Broke down and went to the doctor for numerous reasons::::

trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
edited September 30 in Motivation and Support
Ok so broke down and went to the dr about my pain. She seems to think its from a pulled muscle or something not my gallbladder....thank God! And unfortunately hold off on excersize until I'm not hurting anymore. Today the pain is hardly there. Then found out (the reason I really went) I have tonsilitis. Ugh. We got on the subject that I've been feeling light headed and dizzy. Told her I was calorie counting and my calorie intake is 1460...well that's what its set at I never hit it always under. She said I'm not eating anough to bump my calorie intake up to 1700. She gave me some references of a book and magazine. It as the best dr visit ever (aside from when I was pregnant and got to hear the heartbeat and see my baby) she helped out a lot.


  • Great to hear you had a positive doctor's visit! :)
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    Glad you found out what the problem was. Im' not a "run to the doctor" person either....It took me a week to go for what we finally figured out was a slipped disc....UGH!!! (still SLOWLY recovering)
  • You never ever want to be under your calorie goal by more than 200 calories. You will starve your body. Most peoples say 1200-1800 and i see people coming in at 1000 per day. so incredibly unhealthy! =( Your body needs fuel to run! =) If you tty to drive a car without gas, it wont get very far. our bodies are the same way =)
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Shape magazine recommends that the average woman should consume 1800 calories in order to lose weight without starving. Could be why I'm not losing, I'm at 1260 at exercise daily. I just might bump up my calories.
  • JWeaser
    JWeaser Posts: 302
    LOL!! I did the same thing yesterday. When the doctor came in, I had a list ready.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Glad you found out what the problem was. Im' not a "run to the doctor" person either....It took me a week to go for what we finally figured out was a slipped disc....UGH!!! (still SLOWLY recovering)

    Yeah two weeks ago I started getting sick and then this morning I woke up with the tonsilitis. But Wednesday is when I was excersizing is when I started getting the pain, I really thought it was my gallbladder, hoping it's just a muscle. She said if I'm not better by Monday to come back. But she is the first doctor I have been able to open up to about my weight and how to change things and such.
    I was a little surprised that she told me I was eating too few calories. I know if you don't eat enough that your body stores fat, but I thought that I was eating plenty. But I will boost it up to 1700 and see how things go. I am very motivated once i start losing alot of weight I am going to go back to her and show her how well I'm doing. She said she wished younger people like me would be as motivated as I am. Made me feel good :)
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    You never ever want to be under your calorie goal by more than 200 calories. You will starve your body. Most peoples say 1200-1800 and i see people coming in at 1000 per day. so incredibly unhealthy! =( Your body needs fuel to run! =) If you tty to drive a car without gas, it wont get very far. our bodies are the same way =)

    And most days I was under my calorie goal, by 200-300, I wasn't starving or anything I thought I was fine, but I am going to bump my calorie intake up to 1700 per her suggestion. And go from there! :)

    They did weigh me at the doctor and last I weighed myself last monday I was 272.2 and when they weighed me (i wasn't supposed to weigh myself until sunday) but I weighed 267.2! I was happy :)
  • good for you! You are doing great! =)
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