Losing Weight With A Sweet Tooth



  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,020 Member
    I have a sweet tooth, and I handle it by making room in my day for something sweet. If I have a small treat with my meal it is easier for me to have a small portion. I agree with @kommodevaran . If you are craving a specific food, then whatever you try to substitute for it is not going to satisfy the craving. If you just want something sweet, then try adding more fruit. But for me the most important thing is not to tell myself I cannot have something. If I do that then that is all I want. If I fit things into my goal it is easier for me to decide not to have something that doesn't fit because I don't want to go over calories, and not because I "can't" have it. I've lost ~76 pounds and I have eaten something chocolate every day. You can lose weight and still indulge your sweet tooth. You just can't over indulge it.
  • Boxn_n_Bellydancn
    Boxn_n_Bellydancn Posts: 171 Member
    Ditto much of what has been said. I work my dark chocolate and other sweets into my daily calories. I have also found bananas to be effective in curbing my sweet cravings sometimes too.
  • BeaUtiful_1413
    BeaUtiful_1413 Posts: 200 Member
    Dark chocolate, bananas, oranges, I also drink slimfast(I get chocolate! Taste like chocolate milk with 1cup water or 1cup almond milk... soooo good) I also make glutton free cookies, peanut butter cookies. Greek yogurt with honey and granola. I'd look on Pinterest that's were I look for some healthy alternatives
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 1,049 Member
    Have you ever tried protein fluff? You can add fruit and stuff and make it quite sweet but very low cal. It's like a lighted whipped ice cream.
  • smartin114
    smartin114 Posts: 10 Member
    I like a half of an English muffin with a teaspoon of Nutella. Seems to do the trick and I have a serious sweet tooth.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    I've found some substitutes like protein pudding, protein cookies, protein pancakes, Halo Top or Enlightened ice cream, etc. There are also good recipes online. Taylor Crosby (I follow him on Instagram) has some terrific low calorie sweet treat recipes and low cal snack ideas. A lot of it is a matter of taste, but I've found some things that really work well for me and fit into my calorie plan. For special splurges, like the cake I bought my family for Christmas dinner (CarolinesCakes.com - the Bliss 7-Layer Cake, OMG), I just don't worry about it.
  • sofchak
    sofchak Posts: 862 Member
    whosshe wrote: »

    I haven't made it yet so I'm not saying it's good lol

    Just made it - cut the recipe in half and put in 4 individual ramekins instead of a whole pie pan. Only changes I made were:
    - Subbed unsweetened cashew milk for the coconut milk
    - Reduced the sweetener by 1/4th
    - Added in extra nutmeg, cinnamon, and ground cloves as the taste was a little bland with just the pumpkin pie spice
    - Baked for 35 min since it was ramekins

    Overall, not bad. Not amazing... but not bad. Will probably pick up some Halo Top vanilla or some whipped cream to complement the other 3 servings I have in the fridge now.

  • cathya4
    cathya4 Posts: 3 Member
    edited January 2018
    I’m new here, started this week (day four for me).
    I also have a sweet tooth; sugar is my drug and it’s hard for me to resist. I love some of these suggestions! What kind of dark chocolate would you recommend to melt for apple slices?
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    edited January 2018
    Sugar is not a drug.

    One of my favourite things are the Jarrah Hot Chocolate sachets. The Mint Choc one (my personal fave) is only 59cal, plus the Mint Choc one is flavoured enough that you don't need milk. Not only is it delicious and chocolatey, but I find the warm drink fills me up and makes me feel less hungry. In fact...I think I might have one right now!
  • displaced1
    displaced1 Posts: 73 Member
    murp4069 wrote: »
    One that I like recently is pitting a peach and roasting it in the oven (or microwaving it if I'm short on time) with a little bit of Truvia or Swerve on the top and eating it with a scoop of frozen fat free Cool Whip or some Reddi Whip, depending on which I have on hand. Low calorie and delicious. I'm also a fan of baked apples, which you can do plain or even bake with diet black cherry soda and serve with whipped cream or vanilla Halo Top.

    Chocolate Covered Katie also has a ton of dessert recipes with reasonable calories (and there are many other blogs like hers with "healthy" dessert recipes).

    I use her website a ton too. I either eat an intentional dessert daily (like truffles or chocolate, just one serving), or sometimes I can get by with a fruit dessert. I also roast or pan cook fruit, and eat with arctic zone or cool whip.
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    I have found that when I crave something sweet if I eat a dill pickle it stops the sweet craving. I know- it's crazy but it works for me
  • EimearTheDreamer4
    EimearTheDreamer4 Posts: 49 Member
    I feel you, @amyteacake - I have a terrible sweet tooth and I'm a fiend for Kitkats. What has worked for me so far is keeping what I love, but in smaller amounts. I'll usually have it at the end of a meal, so that I'm already sort of full. Apologies if it's been asked already, but what's your major weakness? Are Tunnock's teacakes too obvious a guess?
  • ChibiTrine
    ChibiTrine Posts: 18 Member
    I can't have sweets in the house. They won't be here for a day. :neutral:

    I bought a dehydrater, and I use it for making snacks out of fruit. I often cut apples into small pieces and put cinnamon on them, and dehydrate. They are often enough to satisfy any immidiate need.

    Then I do that hippie mindful eating thing :smiley:

    If I have wanted something for long enough, I get it for myself on the weekends.
  • flmnbently
    flmnbently Posts: 20 Member
    I'm all about chocolate. I use dark chocolate almond milk to mix my protein powder and that usually keeps me good. Sometimes I plan enough calories for a square or two of the dove dark chocolate squares for the end of my day. If I planned poorly then, as weird as it sounds, I second the dill pickles! Totally works for me too.
  • amyteacake
    amyteacake Posts: 768 Member
    I feel you, @amyteacake - I have a terrible sweet tooth and I'm a fiend for Kitkats. What has worked for me so far is keeping what I love, but in smaller amounts. I'll usually have it at the end of a meal, so that I'm already sort of full. Apologies if it's been asked already, but what's your major weakness? Are Tunnock's teacakes too obvious a guess?

    Oreos are my weakness and chocolate in general but that was a good guess haha
  • iam_brandilei
    iam_brandilei Posts: 18 Member
    Sweet Tooth here as well!!! I’m the one at the coffee shop ordering nonfat milk, Soy, and Nut milks w/ my lattes, but I want the REAL sugar syrups ( no fake sweetener). I love mixing the flavors. I ❤️ chocolate & many other sweet delights. Could use alternative help as well. I love fruit, too, so it shouldn’t be that hard for me to just substitute it w/ that, but if I see a freshly baked soft (take it out of the oven early) chocolate chip cookie, it’s over!
  • duddysdad
    duddysdad Posts: 403 Member
    edited January 2018
    Dollar Tree (if in USA) has crunchy rice roll, Fusia brand, which are I think 38 calories. They aren't overly sweet, but fills my need for crunchy and sweet.