A question for the LADIES!

This is a menstruation question.
I have been working out for about 2.5 months. And I have completely changed my life and diet. I went from eating out constantly and no exercise to eating at home and very healthy and working out everyday. I also have lost 15 pounds.
Since last month my periods have completely changed. I no longer bloat like I used to. I hardly have any cramping or bleeding.

So I am I the only one?? Is this normal??


  • mommyoftwins05
    mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
    For two months after I started exercising my period was light.. but then the 3rd period.. it was normal.. maybe its the body adjusting?
  • runslikeagirl
    runslikeagirl Posts: 140 Member
    My periods have been light and less days since I started working out every day. I used to get really bad PMS 2 weeks before and knew it was coming.NOW sometimes I go to the bathroom and get suprised.
  • runslikeagirl
    runslikeagirl Posts: 140 Member
    My periods have been light and less days since I started working out every day. I used to get really bad PMS 2 weeks before and knew it was coming.NOW sometimes I go to the bathroom and get suprised.

    That sounded like I meant a good surprise.. LOL
  • ama2414
    ama2414 Posts: 24
    Since I started my transformation, I've noticed that my periods have become a little more frequent. but lighter. I guess it's just our bodies changing.
  • kparks770
    kparks770 Posts: 113 Member
    Its normal.Some really athlethic people go without them sometimes.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    My periods have been light and less days since I started working out every day. I used to get really bad PMS 2 weeks before and knew it was coming.NOW sometimes I go to the bathroom and get suprised.

    That sounded like I meant a good surprise.. LOL

    well if you're worried you might be late it might be a good surprise!

    never really paid attention... I fell off the wagon though and my last one (before getting on the wagon) was heinously awful.. will have to pay attention now I'm back at it to see if its any better :)
  • mrskimberlyhampton
    I have read that some athletes don't even have periods. Sounds like a perk of exercising to me :)
  • little_wolfie
    My periods have been light and less days since I started working out every day. I used to get really bad PMS 2 weeks before and knew it was coming.NOW sometimes I go to the bathroom and get suprised.

    That sounded like I meant a good surprise.. LOL

    HA HA HA. I love you.
  • dancingdeer
    dancingdeer Posts: 373 Member
    I've been active my whole life (am 45 now) and have never had all the cramping and bloating and general PMS symptoms that a lot of folks have. I know it's due to keeping active. What a great "side effect" to have! :smile:
  • rvrstone
    rvrstone Posts: 5 Member
    I think a lot of the bloating and cramping can be affected greatly by the amount of sodium and water a person consumes. You likely increased your water intake, and while it seems counter productive, drinking more actually causes your body to keep less. If you are eating healthier you are likely controlling the sodium intake a lot more and this improves (lessens) your water retention as well. It is very similar to starvation, if the body thinks it will be deprived of water it will hold onto every ounce it can and thus you feel bloated. Lastly is exercise... I've noticed too that in months I was more active my cramps and period length were lessened. Isn't being healthy great!
  • OnMyWay2STay
    OnMyWay2STay Posts: 144 Member
    I think it is normal. I have been working out for about 8 weeks and have had only one period during that time. It was light at first, but lasted 10 days. I've heard that women who exercise a lot often have light, infrequent periods. This is great, unless you want to get pregnant. Or you want to not get pregnant. Or you have crazy, horrible cramps when you get your period.

    Anyway, your body will likely adjust in a few months.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    My period has been pretty normal since I started MFP. Then again, I am on the pill and that helps to regulate my period.
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    Perfectly normal to have a change like this! "time of the month" will for sure fluctuate with your lifestyle. It's even "normal" to miss a period or get 2 in one month if you do super intense training (this used to happen to me a couple times a year when I swam).
  • vulrich93
    Studies have shown that the more you exercise, the less cramping you'll have during periods.

    Less cramping.. lose weight.. it's the best of both worlds!
  • molee94
    molee94 Posts: 1
    yes its perfectly normal, your body is adjusting to the change just as you are. =)
  • heather7marie
    heather7marie Posts: 506 Member
    My period has been pretty regular since I started when I was 10. How lucky am I for starting two months after my 10th birthday? UGH! :grumble: Anyway, I've always gone really heavy and had killer cramps though. In middle school, I'd get sent home every month. I was taken out in a wheelchair once, because my cramps were so bad that I couldn't walk! Since I started really working out earlier this year, my periods have gotten a lot lighter and are generally only heavy for a day (two at the max). I actually cramp worse when I'm ovulating rather than actually on my period now too, which is kind of weird. My cramps are usually kind of bad one day still, but nothing like they used to be.
  • witstar
    witstar Posts: 25
    oh. please let it be true that exercising and eating right lessens flow and cramping. i have periods from HADES!
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Totally normal. It's not just exercise, few people realize how much diet can affect a woman's cycle. You say you are eating at home, and healthier foods, that right there can affect it. You'd be surprised - for some women the very things they crave (like sugar or salt) right before their cycle can actually make PMS or cramping worse. The cleaner you eat, the better.
  • hollybug26
    I am very happy to learn I am not the only one and that its is normal :) It is very exciting to know if I continue being healthy I will not have to worry about all that bloating and cramping, etc...
    Love that "side-effect" of working out :)
    Thanks everyone!
  • SuziScott
    same has happened with me Holly! Isn't it awesome?!