Any other 5'5"-5'6" ladies looking to lose 20 pounds or more???

Hi, everyone.

I'm looking for female friends with similar stats and goals.

I'm about 5'5" and a half and currently 160 lbs (up from 150 last spring but down from 180 last winter). My goal weight is 140. My ultimate goal weight is probably closer to 125, but we'll see. ;)

I'm pear shaped (bottom heavy) when I'm at a healthy weight, but over a certain amount I put it on everywhere.

In the past, I've been most successful at dropping weight when I've kept my net cals between 1200 and 1400 (with the occasional 1700 day) and do regular cardio and mild strength training. I'm not into intense training programs like PD90X or whatever it's called, but I would like to get back to a point where I can run again and would like to be able to do push ups and chin ups and lift a bit more than I currently can. My goals are simple and modest. I'm not looking to become ripped or unleash my inner beast. I just want to be a little healthier and look a little better in my clothes. Lol.

If it sounds like we have common stats or goals, I'd love to be friends! :)


  • magicmarigold
    magicmarigold Posts: 40 Member
    I'm 5 foot 5 , weighed in 1st of Jan at 157 and am looking to loose 20 pounds aswell! Also not in it to be ultra fit etc, I just want to look nice in jeans again ha.
    My Cal's are 1270 at the moment which I'm trying to stick near as I have a wedding to go to in a few weeks but after that I'll be aiming nearer 1400 which I know for me is more sustainable long term.
    Exercise wise I workout at home, DVDs or youtube and at the moment after quite a few months break I am extremely unfit, did my favourite cardio box workout yesterday and had to walk through part of it!
    Anyway, add me as a friend if you want, I've never actually made it past 146 so need some motivation and support!
  • NannersBalletLegs
    NannersBalletLegs Posts: 207 Member
    magicmarigold, we sound so much alike! I haven't been lower than 148 since 2012. Friend request coming your way! :)
  • magicmarigold
    magicmarigold Posts: 40 Member
    My lowest was 146 in 2014 for my wedding. Touched it again for a few days in 2016 but then bounced right back to my standard weight of 155. Then of course Christmas eating happened and I'm suddenly at 157.
  • amelisegb
    amelisegb Posts: 58 Member
    You two are both my twins, please feel free to add me as well! I am 5'6", I started at 166 and am currently around 158 (I was at 156 until the holidays lol).

    My final goal is 140 or 135 ish. I do strength training 2x a week as well as running for cardio (which I suck at - trying to improve!) Some of my non-weight goals include being able to do an unassisted pull-up, and running a 5k in March faster than my previous time!

    For calories, my goal is a little under 1400, but I usually eat back my exercise calories so I think around 1700 total is more typical.
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 927 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hello ~

    I hope you're still looking for like-minded people. I'm 5'5" and weighed 177 on Monday. My goal and favourite weight of all time is 142 which is 35 pounds to lose.

    I'd like to be normally fit and also don't want to do P-whatever-the-he**-X. I'd like to be able to run again, do Pilates, and some light to moderate weights. I've never done an unassisted pull-up, but I have been happily fit before.

    My net calories are 1,200 so I walk as much as possible and do something active each day to get them up to 1,700.

    I've used MFP successfully before but have never had this much to lose. In the past I didn't join the community so haven't got any friends. Hopefully you'll all change that with me!
  • Rochester_mom
    Rochester_mom Posts: 100 Member
    I'm 5'6" and I am currently at my highest (even at 9 months pregnant - kill me now) of 190. The 150-160 range is good for me. At 44 years old I am finding that my usual weight loss hacks haven't been working the way they used to. I have got take this weight off because I hate the way I look. I hate the way my clothes fit and I hate the way I feel. Enough is enough.
  • NannersBalletLegs
    NannersBalletLegs Posts: 207 Member
    edited January 2018
    So happy to make all of your acquaintances and to know that there are many at a similar place in their journey with a similar destination in mind. I believe I’ve sent friend requests or responded to friend requests from everyone, but the MFP app is really wonky on my phone, so if I missed you, feel free to friend me! :)
  • amyteacake
    amyteacake Posts: 768 Member
    I'm only 5"4' but I'm looking to lose around the same amount of weight. Curse my shortness haha

    My calories are currently at 1450. I had lost around two stone but put on a stone again and looking to get back to where I was before. I usually work out in the gym, mainly weights and cardioxide.
  • I'm a 5'5 woman who weighs 160, I'm looking to get down to 130 lbs in the next year and STAY there! Anyone in a similar situation should add me so I stay motivated this time!
  • jeffininer
    jeffininer Posts: 204 Member
    Hey ladies!! I’m 5’6 and went through the big weight drop a few years ago and of course have gone up. I’m sitting at round 160-163. I teach group fitness, so my exercise is good. It’s my food I need to get into check!!! Would LOVE to have some like minded ladies to keep me going, peer support is super important!!!
  • NannersBalletLegs
    NannersBalletLegs Posts: 207 Member
    Another round of friend requests sent! Thank you for all the responses. Feel free to keep them coming. The more the merrier! :)
  • generallyme2
    generallyme2 Posts: 403 Member
    Feel free to add me : ) I'm looking for a total goal of another 20 lbs. 5ft 6in!
  • KristieJC
    KristieJC Posts: 243 Member
    5’6” here, looking to lose about 50. Add me! I can’t add friends from my phone :(

  • AprilNewYear18
    AprilNewYear18 Posts: 45 Member
    Me! Add me! We have similar goals/starting points. Looking to lose 27!
  • stephmihaly1080
    stephmihaly1080 Posts: 3 Member
    I would love to be added! I have similar goals as well. I’m 5”6 and have usually stayed around 140-150 lbs but over the past year I’ve went through some stressfu situations that have caused me to overeat, bringing me up to 180. Im looking to go back down to 140 for now!!
  • azavala78
    azavala78 Posts: 74 Member
    5’6” here looking to lose 30 lbs :) Anyone looking for support, feel free to add!
  • ggirgis44
    ggirgis44 Posts: 29 Member
    Yes! 5'5, aiming to lose 25-30 pounds. Feel free to add!
  • reneerrt
    reneerrt Posts: 5 Member
    Hello. Im 5’4 160lbs. Up from 135(a very healthy motivated point). Fell off the wagon about 6 times now but planing to really stick with it this time. This totally works when you use it. Add me please
  • ms1allie88
    ms1allie88 Posts: 5 Member
    5'5 and 190, looking to hit my goal weight of 140 by the end of the year (roughly one lb a week for a year will put me there).

    I got into a relationship over three years ago any my weight has slowly crept up. I just want to feel good about my body again and am looking to run a 5k before I turn 30 (july 2018)

    Feel free to add me!
  • Lift_Run_Eat
    Lift_Run_Eat Posts: 986 Member
    edited January 2018

  • Suzettedl
    Suzettedl Posts: 30 Member
    Only 5'4" but looking to loose 20. I worked out like a crazy woman over the Christmas break only to find I went up a few pounds. Im currently at 148, looking to be around 129-130. I am at a loss of how to go about the weight loss. I used weight watchers in the past, but no luck with them recently.
  • JuneyCleaves
    JuneyCleaves Posts: 92 Member
    5'5 and my first goal is 20lbs, with the potential addition of 10 more if the first goal goes well ;)
    Feel free to add me, or consider joining our just-started support/accountability group if that kind of thing is up your alley!
  • sherlymaryjoy
    sherlymaryjoy Posts: 4 Member
    I m 5'4, mom of 4....I been able to stick to my goal weight...but v just moved into Detroit from India, ..the move, Christmas and New Year...I feel all bloated..want to get back n stick to....seriously stick to clean eating and also to a workout routine..i m of no good if i see anything sweet, only to curse n cry later...dont want to do that.. occasional treat is something I want but it's never's mostly all the time..after four belly has become "it's so wobbly " ..I want that to go away
  • 5'4 also looking to lose at least 20 lbs. Lost 12 lbs so far. Slow and steady.
  • jmartin1219
    jmartin1219 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm 5'6 and I have similar goals. Currently 177. Had my 2nd baby in June 2017. I feel comfortable at 140, so that's my current goal. I've maintained there easily in the past. But alas, life happens and its suddenly not so easy! And I'm still breastfeeding, so I'm not trying to rush the weight loss...looking for a slow and steady change over the next year or so.
  • lisa35120
    lisa35120 Posts: 230 Member
    I'm 5'6", currently 167 pounds. I had gotten down to almost 150 a year ago, but then life happened. My goal weight is 135, and I want to get there before I turn 30 in August this year.

    Feel free to add me.
  • Mendykiins
    Mendykiins Posts: 12 Member
    edited January 2018
    Add me ! :) I'm 5'5 , and am looking to lose about 15... My favorite weight is 128...
    Weighed in after the Holidays at 142 :/
  • Kapoten
    Kapoten Posts: 327 Member
    I have similar stats too. 5'6.5" and 166 as of this morning. I would like to get down to 130-140. I used to maintain my weight in that range without much effort, and I felt comfortable there, so that's what I'm aiming for again. I also stick to a fairly basic exercise routine and try to keep net calories to about 1300-1400 calories per day. Feel free to add me :)
  • Haldridge0519
    Haldridge0519 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I am Helena. I m 5 foot 6 inches. Weighed 174.4 the morning of january 1st. I would like to get down to my original weight of 129. I got married 6 years ago, which also made me comfortable and heavier. Little did I know my husband wasnt going for the heavier part. I m not changing for him, its for me. In hopes we can rekindle a little of what we used to have. I could really use some company on this jouney (females only please). I weighed 168.0 this morning. My news year revolution was to only eat natural foods. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish..... only foods that look like they do in nature. I have always been an emotional snacker. Bored? Snack. Sad? Snack. Angry? Snack. It has been a very challenging 5 days, but i m succeeding. I am a business office director, therefore i spend 60 hours a week sitting at a desk, making exercise hard (especially in the winter). It gets easier right?
  • NannersBalletLegs
    NannersBalletLegs Posts: 207 Member
    Wow! It's awesome to find so many others who are at a similar place in their journey. I've sent or responded to friend requests for all of you so far, I think, but if I have missed you, please feel free to send me a request. :)