Do you ever let yourself off the hook for a day??

Tomorrow is my daughter's 13th birthday and there will be food food and more food! In your opinion do you think I should just enjoy the day and not try to count everything I eat, or should I really buckle down and try my best to plan ahead? On the menu; Pizza from costco, turkey wraps from costco, fruit platter, veggie platter, cupcakes, candy buffet, soda, wine, water, chips and California rolls I think. so what do you think peeps??


  • Maybe you should go for the fruit and veggie platters.
    The turkey wraps may not be too bad for you.
  • It is ok to let yourself have a relaxed day-in moderation. Don't pig out or go overboard. Stay away from the candy, limit yourself to one cupcake. Enjoy the day.

  • Sunjenk
    Sunjenk Posts: 139 Member
    Maybe instead of free for all add 1000 calories just for tomorrow? Thats what I would do, if I gave myself a complete day off I would eat wayyy more than 1000 and just go crazy with it...
  • I would enjoy the party and eat a little of everything but save most of ur calories for the party and try to get a good workout in so that u can earn more calories. I love cupcakes so i wud have to save calories for that. I have only been on the plan for 3 weeks and havnt missed a day logging yet, but like i said it's been only 3 weeks
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I try to let myself have a treat, but balance it with healthy options. :)
  • everyone needs to enjoy themselves every now and then but I would recommened to do it in smaller sizes! I had pizza the other day but I worked my butt off after to burn the calories I ate. Just don't go back to the old habbits! Good luck with whatever you decide:happy:
  • dddttt
    dddttt Posts: 39 Member
    I always say that one unhealtly meal won't ruin your healthy diet, just like one healthy meal wouldn't help if you were eating crap all the time. Also - you're trying to lose weight to feel better and happier - but what's the use if you can't celebrate once in a while and miss out on those kind of things?
    That being said, considering the amount of food available, I'd try to stick to healthier choices and then let yourself go on trying to keep track of the amounts, and if you're going to reach for that pizza - maybe you could share a slice with someone?
    Enjoy & all the best to your daughter!
  • domsim
    domsim Posts: 5
    I'd say enjoy yourself but don't overdo it. And if you can get some exercise in that'll allow you to indulge a little more. I've also read quite a few people who suggest 'cheat' days, so maybe this can be your cheat day, just make sure you're back on track tomorrow!
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    Personally, no, I have some health issues and any "cheating" on my diet results in Bad Things re: my blood sugar. So I have to go cold turkey, and never cheat. Which I actually think is easier than these people I watch agonizing over whether it's OK to cheat every once in a while or not... I just know, for me, it's not. End of story. I think, for a lot of people, having a cheat day just makes it harder to resist temptation the next time. But some people swear by them, so it may just depend on your personality.

    You do have an advantage in that you know the menu already. Planning ahead is key! Know the items on the menu that you will allow yourself to eat, and enjoy them fully. And hopefully that will fill you up & you won't even be tempted by the rest. Good luck!
  • av8rblond
    av8rblond Posts: 140
    I agree with all the opinions already posted. Give yourself a break for the day but don't dive face first off the bandwagon. Balance having fun with eating well. I bet you will make better choices simply because you are training yourself to do it already.
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    Just for a different perspective ...

    I usually give myself one day where I'm a lot more lax in the middle of the week (if I plan it right) to shock my metabolism. Though I totally agree with the poster who suggested that you control how many extra calories you take in. Make it work for you--not against you!

    Best of luck!
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    Only on special occasions. I've had about 5 such days in the last 6 months. I still log all the calories though...
  • deeniness1
    deeniness1 Posts: 3 Member
    If you do end up not worrying about calories and basically doing a "Free Day" I say still log everything and see how it affects everything. You get to indulge a day but you still get to see and learn of what you did and how it effects everything.

    I personally don't mind going in the red from time to time as long as, generally my week's goals are met. Though I never really go too crazy anyways I guess!
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    YES! There are certain things in life that are more important than watching you eat. One day out of many, that you decide to have an 'off' day is ok, as long as you have the willpower and motivation to come back on Sunday and buckle down. Moderation is key.

    It's called Life, and it happens, and we can't let it pass us by because we're on a diet, or a lifestyle change or whatever. Food is not the important thing tomorrow, it's about your daughter becoming a teenager! :)