Going Keto!



  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    cdlee05mfp wrote: »
    Here's a few keto resources I've liked that are also free:
    Diet Doctor (online for recipes)
    Ketogenic Diet Food & Recipes (on Facebook)
    Thomas DeLauer (on Facebook or online)
    Keto Talks w/Jimmy Moore (if you like podcasts)

    Some resources on CICO and what fad diets are:
    MFP forums...this is also free, lol.

    It's so hard to do keto and MFP forums because every time i read through them i end up having to bring my popcorn and it throws me out of ketosis.

    There are lots of people doing keto on MFP. They just understand that regardless of what way of eating you subscribe to, the very basic laws of energy and physics show that you have to eat less calories than you burn to lose weight. CICO isn't a diet, it's a shorthand for the equation for energy balance in the body.

    OP, keto can work very well for those who are satiated by fat and not satiated by carbs. I know several people who easily stick to their calorie goal eating keto or low carb. I actually don't find fat filling - I tend to overeat stuff like nuts, chicken thighs, cheese, etc that's pretty much how I gained weight - and feel much better eating a moderate carb/high fiber diet, so it wouldn't be a good fit for me.

    There is also a Low Carb group here where you can find more people who eat that way, it's usually one of the links on the right hand side on the forum home page.
  • dinadyna21
    dinadyna21 Posts: 403 Member
    edited January 2018
    I tried Keto at first, had some success but then my weight loss stalled. When I didn't see success I gave up and gained all the weight back because I honestly love carbs and I hated giving them up. Once I learned about CICO I understood why I gained, I was eating too much.
    Follow Keto if it's sustainable for you, by sustainable I mean that you can see yourself doing it for the rest of your life. Ultimately even when you do get to goal weight you're gonna be maintaining your goal weight. Which will be really hard to do if you don't like the way you eat.
  • Ohhhtayyyy
    Ohhhtayyyy Posts: 49 Member
    I’ve just started Keto to! Still trying to get used to it!
  • symatthews
    symatthews Posts: 4 Member
    I say try it. If keto is right for you it will come naturally. There is no one size fits all approach to lifestyle. I was vegan for years and felt great. However, my lifestyle changed and I was struggling majorly sustaining. Now I eat a high fat diet... similar to keto but less strict. I can’t do strict. I’m feeling pretty good. Healthfulpursuit.com has been very helpful. Plus, the Healthful Pursuit podcast. Good luck!!
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    edited January 2018
    ketofire51 wrote: »
    For more insight as to why low carb (keto) works, read :The Obesity Code" by Dr. Jason Fung. He proposes that weight loss is hormonal and not tied up in the science of thermodynamics (CICO -calories in/calories out).

    Certainly there are those so addicted to carbs that keto could never work for them, so I get why they may choose the CICO routine.

    For me, keto helped me beat T2 diabetes, reduce bodyfat, lower cholesterol and triglycerides, and along with Intermittent Fasting, is helping me lose weight without the resulting loose skin, as well as many other benefits touted by research.

    As said before, to each their own. Good luck!

    :huh: I'm not "addicted" to carbs. I feel much better when I eat a diet of @ 50-60% carbs. My bloodwork is excellent and I'm a healthy weight. Most traditional cultures have moderate carb diets. Check out the Blue Zones - unusually high rates of healthy centenarians and they eat moderate to high carb plant based diets. I don't understand why people need to believe there is "one true way" to eat and anyone who doesn't is either ignorant, addicted, or doesn't care.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    The main benefit for me when i did keto was that it reduced my appetite/cravings which made losing weight a hell of a lot less stressful and easier!
    I still counted every single calorie, but instead of struggling to eat less, i had to make an effort to eat enough. I only did it for 4mths, so have no idea if the appetite suppressing effects would have stayed with me.

    Also, try and get your fats in with whole foods, adding copious amounts of oils and butters (low volume-high calorie) etc can easily create a surplus and you'll be gaining instead of losing.
  • ketofire51
    ketofire51 Posts: 102 Member
    edited January 2018

    :huh: I'm not "addicted" to carbs. I feel much better when I eat a diet of @ 50-60% carbs. My bloodwork is excellent and I'm a healthy weight. Most traditional cultures have moderate carb diets. Check out the Blue Zones - unusually high rates of healthy centenarians and they eat moderate to high carb plant based diets. I don't understand why people need to believe there is "one true way" to eat and anyone who doesn't is either ignorant, addicted, or doesn't care. [/quote]

    Maybe addicted is too strong a word.....with that said, I do believe there is more than one way to accomplish a goal. Sorry if I offended you or any others.
  • russelljam08
    russelljam08 Posts: 167 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    cdlee05mfp wrote: »
    Here's a few keto resources I've liked that are also free:
    Diet Doctor (online for recipes)
    Ketogenic Diet Food & Recipes (on Facebook)
    Thomas DeLauer (on Facebook or online)
    Keto Talks w/Jimmy Moore (if you like podcasts)

    Some resources on CICO and what fad diets are:
    MFP forums...this is also free, lol.

    It's so hard to do keto and MFP forums because every time i read through them i end up having to bring my popcorn and it throws me out of ketosis.

    Oh, Jimmy Moore? Shining example of the effectiveness of keto:


    Feel free to link to some actual science from some of those sites which proves that you can lose weight in a ketogenic state while in a caloric surplus.

    Keto is not magic. It does not defy the laws of energy balance.

    That guy looks like the bouncer at Olive Garden
  • Tinkachu
    Tinkachu Posts: 25 Member
    For the people who think calories don't matter, at least in my case that's not true at all. I ate whole food keto for half a year, making sure to track every bite. My weight was definitely affected by how much I ate, even if all I ate was chicken, eggs and vegetables. The diet taught me that a calorie is literally a calorie. I also want to note that the diet was very limiting and people always told me that cravings would disappear after a few months, but they just got more intense. I went on the diet thinking it'd be the only way I could control my eating with junk food, and after the diet my binge eating got tremendously worse. I lost a lot of weight from the diet, but then gained it all back and got a new eating disorder for a while lol. It was fun.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    cdlee05mfp wrote: »
    Here's a few keto resources I've liked that are also free:
    Diet Doctor (online for recipes)
    Ketogenic Diet Food & Recipes (on Facebook)
    Thomas DeLauer (on Facebook or online)
    Keto Talks w/Jimmy Moore (if you like podcasts)

    Some resources on CICO and what fad diets are:
    MFP forums...this is also free, lol.

    It's so hard to do keto and MFP forums because every time i read through them i end up having to bring my popcorn and it throws me out of ketosis.

    Oh, Jimmy Moore? Shining example of the effectiveness of keto:


    Feel free to link to some actual science from some of those sites which proves that you can lose weight in a ketogenic state while in a caloric surplus.

    Keto is not magic. It does not defy the laws of energy balance.

    I think when it comes to Jimmy Moore... He is one who talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk :confused:
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    cdlee05mfp wrote: »
    Here's a few keto resources I've liked that are also free:
    Diet Doctor (online for recipes)
    Ketogenic Diet Food & Recipes (on Facebook)
    Thomas DeLauer (on Facebook or online)
    Keto Talks w/Jimmy Moore (if you like podcasts)

    Some resources on CICO and what fad diets are:
    MFP forums...this is also free, lol.

    It's so hard to do keto and MFP forums because every time i read through them i end up having to bring my popcorn and it throws me out of ketosis.

    Oh, Jimmy Moore? Shining example of the effectiveness of keto:


    Feel free to link to some actual science from some of those sites which proves that you can lose weight in a ketogenic state while in a caloric surplus.

    Keto is not magic. It does not defy the laws of energy balance.

    I think when it comes to Jimmy Moore... He is one who talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk :confused:

    He sure makes a lot of money peddling his woo, though. I'll give him that much.
  • rewalters1987
    rewalters1987 Posts: 1 Member
    Remember to "over consume" water during the first week. When I tried it last year, that was a major life saver from experiencing a severe Keto-Flu. Shoot for close to a gallon of water/day. There has been a lot of great feedback from the forum so far!
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Remember to "over consume" water during the first week. When I tried it last year, that was a major life saver from experiencing a severe Keto-Flu. Shoot for close to a gallon of water/day. There has been a lot of great feedback from the forum so far!

    The thing is that if you over consume water, you also need to "over consume" sodium, not doing this will guarantee keto flu.

  • ccruz985
    ccruz985 Posts: 646 Member
    You should search the threads and groups for keto info. It's a huge fad right now and so many people ask about it, I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for and more.