Sweet Treats



  • jolteon00
    No sugar added reduced fat butter pecan ice cream. Edy's makes it for I think 120 calories. I love it <3 I put it on an ice cream cone (20) and feel totally satisfied when I'm done :)

    Other sweet tooth things: dark chocolate is definitely okay! & I love fiber plus eggos. Polander also makes a sugar free +fiber jelly which can be good too.
  • sarahemily72
    Weight Watchers has some REALLY yummy ice cream bars and treats. The best sweet treats are grapes, oranges and other fruits! I believe you have to break the bad habits and eat fruits and your body will start craving healthier foods! That is what I am trying to do!!!
  • travishein
    I like to indulge on mostly fresh fruits now. I can eat about two pounds of strawberries for the same calories as a handful of chocolate covered almonds. How fair is that right.

    But I also found usually if I do get a crazy craving for what ever bad for you thing, I end up having it eventually. And the trying to eat something else instead only makes me also eat those things before I cave into the craving thing I wanted.

    So what I do now is.. just eat it. But on one condition. I have to put in enough exercise upfront to burn the same or more calories of the thing I want to eat. That does two fold. One, I never seem to over run my calories from the indulgence, I weigh out the portion of peanuts, chocolates, or the thing I am craving to be a measured baggie of the known calories. put it on a pedestal or what ever.

    Then, I go do some biking, walking, jogging, yard work. and so on. And burn up some calories. All the while I am reminding myself "do it for that sweet treat after".. In this way the knowing I have this sweet reward after my workout waiting for me, it really helps keep me motivated, or to push thru that "just one more minute". or "just one more mile" . when I know before I would have folded it in and stopped at that point.

    So. I get motivation as I work out, and calorie balanced indulgence. in the worst case I break even. But I think there is some long term benefit to having that extra activity, as it works to condition and train the rest of your body to improve cardiovascular fitness and increase your base metabolic rate over time right.

    My only gotcha with this is sometimes I would want say chocolate covered almonds, set out to work off 700 calories to eat them. do the workout. and then after the work out, no longer crave sugary goodness and for what ever reason I am craving fresh strawberries and I eat those too. So I kind of am breaking myself of the desire for chocolates. Which I guess is also good. Its just inconvenient at times when I don't have the fresh strawberries in stock and then have to run out to get them. Hint: always keep fresh fruits you like to eat in case you later also lose your apetite for the chocolates :)
  • sarahemily72
    Edy's also makes a sugar free popsicle that is really good....especially in this heat!
  • Scarletts67
    Ciao Bella Sorbet - Blood Orange. Fabulous!
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    Be careful with all the fat free, low fat, sugar free etc...They still replace the fat and sugar with chemicals, and the aspartame or other fake sugars can often make you eat MORE......sometimes it may be better to eat in moderation and eat natural. Also, sometimes it's good for your body to overeat your calories to keep your body guessing....

    Some people (like me) have a hard time eating things like ice cream in moderation. I'd much rather go to my freezer and grab a Skinny Cow Icecream Bar and be done with it! I'd be too tempted to scoop another spoonful and lick the scooper as well! (what could it hurt?) but those always add up.

    Skinny Cow has so many good treats and most are just under or just over 100 calories. I don't eat them everyday. Just when I get the sugar cravings. They're there and ready to go!
  • YMTaylor
    YMTaylor Posts: 230 Member
    If you want some, have some. If you don't it's going to continue to eat at you and you may eat a whole container. If you have the calories, have one serving. It seems like its not much, but it will satisfy you and then it will be off your mind. I am a firm believer that if you want something, eat it - just don't eat an excess amount. It's all about portion control. It's unreasonable to think that you can live the rest of your life not having the things you like to eat.

    Absolutely! Everyone else seems to have good advice about what to get some other time but I saw you're talking about ice cream hubby brought home tonight. Unless he got some of those low calorie, etc. treats the other advice won't help you. I say in moderation and roughly within your calories for the day. Like if you'll go over by 100 if you do have it, then I would anyway but that's me.
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    What a great idea!!! That sounds yummy with my 150 cal Artic Zero Ice cream........What a great post!
    Skinny cow ice cream treats are delicious and fairly low calorie. I do get frozen yogurt from TCBY sometimes. Or from the grocery. VITATOP CHOCOLATE MUFFINS with a scoop of vanilla frozen yogurt. Oh my god. I have a secret brownie sundae monster living inside me who is totally tricked by that combo.
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    Sherbert isn't too bad when compared to ice cream. We also have 100 calorie packs running around of our favorites when nothing else will do.
  • lallaloolly
    lallaloolly Posts: 228 Member
    i like my sweets, so when i know i am going to have dessert, i watch my portion size and try plan ahead by taking an extra walk and leaving room in my calorie count for it. i also eat my sweet treats very slowly, chewing or savoring every bite for as long as possible. mindful eating goes a long way towards helping you feel like you enjoyed something to the fullest.

    for every day sweet treats, though, i love lindor truffles (chocolate with mint cream is my favorite), so i will eat one after lunch and one after dinner.
  • corgifan
    corgifan Posts: 155 Member
    I indulge, but keep myself in check by getting single servings of sweets when I'm out and about. A Starbucks petite treat (under 200 calories), light frappuccino, or kid size sundae can be worked into my day with just a little effort. It keeps me from having stuff in the fridge or pantry that I keep going back to eat.
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    Blue Bunny has a sugar free, fat free, brownie sundae ice cream that is only 90 calories a serving. Why is he bringing ice cream into the house while you are trying to lose weight? Doesn’t he want to support you? He can stop on the way home from work for his fix.
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    I freeze bananas and eat them. I know it sounds funny, but it seems more like a dessert once they're frozen.
    That sounds good.., I have to try that one.Thanks!
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    I am a HUGE SWEET eater!! I found Artic Zero Ice cream....it is 150 cal for a whole pint!! I also have found Walden Farms 0 calorie Carmel and chocolate syrup....so I put it on the 150 cal icecream with a banana......a 250 calorie banana split!! YUMMMMM!!!

    I also will add sugar free jello with yogurt and free cool whip...that is a nice sweet treat. Skinny cow ice cream is also good.....Go to the grocery store and just scan through all of the ice cream. It might take time at first, but will be worth it if you can find something that is tasty and low cal.

    Good luck!! GIrl, I have lost 100 lbs and have kept it off for 3 yrs. It isn't always easy, but I am a big fan of sugar free syrup, sugar free ice cream, splenda....anything that can help my sweet tooth helps me stay on track!
    what she said :bigsmile:

    if you have some time, go burn some calories to make the gap smaller (if you like)
    I'm about to go do this myself right now, heading tothe gym to burn 300 calories so I can have a late night treat :drinker:
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    I like to indulge on mostly fresh fruits now. I can eat about two pounds of strawberries for the same calories as a handful of chocolate covered almonds. How fair is that right.

    Nice, indulge away with that!
  • iwillbeoneday
    iwillbeoneday Posts: 48 Member
    I have three "healthy" go-to sweets:

    1. Arctic Zero Ice Cream (Maple Vanilla or Strawberry) 150 cals for whole pint
    2. Quakers Lightly Salted Rice Cake / 0.5 TBSP Reduced Fat Peanut Butter / 2 TBSP Jet Puffed Marshmellow Creme
    3. Fat Free Cream Cheese / 1 TBSP Splenda / 3-4 drops of vanilla extract (tastes like Cheesecake!!)
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I freeze bananas and eat them. I know it sounds funny, but it seems more like a dessert once they're frozen.

    I do this, too! I usually add some cinnamon to them.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    Trader Joe's has excellent little ice cream treats - bon bons and mini ice cream sandwiches. They're heavily processed, but I eat one every other day or so. 60 calories of deliciousness :)
  • VELVET2688
    i love the Weight Watchers Fudge bars, I have a sweet tooth that is kicking my beind every day. Its a daily struggle for me. I too think quanity is key. small portions.
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    Fiber One brownies :) They're very good and only 90 calories!