifting program, and slowly losing fat as you slowly gain muscle. Your weight should stay the same...
  • fuzzy_l0gic
    fuzzy_l0gic Posts: 69 Member
    Hi, I’m in. I’ve spent the last 24 weeks eating at least 3500 calories/day (6’2”). I started at 153 (tooooo skinny), now at 176. I’m planning to stay under 2400 calories/day for the next 8 weeks to see if I can cut some of the fat