My life would be much easier if food didn't have calories.

Hi, I'm Beth & I've been a member for a few months, but I've just now worked up the courage to post!

I have been overweight since puberty & I have spent most of my adult life obese & eventually, morbidly obese. Life has been especially difficult the past couple years, & I'm tired of living like this.

I turned 27 in May, & as the 30 mark approaches, I have a big goal in mind: To be healthy by then. I have tried & failed SO many times before. I have been dieting on & off for 15 years, easily. I have been successful in the past, but it always ends the same - with me slipping up & it going down hill from there. I know it is possible for me; I just need to learn to never give up.

It is so inspiring to see all of the before/after pictures in the Success Stories section, but for me, it is especially inspiring to see those who have lost 150+ pounds - since I need to lose over 200 pounds...seems so scary typing that out, yikes. Seeing those pictures just makes me realize it is possible for me, if I don't throw in the towel so quickly.

I took my 1st set of full-length body pictures yesterday - a big deal for me. I hope I can have amazing pictures to follow, one day!

Thank you for reading, & please, feel free to add me - I need all the support I can get so I don't fall off the wagon, again!


  • evandmegsmom
    evandmegsmom Posts: 88 Member
    :happy: Welcome! Love the title of your post. You will find so much support and friendship here. You're going to love it, and...

  • judypiercey
    Hey Beth,
    You will do it!
    Just take it one day at a time.
  • PJFaber
    PJFaber Posts: 47
    Life would be so much easier if we didn't have to eat to survive. We can't just give up and not eat. That causes a whole lot of other problems. Keep hanging in there. One day at a time is best. I too have been overweight since puberty. I have lost and gained so many times it is a wonder that my body has any metabolism. What I learned from this site was that I was guilty of putting my body in starvation mode. I have learned to eat back my exercise calories to help my body function well. I have lost over 100 pounds since Jan 2008 and was on the road to putting back on some of it when a friend told me about this site. It has helped me immensely to gain control again and to eat healthy. Most importantly, one bad day doesn't mean I give up. It is a dance one step forward one step back but you have to remember to go forward again without beating yourself up over the days that are back. Good luck. Keep working at it.
  • charmainecurrie
    I have been here for two months and love it
    feel free to add me:)
    good luck
  • petrulak
    petrulak Posts: 56 Member
    HI Beth! You will be fine, just stay focused and make sure to log in everyday. I think that is what helps me to stay focus and watch everything I eat. I have it in my mind that it is like a game and it makes it easier for me.
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    Oh what a great start by signing up for MFP and then by posting. As a teacher I always tell my kids the stupid question is the one that you are to afraid to ask. If you don't ask you will never learn the answer and better yet you are probably helping out another friend by asking since they probably had the same question.
    Good luck on your journey. Just plug in your food daily. Exercise and log that in also. I am not far on my journey either but know that this is working for me so far.
  • mimmish
    mimmish Posts: 8 Member
    Hats off to you for your courage and determination!
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    Hi Beth!

    You can do this if you want to. If an person as stupid about food as I was can do this, so can you! Learn, focus, try to eat healthy and with some exercise, this will work for you too!
    Good luck!
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    You can do it! I'm so glad you haven't given on yourself - that's all you need to succeed!!

    I love your title - life would be so much easier if the most delicious foods had negative calories, too! ;) But I guess this way it gives us something so much more to be proud of when we're done! =)
  • vespaberrie
    vespaberrie Posts: 86 Member
    You've made the all important first step. Welcome, and feel free to add me. Encouragement and support are great motivators!
  • fivetwo84
    Life would be so much easier if we didn't have to eat to survive. We can't just give up and not eat. That causes a whole lot of other problems. Keep hanging in there. One day at a time is best. I too have been overweight since puberty. I have lost and gained so many times it is a wonder that my body has any metabolism. What I learned from this site was that I was guilty of putting my body in starvation mode. I have learned to eat back my exercise calories to help my body function well. I have lost over 100 pounds since Jan 2008 and was on the road to putting back on some of it when a friend told me about this site. It has helped me immensely to gain control again and to eat healthy. Most importantly, one bad day doesn't mean I give up. It is a dance one step forward one step back but you have to remember to go forward again without beating yourself up over the days that are back. Good luck. Keep working at it.

    Thank you for your words.
  • fivetwo84
    HI Beth! You will be fine, just stay focused and make sure to log in everyday. I think that is what helps me to stay focus and watch everything I eat. I have it in my mind that it is like a game and it makes it easier for me.

    I have been doing well the past few days - logging everything & eating within my calories, but I'm on vacation right now & I worry it won't continue to be so easy once I'm back to working every day, haha.