Are My Health Coach's Words Accurate?



  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Cbean08 wrote: »
    Please tell me you aren't paying this person anything...

    You definitely have weight to lose, but nothing that screams "omg, health scare!!" And yes, all those body fat scales are inaccurate. You could one reading in the morning and a completely different one at night. However, as long as you are losing weight, body fat percentage isn't really that important. Keep eating well and strength training and your body fat will drop.

    No, I'm not paying her. I'll stop stressing. Well, I'll try. It's difficult when I'm getting the 3rd degree from her for being so unhealthy. I just need to keep going and losing weight and then it won't be an issue anymore

    "So unhealthy"?

    What else is she saying you should do?
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    Should you be doing what you're ALREADY currently doing?
    For optimal health? Probably yes.

    Do you look like you're in extreme dire danger and deserve to get the **kitten** scared out of you?
    Probably not.

    And what's the point? (since you're already working on it).

  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    edited January 2018
    Cbean08 wrote: »
    Please tell me you aren't paying this person anything...

    You definitely have weight to lose, but nothing that screams "omg, health scare!!" And yes, all those body fat scales are inaccurate. You could one reading in the morning and a completely different one at night. However, as long as you are losing weight, body fat percentage isn't really that important. Keep eating well and strength training and your body fat will drop.

    No, I'm not paying her. I'll stop stressing. Well, I'll try. It's difficult when I'm getting the 3rd degree from her for being so unhealthy. I just need to keep going and losing weight and then it won't be an issue anymore

    why are you even caring what someone with NO qualifications even THINKS?

    look, ditch the person (as a consultant but id also probably ditch as a friend for treating me like *kitten*). Work on creating sustainable habits regarding food and exercise that will help you achieve your goals. consult with your DOCTOR about any health issues or concerns. Nothing is going to happen fast. Be patient. Be consistent. Youll get there.
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    Cbean08 wrote: »
    Please tell me you aren't paying this person anything...

    You definitely have weight to lose, but nothing that screams "omg, health scare!!" And yes, all those body fat scales are inaccurate. You could one reading in the morning and a completely different one at night. However, as long as you are losing weight, body fat percentage isn't really that important. Keep eating well and strength training and your body fat will drop.

    No, I'm not paying her. I'll stop stressing. Well, I'll try. It's difficult when I'm getting the 3rd degree from her for being so unhealthy. I just need to keep going and losing weight and then it won't be an issue anymore

    Even though she's family you don't have to discuss it with her if the 3rd degree is upsetting you
    I find "thank you for your concern but I don't want to discuss this anymore, I have it under control" works well followed by a subject change
  • lucerorojo
    lucerorojo Posts: 790 Member
    I've been following this thread since the OP started. OP, I think you look great in the photo, and I wished I still looked as good. There's no way I'm posting a photo of myself in a two piece or underwear online! You have some weight to lose but the "coach" is being ridiculous. Just continue what you are doing as others have said. Don't let her destroy your confidence.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    While I absolutely agree the scales can be inaccurate I think getting a scan is really unnecessary for the general population. I'm very much into human physiology, lean mass, gaining and losing fat and lean mass, strength training, all that stuff. I still wouldn't go and get a scan, visual is good enough for me.

    Thanks for your input. So visually then, how would you feel about my body composition and my level of fat?

    I actually think around 30% is right. Your legs and arms are a bit lower but due to the middle/belly it bumps it up and as mentioned, that is the the least ideal place to store excess.The good news is that with the rest of you being relatively leaner it should come off your tummy at a nice pace now. Just keep going and see where you are as you progress.

    I absolutely advocate for strength training of some description, it will help retain lean mass that we inevitably lose as we lose weight and once at goal/a happy place it will continue to improve your composition.

    I agree with this. Definitely incorporate strength training into your program, and do whatever cardio you find enjoyable, and don't limit yourself to the traditional boring stuff that people feel they have to do.
  • slimbyjune18
    slimbyjune18 Posts: 101 Member
    I’d also add well done for posting your photo, not sure I’m brave enough to do that! You can def do this without worrying about the BF %
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Okay, so I have a “health coach” who does my weekly weigh ins with one of those body fat scales. When I say health coach, I use that term very loosely, she’s not like a qualified anything, but she’s done some informal training, and she’s family.

    Anyway, she’s really worried about my fat %. Like, telling me I’m going to get all these diseases and that it’s really, really, alarmingly high. The scale says I’m sitting on 33% body fat, which I know isn’t healthy, but I don’t feel like I’m as unhealthy and fat as she makes it out to be.

    I’m 5’4 and currently at 74kg (163cm and 163lbs), there’s a picture of me too so you can see how my body holds it.

    I’m still on my weight loss journey, so I’m certainly not settling at 33%, but is it really as bad as she makes it out to be?

    Thanks for your honest opinions guys :smile:


    You know there are health risks to being overweight and carrying extra fat in the belly area. You are working on it. I don't think you need to stress over it that much. Obviously getting to a healthy weight will help reduce health risks.
    If you are concerned about your immediate health go see a doctor and discuss your concerns.

    I'd think about getting this coach person out of your weight loss journey if they are stressing you out.
  • Cbean08 wrote: »
    Please tell me you aren't paying this person anything...

    You definitely have weight to lose, but nothing that screams "omg, health scare!!" And yes, all those body fat scales are inaccurate. You could one reading in the morning and a completely different one at night. However, as long as you are losing weight, body fat percentage isn't really that important. Keep eating well and strength training and your body fat will drop.

    No, I'm not paying her. I'll stop stressing. Well, I'll try. It's difficult when I'm getting the 3rd degree from her for being so unhealthy. I just need to keep going and losing weight and then it won't be an issue anymore

    Laura, there is nothing "wrong" with the way you look, and 30% is not dire straits leading directly into diabetes and pulmonary embolisms... not necessarily. Your "coach", and I use that term even looser than you do, is crying wolf and pulling the fire alarm on you when really what is happening is that you've got the heat turned up a bit too high on the bbq grill.

    Unless this family/friend/coach with no training as a dietitian or personal trainer is actually employed as a certified physician, I'd throw what they are saying out the window.

    Maintain healthy eating habits at a slight caloric deficit, start or continue some strength training and I suspect you'll loose the little bit of belly fat in good time, at a healthy rate.

    It's clear that this person is really just causing you stress and anxiety over this... thank her for raising your cortisol levels and adding to the problem (sarcasm), but that you'll take care of it from here.

    Best of luck to you, check in with the forum group often- it's great here for realistic reinforcement and positivity.

    Thanks for your input! And you're so right, the feedback that I've received from everyone has made me feel so much better.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    IMO you look really good for your weight. I'm 12 lbs lighter and look chubbier for about the same height!

    Could you benefit from losing weight? Sure. Is it life-threatening to be 15 lbs in the overweight range? Absolutely not.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Whenever I hear "Herbalife" I think of this video:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,900 Member
    While having more body fat than desired INCREASES RISK for disease, it doesn't necessarily mean one will have it happen. Body fat is just part of health issues. Stress, lack of rest, genetics, risk behavior, happiness with yourself, etc. all attribute to one's overall health.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
