What was your most favorite toy?

scubacat Posts: 346 Member
I was a child of the 80's, so many fun toys back then but I mostly played with He-Man and She-Ra action figures


  • Talako
    Talako Posts: 79 Member
    Her name was Mary.
  • deadliftdavie1918
    deadliftdavie1918 Posts: 60 Member
    I loved She-Ra and Rainbow Brite - My Little Pony too!
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    She's in my ticker ;-)
  • tigersmoondiva
    tigersmoondiva Posts: 93 Member
    Roller Skates! (oooh did I mention I just got some new ones:)
  • vwfrog
    vwfrog Posts: 57 Member
    A pull-string talking Garfield. I actually just rescued him from a box in the garage today. Seems a bit unfair to leave him there, but where the heck am I gonna put him in my house now? Hmmm... in my office... he's 'vintage' haha. :)
    (I think I got him in like 1984 as a wee one)
  • mommyoftwins05
    mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
    popples, rainbow brite, Those bears that had a snowglobe as a nose (can't think of the name)
  • kparks770
    kparks770 Posts: 113 Member
    Well.I loved my ALF doll,My preemie Cabbage Patch Kid,and My gizmo.
    I still have my alf and my Cabbage patch kid-their in the attic.My gizmo was taken away by my younger brother who decided to take it to his pre k gf! Im still a little upset about that lol I was in Kindergarden.
  • scubacat
    scubacat Posts: 346 Member
    popples, rainbow brite, Those bears that had a snowglobe as a nose (can't think of the name)

    Nosy Bears? My friend had one with popcorn in the nose
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    Drowsy Wowsy & Dressy Bessy in the 60s
    Lite Brite & Barbie in the 70s
    stereo in the 80s
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    Popples and this cool captain power interactive vhs game with fighter plane.
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    Oh and Teddy Ruxbin
  • elsham
    elsham Posts: 549 Member
    Roller Skates! (oooh did I mention I just got some new ones:)

    those never get old. at least not for me (and apparently you too). =)

    chutes and ladders. I could play that game for hours and hours and hours and hours.

    Edit: Wait, I guess that's more of a game than a toy. I loved playing with Matroshkas, those Russian dolls that open up and have more, smaller dolls inside of them. I'd take them out then pile them in and out and in...

    I think I was a very boring child.

    DOUBLE EDIT: Just thought of another one: MY IMAGINATION! =)
  • ab_shutterbug
    ab_shutterbug Posts: 203 Member
    Probably Barbie. I had a pretty blond one and a mean, *****y brunette. I also had a smiling Ken doll whose arms fell off at the slightest touch. He didn't care, just kept smiling.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    omg...so many memories!! lol

    my faves: barbies and their 3 foot high dollhouse with elevator and pool, popples, cabbage patch kids, my little pony, and rainbow brite-which I dressed up as one year for Halloween (orange hair and all!) <<<tried doin it again last year, but I couldn't find a good one, so I picked Princess Peach instead!! LOL
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    My Breyer horses. And my bike, because I could pretend it was a horse. :laugh:
  • keb80
    keb80 Posts: 394
    I'd have to say my gazillion Barbies and my Snoopy Snow Cone Machine :smile:
  • haylz24
    haylz24 Posts: 225
    My winnie the pooh bear. A friend of my mums bought it from Disneyland when I was about 1. In every pic of me, pooh is there! Still have him minus the red t-shirt
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    LEGOS! :smooched: :love:
  • BIG_Lew
    BIG_Lew Posts: 513 Member
    GI Joe......they were the best
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Playdoh!!! We had shag carpet.. hee hee hee....