Anyone else have super weird food quirks....

Like me.. Food can't touch, it can't be any other color than it normally is ( ex: mashed potatoes mixed with gravy, etc.), if it smells weird .. i wont eat it, if it looks weird.... i wont eat it, if it has a weird texture to it (ex: grits, stringy bananas, etc.).. i wont eat it. I have to have my food placed in a certain place on the plate, and it CAN NEVER TOUCH!!!! i can't drink Milk, unless it is in a closed container, like a travel coffee mug, (because i dont like the smell)It doesn't even matter if i am the one who cooked it, or i knwo ecatly what is in it. it it falls under any of the categories and yes, there really are others..( but id rather not tell them all , or you will really think im crazy...... ) i simply cant and wont eat it..

I'm really hoping there is someone else out there like me so im not just a super weirdo....


  • scubacat
    scubacat Posts: 346 Member
    I can't say that I'm a vegetarian but I do have a problem eating meat. I cant eat any kind of meat with a bone, like ribs or chicken on the bone, its just reaffirms that it was once an animal.
  • pkarim
    pkarim Posts: 171
    I had a friend like that i just told her to think of all the people around the world that are starving to death because they have NO FOOD and reminded her every time we went to eat. She dropped those habits quick :)
  • risefromruin
    risefromruin Posts: 483 Member
    The whole milk in a closed cup thing...I can understand that, I really dislike the smell as well. I don't really drink it though. I can't think of anything crazy off the top of my head for myself but I'm sure there's something. When I was a teenager I would only eat the potato chips out of the back that were folded over on themselves. :)
  • methetree
    methetree Posts: 381
    You aren't a freak. I don't like tomatoes, not because of the flavor, but the consistency of the middle of a raw tomato. Just slimy... makes me gag.

    Food can't touch on my plate, but I sometimes eat bites together... if that makes sense. I usually eat one thing in entirety and then move on to the next....

    Ok, enough spillin my geekyness ... Just wanted to reassure you that there are freaks of all kinds on MFP. After all, it takes all kinds to make the world go round!
  • vellacraptor
    I have a few weird things like that too...I think? XD
    I eat everything plain, hate tomatoes ( except for sauce without chunks), and I can't drink milk unless it's mixed with something.

    I also wipe everything off before I eat with it and blow into glasses before I use them...though that's mostly because I had dishwasher soap in the bottom once and I drank without noticing until it was too late.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    I can't eat chicken unless it's practically burnt. If I start eating it and something doesn't seem right, I will stop eating it. I'm really weird about poultry, but I like my steak medium to medium-well. :P

    Oh, and if I get any kind of gristle, I'm done - no more eating. That's true for chicken, beef, whatever. Just grosses me out.

    I have other food related weirdnesses on one of the other weird food habit threads.. Too lazy to look it up and copy/paste.
  • GreenSkinnyJeans
    GreenSkinnyJeans Posts: 204 Member
    Food cant touch.
    No matter how small a piece of food is, if its on the fork, I HAVE to take two bites, I cannot just stick the whole thing in my mouth.
    Buns and muffins I smoosh in my hand to smaller compacted bits.
    I have very sensitive taste buds, but love to eat curry. By the time a finish a bowl of curry, I nearly have tears running down my face.
  • Stephie_W
    Stephie_W Posts: 27 Member
    Okay, I'll 'fess up to a few things: like someone else said, I can't eat meat that has bone-in, and while I mostly love chicken breast, some days I just can't stomach it! I think my sometime disgust for chicken breast is related to this one: the beef that I buy can't have a body part in the name, so I can't buy cuts related to the shoulder, or rump, etc... I know, it sounds wacky even to me. But as long as I can keep myself in denial with beef and chicken breast I love it, once I equate it to the animal from which it comes I can't eat it.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    i tear my food into pieces before eating it.

    not everything, but always sandwiches. I got in the habit of doing this when I had braces for five years! I just had to do that because with braces, you can't bite into a sandwich or you'll get bread stuck everywhere! LOL. but i've had my braces off for 6 years now...and i still tear my sandwiches in pieces haha
  • kparks770
    kparks770 Posts: 113 Member
    Well,before I purchase anything I have to check the date,it cant have dents,be smushed if its a box,have any holes no matter how small and if it smells weird,feels weird or looks weird I wont get it. Milk doesnt bother me.I dont really use it unless Im cookin with it or in my coffee and Im on silk right now and love it. I am in a try something new phase now,but fish is 99% of the time is something I dont like. I have to eat usually a meat 1-2 veggies,and I dont like things mixed up like if I have spaghetti I have to have peas,garlic bread, or salad, asparagus, and garlic cheese bread. Meatloaf has to have potatoes,greenbeans.Etc
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    My husband doesn't like his food to touch either. For me, if something on my plate is runny (like cooked veggies) I don't like the liquid to mix with my other food. And I can't bring myself to eat bruised fruit - I know lots of people who don't think twice about it but it always grosses me out!

    Oh yeah - I won't eat a PBJ sandwich unless I put potato chips on it! :laugh:
  • serhart
    serhart Posts: 27
    scubacat: i'm not big on anything that has bones in it either, but i can eat meat... But i totally feel you!!

    pkarim: Everyone i know has tried something to get me over it all, but nothing has worked, i have been like this since i was a small kid. I have even seen doctors and therapists about it.. :0( I wont waste food either. i just know if myself or a family member cooks, they kinda all know and respect my weirdness. If i am out to eat and food is touching, my fiancee will take my plate before i can see it and move the food away from each other. I really dont know what it is..

    risefrom ruin: Finally SOMEONE who understands the milk thing.. ahah ! that seems to be up there on the list of the hardest ones for people to figure out. As far as the chip thing.. my daughter is like that, and my son does like the ones that are folded on each other...

    methetree : thank you for not calling me a freak.. I have heard that SO many times. I can totally understand the tomato thing, i cant eat the insides either ( or the insides of bell peppers, cantaloupe, pumpkin.. just ugh.. ) i will usually finish one thing and move on UNLESS.. ( i get made fun of for this alot).. if it is 2 portions of something the same color, i cant eat them right after each other. like green beans and broccoli.. cant do it..

    I have spent the majority of my middle school to adult life being picked on and the butt of jokes about my quirks.. I'm fairly certain it is some form of OCD. But.. im no doctor!! But thanks for letting me know im not a total whack job!!!!!
  • Ajontheguitar
    Nope. I'm non-ocd, not picky, not a germaphobe, (our bodies were designed to fight little things off as it is) and don't have strange food necessities.

    Don't care much for white sauce though. Don't like ranch, sour cream, bleu cheese, etc
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    The only thing I can think of is I have to combine the food I eat. I can't eat it separately. For example, if I have chicken breast and broccoli and brown rice (very rare that I have rice, but for example's sake) on my plate, I can't eat them separately. I have to combine a small portion of all three foods on the fork in order to enjoy it. I do this with my breakfast too; this morning I had scrambled egg whites, turkey bacon and smothered potatoes. I could not eat them separately even if you paid me to.

    It also kind of annoys me when other people eat their food separately. Ridiculous huh? LOL I don't say anything, I just think it to myself so I keep my judgmental eating quirks to myself.:tongue:
  • jamielise2
    jamielise2 Posts: 432 Member
    Everyone has SOME food issues, and most food dislikes (they say like 75%) are a texture issue rather than a taste issue. So I suspect maybe you are just really sensitive to textures and smells. Have you had a full workup? Maybe there is a chemical or hormone off in your body somewhere?
  • jesienia
    jesienia Posts: 294
    I hate when my food touches! If something has a lot of liquid, I have been known to take napkins and soak up everything so it doesn't run all over my plate and mix with other foods. I get made fun of constantly for that!
  • OBXGal
    OBXGal Posts: 113 Member
    I didn't realize I had so many weird eating habits until I started reading what you guys posted. So here are mine - I don't like my food to touch..thanksgiving is a nightmare with all the different foods! I don't like crunchy stuff in my ice sprinkles, peanut butter cups, chocolate chips. I can not eat the stringy parts of a banana. I'm weird about fat on chicken, beef, etc...hate it. I can only eat mushrooms cooked. I can only eat sushi if the rice is on the outside..the wrapper freask me out. Also, I don't drink milk..ever. Not with desserts, PB&Js, nothing. However, I will eat it with cereal and put it in my coffee.

    I have a friend is a thousand times worse than I ever thought about being..she has a 'discard' pile on her plate after every meal :smile:
  • serhart
    serhart Posts: 27
    ajon.... i cant do blue cheese because of the texture.. im sorry ,.. anything that is meant to be poured over a food should not be lumpy.... and btw , for the most part my kids are very non judgmental eaters.. if its on the palte they will eat it, mixed in everything or not.. the Fiancee is the same way..

    I am the exact same way at the store.. once something is opened at home, it ha to be put in a resealable container.. i can NOT handle rolled up and clamped cereal bags inside the box...

    At least it is really nice to know im not a weirdo..!!!
  • lsd007
    lsd007 Posts: 435
    Nope. I'm not weird at all. :D
  • serhart
    serhart Posts: 27
    I have had a full work up.. and while i do have some medical issues, the cause of my food weirdness has never been explained other than a possible OCD.i have a list that can go on forever. Some very very silly and some that are very serious for me. I count myself very lucky though that my family is very understanding and supportive with it. I dont think any one of you is weird.. I think its awesome that some people are lucky enough to not be so weird about food, and its just as awesome that some of us are. there are times i wish i wouldnt get stared at while eating out because i wont eat something a certain way or because i ( like your friend) have a discard plate.