"I got the late night munchies..." How do I stop night cravi



  • Elle_Jamaicangirl81
    Elle_Jamaicangirl81 Posts: 418 Member
    **Brushing my teeth after dinner will not stop ME from eating if i want to... cause as far as i'm concerned i have more toothpaste in my bathroom**

    I say have some... You're making a lifestyle change (i hope you are)... this isn't a diet. You can have those things once in a while. Of course, try to have the healthier option rather than the chips or cookies, grab a fruit... or some nuts. I also agree... don't bring the junk into the house.

    BUT lets be real... we are human and sometimes we want some dang chips... just make sure you make ALL allowance for it in you day. Have A (as in ONE) cookie... or half a serving of chips. (Do NOT bring the entire bag to the TV. Take out some and put it away. also buy the small fun packs and not the big bags)

    I tell myself if i have the allowance I can have a bit. But i'll be strict with it... So for example.. i could have the calories but not the amount of sugar content to cover it... so i cant have that cookie.

    I hope this helps. :-)
  • The causes of this type of behaviour are often- emotional,chemical &/or hormonal.
    Chemical: stop drinking alcohol or smoking weed.
    Emotional: the hardest one- seek a psychologist.[but maybe mute and looking away from the TV when commercials come on might help some]
    Hormonal: Are you an athlete? If not, your daily carb intake doesn't need to be anything more than 40%.
    What is your sugar intake like? If you are on a weight loss program, it should be as close to ZERO as possible. One key to weight management is insulin control: high fluctuations of insulin [and therefor blood glucose levels] cause strong cravings for sweets and starches. The fluctuations are caused by things like sugar intake, unbalanced meals[low fiber, high starch/sugar, low protein, too low fat, or any combination of these], ****ty meal timing [ eating all your allotments too early in the day, eating meals more than 3-4 hours apart, not eating right post-exercise]. Insulin is a powerful peptide hormone that has a good, strong influence over your appetite and body composition. Master it , and the battle becomes much simpler.
  • Add in a lean protein shake. I love the BSN Whipped Vanilla and it's easy to work it into my calorie goals. It'll give you an extra protein boost while taking away your cravings. I like to make it with peanutbutter & 1/2 of banana but this version is just as good with just water and ice. So many ways to make it. My hubby likes to add extra ice & make it more like icecream. Try it out.. has helped me so much - I'm a dessert junkie and need something sweet after dinner.
  • Have you tried the new Special K protein Plus? It's WONDERFUL with Vanilla almond milk. Yum.
  • protien shake early evening helps alot
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