Question to 50 year old plus girls



  • musicfan68
    musicfan68 Posts: 1,136 Member
    edited January 2018
    DebyDear wrote: »
    Hi - I am 61. Exercise is certainly important. BTW, I learned that exercising in the morning, say 5:30am to 6:30am is optimal for weight loss. It will give you a slow rise in energy throughout the day when you need it, then steadily decline towards bedtime, when you need to sleep. Here is a link that better explains these findings: WebMD

    Also, whatever time of day suits you best, it is better to eat some high-protein food before exercise, to prevent muscle loss. Hope this helps.

    Neither of these points you've made apply to me. I work out in the afternoons and it works great for me. I've lost weight just fine doing it this way. Early might work for you for different reasons, but to just say that working out between x time and x time is best is not true. As to the eating high protein food before exercise - that isn't true either. You won't lose muscle just because you didn't eat something high protein before you work out. I usually don't eat anything before working out, otherwise my stomach bothers me, and I have not had any muscle loss at all.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,633 Member
    That article was from 2010. Just sayin... :)

    Also, I exercise in the morning and at night and sleep just fine.

    But, definitely, whatever works for each person.
  • Catawampous
    Catawampous Posts: 447 Member
    What started me going was the realization that for years I blamed everything from getting older to the anxiety meds I was on to the sky being blue for my weight problems. I was a fit kid and young adult. I got fat because I got lazy. I stopped moving and playing soccer and became a food eating couch sitting Mt Dew junkie. The end ...

    After a health scare and high blood pressure with sleep apnea I decided i wasn't going out like that. I am 55 and started just before I turned 54. Nothing wrong with my metabolism. What was wrong was my uncontrolled eating and lazy attitude on top of all my excuses. Once I fixed all those things everything else fell into place.

    Count your calories and start moving. Even if it is just counting steps every day to start. Just move! You can do it. Don't let your age stop you.

    *YMMV as always. I am not a doctor. This has just been my experience and of course I am NOT saying there aren't certain health issues that may cause weight loss problems. Those were not mentioned in the post and if you do have such things I would hope you are working with a Dr. to get those handled.*
  • Live_life_well
    Live_life_well Posts: 86 Member
    I have been working out at 5am for the past 6 weeks or so and I have found that it works for me:

    1. I used to often have to work late and could never "clock out" at a specific hour which made a night gym routine difficult.
    2. Life gets in the way. Something would often come up in the evenings which would impact my ability to go to the gym - whether family or work related.
    3. If I worked late I would be hungry by the time I got to the gym which made it difficult to workout.

    Going at 5am has made a huge difference in my life. I never miss a gym workout unless I am travelling for work and flying out early, I feel much more energized during morning meetings, and I sleep sooo much better.

    We are all different and I recommend folks to try it if the evening routine has been difficult for you.
  • Munchberry
    Munchberry Posts: 172 Member
    You might find this article helpful:

    I just accept that it is slow and try to make up for it with exercise.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    Pick up heavy things and put them back down multiple times, several times a week.
  • wsusan162
    wsusan162 Posts: 58 Member
    I get up at 4:30 to go to work. Am I supposed to get up at 3am to get a morning workout in? No.... I'll keep my workout schedule in the afternoons.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited January 2018
    DebyDear wrote: »
    amyepdx wrote: »
    DebyDear wrote: »
    DebyDear wrote: »
    Hi - I am 61. Exercise is certainly important. BTW, I learned that exercising in the morning, say 5:30am to 6:30am is optimal for weight loss. It will give you a slow rise in energy throughout the day when you need it, then steadily decline towards bedtime, when you need to sleep. Here is a link that better explains these findings: WebMD

    Also, whatever time of day suits you best, it is better to eat some high-protein food before exercise, to prevent muscle loss. Hope this helps.

    So if I don't do my workout until 9:30am and often exercise in the evening, I'm not optimizing my weight loss? Please provide evidence for this claim.

    This was explained to me years ago by an orthopedic doctor, but if you read the link I sent above, WebMD, it better explains than I can. Exercising is important no matter how you approach it, as is the way you eat before working out. If you exercise early, energy flow improves throughout the day, as does weight loss and sleep. Just contributing what has helped me, but the choice of when and how is ultimately yours.

    The very first sentence in that article is incorrect- exercise is not required to lose weight. As far as timing, all it says is that exercising in the morning may help some people be more consistent. In my case, it would do the opposite- I’d last one day.
    I’ve lost over 90 lbs working out at 6pm weekdays and mid-day weekends.

    Advising people to do things that may be difficult for them only discourages them from trying the basic premise of calorie counting to lose weight.

    I am glad you lost all that weight (while exercising). As I said, it is entirely up to each individual AND I only offered what has worked for me. It was especially important when I had to work full-time and had small children. Trying to get in exercise around your work schedule and family is what can be difficult. I wasn't advising anyone to do something they could not; again, the choice is theirs. You say exercise is not required to lose weight, yet you did it. Tell it to the people working hard to lose weight, better yet start a new thread!

    Are you really 61? You are gorgeous.

    I know you were just sharing your experiences and what you found on what is supposed to be a reliable source. I get it. Personally I work out at night. I would never have time to get up in the morning, work out, shower, dry my hair, get my kids ready to be on their buses, have everybody drilled one last time for any tests that day and get myself in the car to be off to school. For me that must all be completed by 6:50 in the morning. I'd need to be up at I guess about 5-ish. It is not for me. But I know my sister used to get up at 5:30, work out and start her day and it worked out beautifully for her.

    I believe the exercise routine that works is the one you can stick to. If you're not doing it, it can't work. ;)
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    70 years old here. Your metabolism is going all the time.