Less alcohol- January 2018- one day at a time



  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    Goal — Dry January

    1/1 = no alcohol
    1/2 = no alcohol
    1/3 = no alcohol
    1/4 =
    1/5 =
    1/6 =
    1/7 =
    1/8 =
    1/9 =
    1/10 =
    1/11 =
    1/12 =
    1/13 =
    1/14 =
    1/15 =
    1/16 =
    1/17 =
    1/18 =
    1/19 =
    1/20 =
    1/21 =
    1/22 =
    1/23 =
    1/24 =
    1/25 =
    1/26 =
    1/27 =
    1/28 =
    1/29 =
    1/30 =
    1/31 =

    Working late tonight so abstaining today is pretty easy. By the time I get home and eat dinner, I will be ready to go to bed.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,192 Member
    donimfp wrote: »
    As for AA, I know it has done a lot of good for many people, including my best friend. However, seeing that she still goes to 2 meetings/week after 4 years and still thinks, "One day at a time" every day . . . that's what turns me off from that approach for me personally. I figure if I have to think of alcohol every damn day for the rest of my life, I might as well be drinking and enjoying it. That's why the book I won't mention any more has given me such hope--the idea of eventually not even thinking about it, not missing it, and even socializing (soberly) with my friends at a bar and having fun rather than fearing that stepping into a bar will lead me down the slippery slope to the abyss--those ideas are very appealing to me. My friend passed on a hiking trip to Provence because she feared she couldn't resist the wine. I'm hoping I can go to Italy in March and joyously sip sparkling water while my sister-in-law sips chianti. She'll have a built in designated driver for our rental car. At least that's my dream after a whopping 3 days without drinking. B)

    I am off school tomorrow and Friday due to extreme cold temperatures. I will be downloading the book you wont mention:)
    I only read 40 pages of it on the free download preview. I look forward to reading it ! I need to read it ASAP. I am actually feeling quite anxious tonight due to stress. I will resist however.
  • Skyweigh
    Skyweigh Posts: 113 Member
    I am pumped to read "the book" --- so happy to learn of this.
  • slimbyjune18
    slimbyjune18 Posts: 101 Member
    machchic wrote: »
    Wow is it the weather or because it is day 3 and I was thinking about my V on the rocks at 3:00pm today at work, thinking I normally would come home and prep dinner while having my drink to decompress. Instead I came home worked out, fixed dinner and it is now past my witching hours of 5-8. Going for a tea and curl up and read a little online. This has to get easier. Right?

    I think I’ll feel same tomorrow. Day 3 is always hard on anything new? Good luck tonight!
  • trchristy
    trchristy Posts: 155 Member
    mkdm291 wrote: »
    So I live in the northeast and a major snow storm is headed my way tonight. Usually, I am leaving work and hitting the liquor store in anticipation of a snow day tomorrow. Nothing sounds better than a hearty glass (or more) of red wine, sitting on the couch in my flannel pj's in front of a fire, knowing I will not have work tomorrow.
    BUT... this time, I am substituting that red wine with my "calming" decaf tea. (the rest of the plan with the pj's, couch, and fire will remain the same!)
    Trust me when I say this is a first. I do have my wine in the house. It will take willpower to not open it. I credit this post to give me strength and inspiration.
    One of my goals in 2018 is to work my anxiety and stress through on the treadmill, not the bottle. I will seek comfort in relaxation, not the bottle. I will think about those mornings where my head feels cloudy and I have no energy. I will choose to live from now on.
    Bring on the snow! My hot tea is waiting!!!

    Oh that stress anxiety I know it too well. Congrats to you for thinking before hand of what to do to be successful. I too have wine in the house, but I put it up stairs away from the normal area I generally drink it. We will be getting your snow storm tomorrow afternoon. Already looking forward to a snow day on friday as well, but thankfully tomorrow I will be gone most of the day taking my mom to the doctor so I wont have time to focus on the anxiety of the snow storm. Great idea using the treadmill to help with the stress. I went over board for New Years Eve I feel like finally today I could think clear, like its all out of my system finally. Stay warm keep us up dated... :)
  • Wingsont84
    Wingsont84 Posts: 335 Member
    How can this be done, please send a hand. It's not hardcore as I can handle day task and what not. It's just not good on the body and weight loss, I actually try to keep my calories down to fit in a few drinks
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    215 hours since my last drink...when I wake up tomorrow it will be 9 days!!!!

    I have a 4 day weekend - kinda scared
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,192 Member
    Wingsont84 wrote: »
    How can this be done, please send a hand. It's not hardcore as I can handle day task and what not. It's just not good on the body and weight loss, I actually try to keep my calories down to fit in a few drinks

    Maybe simplify the task. Say just for tomorrow, I will substitute a drink for tea, exercise, sleep, etc. I also find I worked through my craving earlier, by chugging water. Sounds silly. I filled my belly up with it. I also read a few chapters of a book on the topic. I watched alcohol mastery video on youtube. Little things to distract myself to have an alcohol free day today. I must admit I had a delicious piece of chocolate because I didn't spend any calories on wine.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,192 Member
    becky3695 wrote: »
    215 hours since my last drink...when I wake up tomorrow it will be 9 days!!!!

    I have a 4 day weekend - kinda scared

    I like how you're counting the hours too! It makes the accomplishment even more significant. Bravo!
    I would imagine you'll need to have a plan in advance for the long weekend. Maybe create a list on a sticky note of things you can do to curb the craving.
  • SanDiegofitmom
    SanDiegofitmom Posts: 303 Member
    Put my kids to bed and played a game with them. I do play/ read with them often but if I have wine in the evening I’m less likely to be as engaged. A win in my book. I made tea for all three of us (hubby was out w friends) and put some honey in theirs. They thought was was great.

    I like the dry Jan because I don’t have to think about if, when, how much. I also downloaded the app Dry January - it’s fun only because using an average you put in, every day it gives you a running total of the calories saved and the money saved.
  • KareninLux
    KareninLux Posts: 1,413 Member
    Last night instead of wine, I had a Hoegaarden Rose beer - a light fruit beer. Only 3% alcohol. Tasted great.
  • justlog
    justlog Posts: 125 Member
    1/2 = none
    1/3 = none

    For those that tend to have a drink not too long before bed - not to the point of buzzed or drunk - perhaps one or two.. Do you notice a much clearer mind when you wake up? Talking about a clearer mind. Again, not referring to a hangover - that's totally different.