FatBeGone2018 (Friends Welcome❣️)

FatBeGone2018 Posts: 8 Member
edited January 2018 in Introduce Yourself
My name explains it all. I am a 38 year old teacher living in Virginia, and I am ready for this fat to be gone:) Food and I have been the best of friends and lovers since elementary school. And now, I am ready to break up. When I started this journey in 2018, I promised to Live my BEST LIFE! Being fat, tired, and out of breath is definitely not helping me to accomplish that.

I am currently 252 pounds. It is not easy speaking my truth. However doing so helps to acknowledge seriousness of shedding it off. My ultimate weigh goal is 175 pounds. However, my short term goal is 220. I’m looking for amazing people to help join in this journey. Let’s support each other in living our best life together:)


  • You can do it girl! Definitely here to push and motivate you! On a journey of my own and it's definitely not easy!
  • FatBeGone2018
    FatBeGone2018 Posts: 8 Member
    edited January 2018
    Yup, we’ve got this:)
  • Debra_LMB
    Debra_LMB Posts: 42 Member
    I'll be your friend, I can be very supportive!
  • jeanniee7099
    jeanniee7099 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I am a 47 year old Middle school counselor and I weigh 295 lbs. I would love to join your group. I want to get down to 210. 85 lbs seems daunting. I think I will set a goal of losing 20 first and then 20 more, etc. Not sure what approach to take. What about you guys?
  • FatBeGone2018
    FatBeGone2018 Posts: 8 Member
    Short term, reasonable goals will be encouraging. I moved back to Virginia 2 years ago, and since then have gained 30 pounds. Doing nothing, is not an option. Let’s motivate each other and cheer on each other’s successes:)
  • ColinIsTheName
    ColinIsTheName Posts: 365 Member
    Hey there! I'm a 38 year old teacher too, and I would love to be of help to you. I'm very close to my goal after being overweight for most of my life. Add me if you would like, and then we can complain about kids these days!
  • Emeraldreign
    Emeraldreign Posts: 56 Member
    Hello, I got you if you got me. We can do this together. I gained 33 pounds last year. I'm so upset. I am getting under 200. I'm 264 today.

    It might take a minute. I went through some things last year but guess what. I WON.

  • FatBeGone2018
    FatBeGone2018 Posts: 8 Member
    And you will continue to win! U made the first step. And as long as you keep trying, you will continue to win. I’m in it with ya. Let’s do this!!!
  • FatBeGone2018
    FatBeGone2018 Posts: 8 Member
    @cwells. Don’t even get me started. Of course we can trade war stories.

  • kackaroo
    kackaroo Posts: 18 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me! I'm 29 next month and have 20-25lbs to loose. Getting married in October!! I will do this!! Let's motivate each other!
  • FatBeGone2018
    FatBeGone2018 Posts: 8 Member
  • You can do this. I'm 38 year old Mom. I am feeling the same way. Tired of being tired. I plan to get rid of all this weigh. I can't wait.
  • FatBeGone2018
    FatBeGone2018 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks Chicago. I’m enjoying the journey so far. I decided to give up meat in the new year as well, so that should help jumpstart this new lifestyle:)
  • AriyahIsrael
    AriyahIsrael Posts: 50 Member
    Awesome Sis, let’s make it happen :)! I’ll add you so we can encourage each other.
  • FatBeGone2018
    FatBeGone2018 Posts: 8 Member
    Okay! Let’s do this!!!!
  • KittyInBoots17
    KittyInBoots17 Posts: 213 Member
    Hey there! I just wanted you to know that this IS possible, and you really can do this! My starting weight was 267, and I am currently just under 200 after regaining from the holidays, lol! With the new year I am really want to get a refreshing start and I am ready to get back at it. I am always willing to add new, cool people!

    Let's do this!!!!!
  • martisss
    martisss Posts: 9 Member
    I am also new here and need some support. I am very excited about this and feeling blessed to have found this community
  • Ohhhtayyyy
    Ohhhtayyyy Posts: 49 Member
    You can do this feel free to add me!!!!