Advice for Cat Owners when Exercising



  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    I just gotta say...

    How awesome would it be to walk into a room and look at people, and they start massaging you?
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    all of the above... lol.. the dog enjoys giving kisses when you're on the floor stretching and also drags all of his toys out of his toy box to play, the cats will look at you like wtf... you're moving a lot...

    although the person who says they play fetch with their cat, i have one of those too.. you throw the squishy fuzzy soccer ball (tiny cat toy) and he runst after it gets it and meanders his way back to you and drops it and waits.
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    One of our cats will come out to the kitchen when he hears the refrigerator icemaker. He likes to get a small chunk of ice and plays 'hockey' with us. Got a pretty mean slap shot!
  • klamont9
    klamont9 Posts: 59
    For whatever reason, when do I the "high knees" during the Insanity workout, our cat goes hunting for my shoelaces! I'm afraid I'm going to step on him one of these days. But during the rest of the workout he just lays there, weird....
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    Zorro enjoys watching me run on the treadmill, although sometimes he gets bored and sleeps.
  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    Mine loves the yoga mat and like to sit on it while I'm doing crunches. Or sit on my tummy as I'm getting ready to do crunches. But usually when I'm jumping around doing Turbo Fire, he's asleep on the couch. He's never disturbed by the music or movement.
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    My cat walked in front of me today while I was stretching, so I picked him up and did Romanian dead lifts with him. I expected him to run away when I set him down. Instead he looked stunned for a few moments, and then he came back and rubbed on my legs, so I picked him up and did some more. He started purrrrrrrring! If only he weighed more so I could actually use him for a real work out. 13lbs just isn't enough.
  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    Yup my cat is either put upstairs or in his crate ... he finds it fun to lay on top of me while doing sit ups ... under my chest while push ups, or jumping on my back while doing push ups. He does not like being used to do bicep curls or as a barbell for press or squats ... He could clean while I work out though.
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    My cat walked in front of me today while I was stretching, so I picked him up and did Romanian dead lifts with him. I expected him to run away when I set him down. Instead he looked stunned for a few moments, and then he came back and rubbed on my legs, so I picked him up and did some more. He started purrrrrrrring! If only he weighed more so I could actually use him for a real work out. 13lbs just isn't enough.

    I could loan you a 15 lb one and I garauntee he won't be quite as happy to be your work out toy so you could get an extra work out trying to hold on to him. I counted that as a calorie burn the day we had to do shots. The vet agreed I was allowed to keep a hold of them since they didnt fight me as much but still 15 lbs trying to get away makes your muscles work a bit. And that was times 2 since I have two of them.
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    My cat walked in front of me today while I was stretching, so I picked him up and did Romanian dead lifts with him. I expected him to run away when I set him down. Instead he looked stunned for a few moments, and then he came back and rubbed on my legs, so I picked him up and did some more. He started purrrrrrrring! If only he weighed more so I could actually use him for a real work out. 13lbs just isn't enough.

    I could loan you a 15 lb one and I garauntee he won't be quite as happy to be your work out toy so you could get an extra work out trying to hold on to him. I counted that as a calorie burn the day we had to do shots. The vet agreed I was allowed to keep a hold of them since they didnt fight me as much but still 15 lbs trying to get away makes your muscles work a bit. And that was times 2 since I have two of them.

    No, thanks. I have three of my own problem children without taking on more kitties. I'm pretty lucky with mine that they don't fight too much at the vets or anything. I do have to admit I was very surprised that I was able to do the RDLs with the one. He hates to be picked up. He'd rather climb on you when you least expect it.
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    My kitten sits on my hip during side planks. Extra resistance thanks to Diego!
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    or...lock them in a bedroom or a crate

    hahahaha omg. i have tears im laughing so hard. but seriously...I love kitties thats mean!

    edit: and way to time consuming to catch them and shove them in the crate

    But GREAT exercise... all that running and jumping and squating and push ups looking under the bed... pre-workout workout!
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    My cat walked in front of me today while I was stretching, so I picked him up and did Romanian dead lifts with him. I expected him to run away when I set him down. Instead he looked stunned for a few moments, and then he came back and rubbed on my legs, so I picked him up and did some more. He started purrrrrrrring! If only he weighed more so I could actually use him for a real work out. 13lbs just isn't enough.

    I could loan you a 15 lb one and I garauntee he won't be quite as happy to be your work out toy so you could get an extra work out trying to hold on to him. I counted that as a calorie burn the day we had to do shots. The vet agreed I was allowed to keep a hold of them since they didnt fight me as much but still 15 lbs trying to get away makes your muscles work a bit. And that was times 2 since I have two of them.

    No, thanks. I have three of my own problem children without taking on more kitties. I'm pretty lucky with mine that they don't fight too much at the vets or anything. I do have to admit I was very surprised that I was able to do the RDLs with the one. He hates to be picked up. He'd rather climb on you when you least expect it.

    thats ok, my husband wouldn't let me get rid of them anyway, and i do love them they're really great kitties... we are at a point though we will have to let them gas them to put them under for shots. that last round of shots was with a house vet it was our last option. the vet techs at the vets office are scared of them and the groomer has banned them... sigh.. i can't blame them, it just makes it difficult cause i dont want them to get hurt but they're starting to get up in age and i'm afraid the anger and figh they put up could cause issues.
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I caught my cat weighing herself..... I am a bad influence!!!!