Day 2+ Level 2 of the Shred... still smiling

::flowerforyou: Will let you know if I am in about 30 min. Still sore from yesterday's shred and Zumba!


  • pinkyslippers
    pinkyslippers Posts: 188 Member
    Are you still smiling lol? :tongue:I really enjoyed it today - it seems to fly by much quicker than level 1 did, and I just sweat sooooo much I feel like I'm going to melt! I think I went a bit mad on those funny oblique twist disco-dance jump things though, I was bouncing all over - I might substitute those for more jump rope tomorrow!!

    Hope everything is going well with you all - see you all tomorrow! xxx
  • lrbarr
    lrbarr Posts: 60
    Did really well today too! The 3rd weight section I did drop down to 3lb weights and worked on form- thought I got alot more out of the workout! So yes I am smiling! I wonder if I did better because I tackled it in the morning and not afternoon!
    Till tomorrow... hope we aren't losing alot of people who had joined us on the Jillian Adventure!
  • pinkyslippers
    pinkyslippers Posts: 188 Member
    Did really well today too! The 3rd weight section I did drop down to 3lb weights and worked on form- thought I got alot more out of the workout! So yes I am smiling! I wonder if I did better because I tackled it in the morning and not afternoon!
    Till tomorrow... hope we aren't losing alot of people who had joined us on the Jillian Adventure!

    Awesome! Glad dropping the weight helped. I know, not many of us about today! Hopefully we will pick up a few more as we go on lol :tongue:

    Great job and see you tomorrow xx
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    I'm still here ladies, I am really going for it as far as abs n weights are concerned really having to hold back from cardio but I threw in lots of punches n did the twisters without legs.... This is so sad for me having to hold back! I swear to you both I can see muscles in my back.... This is new!!!! I also dropped to 1kg weights for the v arms n they were easy so back to 2kg tomorrow. Goodnight ladies seems we are the three musketeers lol! All for one!
  • lrbarr
    lrbarr Posts: 60
    Glad you are with us Debbie! Take it easy with your leg, rest will do it some good- nothing wrong with working up a sweat with only the upper half!!
  • pinkyslippers
    pinkyslippers Posts: 188 Member
    Goodnight ladies seems we are the three musketeers lol! All for one!

    LOL! And one for all! :tongue: xx