Beach vacation; help me

In two days I will be leaving home for a week vacation at the beach with friends. Does anyone have advice for staying on track with diet and exercise? Any advice is thoroughly appreciated.


  • pen2u
    pen2u Posts: 224 Member
    I'm jealous! I love the beach. Eat lots of salads with fresh seafood, take long walks on the beach, limit the margaritas, LOL.
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    Nothing better then running/walking on the beach!!! So exercise is sorted really easy there.

    Be careful with eating out, restaurants tend to add on the calories (yes even the so called "healthy foods" are normally more caloric then when you do them at home).
    Look for vegetarian options on the menus when eating out and try to keep track of your intake daily.

    But most of all, enjoy your holidays!
  • robyn525
    robyn525 Posts: 24 Member
    I will keep these ideas in mind when I go on holidays this month as well.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    hang out on the beach, dance a lot & have crazy, energetic sex and the calories will take care of themselves

    have fun!
  • fitacct
    fitacct Posts: 241 Member
    Most restaurants now have lighter meal choices and the beach is a great place to take advantage of grilled seafood (instead of fried) and cool, refreshing salads. If you will be keeping snacks in your room, opt for fresh fruits and veggies. Remember to drink LOTS of water, especially in this summer heat, especially when dining out.

    Here's a site with tips on walking in the sand (it burns lots of calories compared to walking on land...BONUS!):

    Most of all, enjoy your trip! Hope you have a fun and safe vacation. : )
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    ***tiny rant***
    Okay, maybe it's none of my business, but I looked at your height/weight on your profile. Your at the VERY low end of the healthy weight category. Be careful lots of health issues come with being underweight too. (I'm a bit concerned that you want to lose another 8 lbs. Personally, I'd like to see you with a 5lb buffer between the bottom of the healthy range. that would put you at 123, but I do realize everyone is different and BMI can really only be used as a guideline. I don't know you personally, but all my Auntly instincts are twitching.)

    Remember it's all about HEALTHY eating so that you can be strong enough to live a life you love and do what you love to do. Your body is vehicle that has to last your whole life... no trade ins.
    ***rant over***

    I'll bet that all you have to do is eat slowly and listen to your body and you'll be just fine.

    (I thought i'd indulged on my recent vaca, but when came back and I added everything up. I was under but just a bit every day! I was all... "this is my vacation I'm ALLOWED to enjoy... fill in the blank" my head. I was almost bound and determined to eat extra calories. But I realized that I was uncomfortable when I ate too much, that it didn't give me the satisfaction it used to and it eating more didn't help me enjoy vacation more. )

    Anyway, the point of a vacation is to relax and enjoy it. Don't deny, but don't overindulge either.
    At 18 years old with a BMI of 18.5 even if you put on a pound or two, my guess is once you get back to your regular eating habits it will go away.

    Life is to be lived... eat, dance, run, play, and love.

    (Auntiebabs tips: 1] remember your sunscreen and 2] a little baby powder can get sand out of uncomfortable places)

    Okay I'm done nagging now go have fun!
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    *always* have cold cut up watermelon on hand, and cold grapes too.
    Drink loads and loads of cold water.

    Honestly, on the beach I hardly have time to feel hunger. If you're going to a beach town type of place be sure to walk around town A LOT (where I live is a metropolitan beach and not foot-traffic friendly). Walk the shore looking for sea shells. Go in the water and enjoy the waves (pure cardio). Dig in the sand and build a castle (calisthenics). Just stay busy so you're not aware that you're hungry, because after the beach you'll be ravenous. That's why it's good to have the fruit on hand. It feels substantial at the time. Make sure you have a healthful but hearty dinner. Seafood was a great suggestion. Load up on veggies and even do a baked potato (toppings to the side).

    Where are you vacationing?