Anyone on here have mental illness?

I joined here awhile ago, time seems to fly at times. I was on track for awhile, my mood was getting better after a year long depression that had me basically in bed. I gained 50 lbs over the last 2 years, I feel old and tired, I have at times severe back pain from arthritis and am seeing PT who suggested aqua-fit, now I don't want to offend anyone but when did I get old? I remember being at the gym and seeing the grey haired aqua-fit ladies thinking, thats nice bobbing in water.
I'm going to be one of those, starting tomorrow. My daughter who just finished chemo for Hodgkins Lymphoma is also going to join me, we ate Ben and Jerry's like we had stock.


  • wholeseeds1588
    wholeseeds1588 Posts: 2 Member

    I also suffer with long term depression and also anxiety. My meds seem to make me want to eat more and I have gained 30lbs in the last few months. I'm determined to fight it though so I'm starting today on MFP. I know eating more fruit and veg etc helps my mood but that doesn't seem to make it any easier to do. Husband is also joining me.
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,899 Member
    Movement would be good for you and daughter!
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I have long term anxiety and sometimes depression as well. getting into shape really helped me (although i've lost it again so I am starting afresh). Exercise in particular seemed to really help. Good luck with it here.
  • HedgehogsAreCute
    HedgehogsAreCute Posts: 6 Member
    I have depression and anxiety. It can get pretty bad sometimes.

    For me, exercise is great, since it's:
    a) something I can control (I can choose to go exercise for an hour, and I'll succeed at that)
    b) gives me short-term, measurable goals (I can exercise for 4 hours this week or lose 2 pounds by eating well and working out)
    c) a way to wait out depression when I'm at a low point. I haven't found a way to avoid feeling done with everything at times, but I find that if I do something, whether it's exercise, errands, reading, whatever, it's not as bad after a couple hours. And I don't get the "you wasted your day" self-hate then as well.

    I think I'll never be totally rid of depression and feeling that kind of way sometimes, but I can minimize how often it will keep me from doing the things I want to in life.
  • arnnanz
    arnnanz Posts: 34 Member
    I have had bouts of depression and anxiety and food seems to be one of the major impacts on my mood. Please add me as a friend if you’d like.
  • Debra_LMB
    Debra_LMB Posts: 42 Member
    Many years here for MDD & GAD! You are not alone in feeling, "Where did the time go?". My husband says this on a daily basis, which doesn't help at all. I do feel old and my hair is almost completely grey now - Oh My Gosh, I'm my Mother! To top that off, I buddy around with my Dad a lot and people automatically assume he's my husband. Talk about a bummed out situation. BUT...I am glad I wake up every day, after all, there are not many alternatives when you get to where we are. It is easy to be depressed about it, I know, and I only hope that MFP will have been a good decision. I feel it already has, I've made a few new friends here and everyone has been very nice and supportive. Please let me know how you do from here - K?
  • janis6331
    janis6331 Posts: 2 Member
    I have severe depression which has seen me put on a ton of weight (pun intended) but I think it’s more from my attitude readjustment from taking the medication. I’m in need of some friends if anyone will add me
  • raetomlin
    raetomlin Posts: 20 Member
    I have bipolar and depression! I'm on meds that sometimes gives me the munchies. Feel free to add me I'm always looking for new friends to help me with staying motivated.
  • miaow828
    miaow828 Posts: 22 Member
    I also suffer from anxiety. I am started to work out and eat better so that I feel better. I took a long break from working out after getting married last year and I can tell that my coping skills have suffered. I'm hoping to get outside more often (after this freezing cold dissipates) as hiking really helps lift my mood.
  • I was on anxiety medicine for a little over a year and gained 30 pounds. My doctor said this is common with antidepressants. I weaned off the medicine because the weight gain and lethargic state it put me in was worse position than the anxiety alone. Hard workouts as I did before my baby are not easy to come by but I’m trying to find a balance. I need some sort of physical release to help regulate the anxiety. You’ll find lots of support here!
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I am bipolar. Suffer from depression and severe anxiety. I have gained a significant amount of weight since I’ve been with my now husband. When we started dating almost 13 years ago I weighed 110 lbs. Last year I reached my highest weight of 212 lbs. I am pushing myself to exercise because I know it helps with my mood.
  • rebruce449
    rebruce449 Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you all for sharing your stories too. I have to figure out how to add friends. My back pain has been excruciating this week, so Im hoping the water stuff will help. Eating well is easy for me, I just eat too much!
  • ZhivagosGirl
    ZhivagosGirl Posts: 161 Member
    I've got chemical depression, anxiety and degenerative disc disease so I hear you on all fronts. I have an appt in 2 weeks to talk about another back surgery. Seems like my psych meds are balanced really well at the moment, knock on wood that will continue. Now to keep the scale going down!
  • rebruce449
    rebruce449 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, yes my mood is good, it is the spinal stenosis and arthritis that is a problem right now. I see a physio 2x month and the exercises help but then I overdo it and pay for days. I am not a candidate for surgery as I still have some cartilage even at my injury discs. Surgeon suggested I lose weight, ya I know!
  • LiveLoveFitFab
    LiveLoveFitFab Posts: 302 Member
    I've got a mood disorder and anxiety. The meds are awful for weight gain, but I've lost weight so it can be done. I just got off a huge situational depression that was pretty bad. I can handle the mood disorder just fine, but if I have a real reason to be depressed, I just can't cope.

    Strangely enough, I'm super anxious right now. For no damn reason.

    I find meditation helps and so does exercise.

    And aqua-fit doesn't mean you are old. It means your joints are! :D I know my joints are starting to complain so much that the only thing at the gym that doesn't hurt is the recumbent bike. Just as long as you keep moving, it doesn't matter how you do so.
  • rebruce449
    rebruce449 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks! @ Live, I know what you mean about the anxiety, its difficult to manage for me but since I've been off antidepressants and on mood stabilizers its worse. I do meditate but not as consistent as I should. Exercise has been an issue, my motivation hasn't been great, I tend to be a couch to 5k person and now I just cant do that so its a process. I appreciate the support!
  • LaydeeFNB
    LaydeeFNB Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2018
    Yes, anxiety and depression here and the occasional panic attack. I actually thought the same as you about aqua aerobics but I tried it and it was so much fun it really helped my mood. Its alot of fun, it's ok to have fun losing weight too. I'm 36 years old. My medication changes alot and I think stress also plays a role in weight battles. Good luck on your journey x
  • magoudy106
    magoudy106 Posts: 1 Member
    I have battled depression and anxiety for close to 10 years now. Both have been major factors in not being able to force myself to leave my home. I’ve finally managed to force myself to go out and sign up for a gym membership at Anytime Fitness. My roommate and I usually go in the middle of the night when no one else is around. For the first time in a long while, I’m starting to feel better about myself. I’m enjoying the exercise. It’s given me a much needed focus. I want to be healthy. And I want to be a better version of myself.
  • ckdprevent
    ckdprevent Posts: 105 Member
    I suffer from depression and anxiety. I am a survivor. I'm on meds that helps a lot. I exercise at home. Feel free to friend me. Exercise does help.
  • nousrnameplease
    nousrnameplease Posts: 3 Member
    I have manic depression. I have managed with this... ailment for fifteen years. There have been valleys and peaks but I am generally in a good place. After several years off of medication through the use of talk therapy and mindfulness, I experienced a setback and am now on a very low dose of a mood stabilizer, which in turn caused me to promptly gain 20 lbs. This is why I am here today. Hello!
  • I also suffer from depression. About 5 yrs ago I was hospitalized for 5 days because of it. I had been depressed for so long and didn't realize it. It's taken me a long time to get my medications correct so I could function normally. I still get moody but now I can figure out what and why caused it. A long with doing better also means eating more... Of course not the right foods. I can't exercise because my pelvic is tipped and so when I try my back and hips hurt horribly. Can seem like a visious cycle but WE can win if WE stand together. Feel free to add me for support. :)
  • DRBuchholz
    DRBuchholz Posts: 55 Member
    Bipolar 2 which for me is almost always on the depressive side. Anxiety and ptsd. Exercise and eating right helps, when I have the energy to make myself do it.
    In a good place right now. Hoping to get this routine set enough that I will maybe ward off the next depression and/or continue my routine despite it and recover more quickly.
    I need friends so feel free to add me anyone.
  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    I have bipolar disorder and spend the vast majority of my time on the depressed side. Between the meds, comfort eating and lack of energy, I've gained a load of weight I'm trying to shift (I regained 70lbs from my previous low. 10lbs more than I'd initially started with) I enjoy (if that's the word haha!) running but I've also got anxiety so I struggle to get out and do it unless I'm meeting up with someone.

    I'm doing a sponsored thing to raise money for a mental health charity at the moment which is giving me the accountability and kick I need to actually do exercise. I've got hypothyroidism too which can make things even more fun.
  • MeteoraTitanium
    MeteoraTitanium Posts: 102 Member
    edited January 2018