Want to be bikini ready ....best diet? Help

I have a vacation coming up March 1st and want to be bikini ready what’s the best diet and excercise program to try?


  • bisonpitcher
    bisonpitcher Posts: 519 Member
    Eat what you want in moderation. Stay at your calorie goals. Lift weights. Party like a rockstar when you go to the beach.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    Eat at a reasonable calorie deficit and lift some weights. Gaining muscle is a very slow process, so you may not see much difference by March - just to keep in mind.
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    There is no best diet or exercise... it all comes down to consistently keeping a calorie deficit. So whatever helps you do that is the best approach for you.

    Oh, and patience. Lots of patience. March 1 is a lot closer than you think.

    On a related note... buying a bikini that fits/compliments your body can go a long way.
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    Best diet and exercise plans are the ones that you'll execute consistently. Eat at a reasonable deficit and put effort into your workouts and food selection. Be realistic about your goals in relation to how much excess weight (if any) you have to lose and the time frame you're working with. Depending on where you're starting from, even losing 10lbs in that time frame (eight weeks?) may be a feat.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I have had a goal to look my best by March as well. But I started last June. Keeping my fingers crossed I'll get to where I want to be but I'm not sure.

    I'll definitely look better than I did last June but those muscles aren't popping like I want them to and I've been weight lifting for a few years now.

    The point is that it takes time and don't be disappointed if you're not where you want to be. March isn't that far off.
  • lowgen22
    lowgen22 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Kimberlyanne - all the advice here so far is very good. I have tried lots of things over the years, and I found that the old fashioned calories in/out is by far the most successful. It's just science. Use MFP to figure out how many calories you should be taking in (I found that to lose weight, my best progress was at about 100 CAL lower than what it said it should be) then create a deficit. If you can create a 200-400 deficit daily (average) you should be able to lose 1.5 to 3 lbs per week consistently, depending on your body type and metabolism.

    the easiest and safest way to create a deficit is to add some exercise...that way you can eat enough and still be at a deficit. some moderate weight lifting or body weight exercises are great because bigger muscles (and they don't have to be BIG just bigger) help burn calories. Squats, lunges and other big leg muscle exercises are particularly helpful and will make your legs strong and look great too!

    Even just 20-30 minutes of brisk walking per day, or 3 or 4 times a week will help with your calorie deficit. and do some cheating... park your car extra far from the stores, run up and down some convenient stairs etc... if you have a fitness or step tracker it helps enormously!

    I found that tracking all of your food and exercise really helps in losing weight. I lost 30lbs last year using these methods and once you get in a routine, it isn't difficult.

    also, do yourself a favor if you don't already: make your own food, skip restaurants, Starbucks and sodas (diet or otherwise) altogether if you can. Otherwise, you can eat pretty much anything while keeping inside of your calorie budget (but lean meats, vegetables, potatoes and whole grain pasta will make you feel better than a lot of processed high calorie foods)

    another helpful habit is to have food ready to go for snacks and lunches... grab and go food is probably your worst enemy, so if you have healthy stuff to grab, you are helping yourself enormously. also, I found eating an apple everyday really helped as well...helps with sugar craving, excellent fiber (more fiber = better weight loss), and makes your skin nice.

    good luck!

    (PS, also throw in some ab exercises like planks and bicycles... your tummy will tighten very quickly and look great in your swim suit!)
  • maryjennifer
    maryjennifer Posts: 124 Member
    I don't think there is a best diet as everyone's preference varies. Eat healthy 75% to 80% of the time.
  • Slasher09
    Slasher09 Posts: 316 Member
    no magic diet, unfortunately. You really have 3 options.

    1. do nothing, enjoy vacation as you are
    2. lose weight rapidly via a fad diet and put it all back on after (and during) the vacation when you resume life as normal
    3. Make changes to lose weight for vacation, AND keep it off working towards a healthier life change. Weigh your food and burn calories being active 3-5x a week and at the end of the day have burned more calories overal than you ate. this will reduce your overall weight and body fat and you will be a smaller size and if your workouts consist of things that help with lean muscle you may look a bit more "toned." Work this out to eating what you like and learning how to fit it all in without going crazy and starving yourself....or being so limited you end up overeating all the time because you feel so deprived.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    edited May 2018
    London423 wrote: »
    Liposuction and any type of fat freezing or burning causes long-term cell hypertrophy and lots of long-term health problems. It isn't magic. http://roguehealthandfitness.com/dangers-of-liposuction/ You can check this out and https://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/01/weekinreview/01kolata.html, and there is so much more. Liposuction is a dangerous and harmful scam. Short term results do equal the long-term.

    Why are you spamming the boards with these same exact two links? I don't see where the OP asked for information on liposuction, unless I'm missing it. Plus it's a thread from December. Her vacation was on March 1, she either got there or she didn't.
  • 1houndgal
    1houndgal Posts: 558 Member
    I have a vacation coming up March 1st and want to be bikini ready what’s the best diet and excercise program to try?

    Old thread.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,020 Member
    Why are you worrying about five month old spam?
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Five months? Try eighteen months.
  • r3488
    r3488 Posts: 77 Member
    Because the spam was posted today... the exact same text on multiple old threads. Looks like it's been cleaned up now.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    r3488 wrote: »
    Because the spam was posted today... the exact same text on multiple old threads. Looks like it's been cleaned up now.

    That's why you quote it, so it doesn't look like you were the one that bumped it. :laugh:
  • PAFC84
    PAFC84 Posts: 1,871 Member
    Did you meet your target of being bikini ready?