9 days in and 9lbs lost!!

I am so excited to report that I have already lost 9lbs!! I started on this journey on 7/23/11. I have been faithfully recording my food and calorie intake every day along with regular exercise. I have tried to "diet" or "watch what I eat" before, but it never worked for me. I love food too much. I didn't over-eat, but I ate the wrong kinds of foods and they continued to stick with me.

I am also one of those people that need a "project" to work on. Two years ago I was planning my wedding. During the past year, my husband and I were trying to conceive, ended up seeing a fertility specialist and doing two rounds of IVF without success. When the last one failed and we were out of insurance coverage to try another round, i decided that it was time to focus on me. I have been over-weight for years and it is time for me to do something for me.

So I have several friends who have seen a weight-loss doctor that prescribes the appetite-suppressant - Adipex. I would have been skeptical, but I have seen actual results on several friends and they have kept the weight off. So I thought that this might work for me. Since I have been using the pill, it completely takes away my appetite. I am not hungry. I need to remind myself to eat and make sure I eat enough calories to remain healthy.

I also have no cravings, no desire to eat foods that I shouldn't. I fix myself healthy, fresh foods like fresh veggies and fruit, small amounts of protein, and very low carbs. Oh and lots of water!!

And now, seeing that scale keep dipping, I am so encouraged!! At this rate, I will be at my goal weight by Christmas, maybe earlier!! I kidded around with my daughters that I might be able to wear their clothes soon and even be in a bikini next summer!! lol!! They said no way, not wearing their clothes, and not going to be seen with me in a bikini. lol!!

That's ok. I just want to be slim and healthy!! No more muffin-top! No more gut! No more sagging arm flab! New me, here I come!!


  • jaybee25
    jaybee25 Posts: 117
    Well done on the 9lbs thats awesome!!!
  • msmissyz
    Awesome!! I wish it was going as well for me. Keep it up!!
  • krysydawn
    krysydawn Posts: 231 Member
    Congratulations!! WOOOOO!!!! 9lbs is great!
  • dclove0912
    dclove0912 Posts: 13 Member
    If you do start to feel discouraged, look back at this success and remind yourself that you can do it! :)
  • pamleac
    pamleac Posts: 7 Member
    This is awesome! Proud of you. Keep up the good work.

    I am on the go all the time; most of my eating is standing up or in the car. Today I started noshing on apples, pears, and bananas. Drinking lemon water and iced tea instead of soda. Added whey protein and fat-free milk to keep hunger at bay.
    Baby steps. I am 252 lbs. coming out of the gate.

    One of the young nurses' aides where I work, told me about this site.
  • Jessica0415
    This is awesome! Proud of you. Keep up the good work.

    I am on the go all the time; most of my eating is standing up or in the car. Today I started noshing on apples, pears, and bananas. Drinking lemon water and iced tea instead of soda. Added whey protein and fat-free milk to keep hunger at bay.
    Baby steps. I am 252 lbs. coming out of the gate.

    One of the young nurses' aides where I work, told me about this site.

    That's great!! Getting away from that soda is hard!! Milk is a great snack, loaded with vitamin. I frequently have a glass at night with no sugar added applesauce. Takes the place of ice cream... lol! Keep up the good work!!
  • Jessica0415
    If you do start to feel discouraged, look back at this success and remind yourself that you can do it! :)

    That is great advice!! Hopefully I won't have to, but I know I won't continue to lose weight this fast all of the time.
  • Jessica0415
    Thanks for the encouragement everyone!!
  • UltraRunnerGale
    UltraRunnerGale Posts: 346 Member
    What happens when you go off the pill?? Wouldn't it be better to adopt a healthy lifestyle than take drugs?? I remember back in the 70's when they were prescribing amphetamines (speed). Worked great and you lost lots of weight while you were on it, but not so much when you were off it. I'm not trying to rain on your parade, losing 9 pounds is awesome, but hoping that your weight loss isn't totally dependent on the pills. Good luck on your journey!! :drinker:
  • UltraRunnerGale
    UltraRunnerGale Posts: 346 Member
    BTW,,,,, Some people have good luck with infertility when they lose weight!!!!! Good luck with that as well!! :bigsmile:
  • Jessica0415
    What happens when you go off the pill?? Wouldn't it be better to adopt a healthy lifestyle than take drugs?? I remember back in the 70's when they were prescribing amphetamines (speed). Worked great and you lost lots of weight while you were on it, but not so much when you were off it. I'm not trying to rain on your parade, losing 9 pounds is awesome, but hoping that your weight loss isn't totally dependent on the pills. Good luck on your journey!! :drinker:

    Yeah, I am aware of that... My goal is to adapt my eating habits with the help of the Adipex so that I continue to eat healthy, well-balanced, low-calorie and low-fat meals. They say that if you do something consitently for two weeks, it becomes habit. Your body wants to continue doing the same thing.

    I had been wary of gaining the weight back once off of the pill, but after seeing success with my friends and that they have not gained the weight back even after going off of the pill, I believe that I can do the same. Like I had said before, I never had a problem over-eating, I just ate the wrong kinds of foods. I believe that I am making a lifestyle change and the Adipex is just giving me a jumpstart and assistance with the change.
  • Jessica0415
    BTW,,,,, Some people have good luck with infertility when they lose weight!!!!! Good luck with that as well!! :bigsmile:

    I sure hope so! Our fertility issues lie with my husband though. I have three children from my first marriage and am a proven baby-maker. lol! But losing the weight might help too!! Especially if we decide to give IVF another try.

  • UltraRunnerGale
    UltraRunnerGale Posts: 346 Member
    What happens when you go off the pill?? Wouldn't it be better to adopt a healthy lifestyle than take drugs?? I remember back in the 70's when they were prescribing amphetamines (speed). Worked great and you lost lots of weight while you were on it, but not so much when you were off it. I'm not trying to rain on your parade, losing 9 pounds is awesome, but hoping that your weight loss isn't totally dependent on the pills. Good luck on your journey!! :drinker:

    Yeah, I am aware of that... My goal is to adapt my eating habits with the help of the Adipex so that I continue to eat healthy, well-balanced, low-calorie and low-fat meals. They say that if you do something consitently for two weeks, it becomes habit. Your body wants to continue doing the same thing.

    I had been wary of gaining the weight back once off of the pill, but after seeing success with my friends and that they have not gained the weight back even after going off of the pill, I believe that I can do the same. Like I had said before, I never had a problem over-eating, I just ate the wrong kinds of foods. I believe that I am making a lifestyle change and the Adipex is just giving me a jumpstart and assistance with the change.

    Well, that sounds great!! All I can say is that I never had a huge problem with weight. I just gained almost 20 pounds overnight when I went through menopause. I struggled to lose it but couldn't even though I was an endurance athlete. When I discovered this site, I was able to start losing it!! This site ROCKS and I KNOW it will help you too!! :love:
  • ieatstickers
    ieatstickers Posts: 51 Member
    Way to go!
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