mid-20's female, goal loss of 20 lbs...looking for fitness buddies out there

Hey everyone! Just wondering if anyone out there who is just starting their weight loss wants a fitness buddy - anyone to keep each other accountable with our fitness and diet? I am just starting this process today and have a rough idea of what I want to be eating/what I want to do physically doing...but it is always great to bounce ideas off of friends. Let me know if you want to connect :)


  • fallingaroundagain
    Hey! Right there with you. I just joined a gym and I'm actually motivated (for the time being). I don't have a set nutrition plan but more of a general -stay away from unhealthy food- mentality. I'm definitely in need of a few pals to keep me accountable!
  • yamireikon
    yamireikon Posts: 10 Member
    i'm wanting to lose around the 20lb mark also.
    Distance aside, it'll definitely be worthwhile to swap ideas/ motivation/ share tips and keep the ball rolling :)

    I'll add ya!
  • erikaelise97
    erikaelise97 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey! I'm also in my 20s and looking to lose approximately 20lbs, feel free to add me if you're looking for more friends! I'm still new, but feeling a lot more confident about this with MFP on my side. :smile:
  • Slasher09
    Slasher09 Posts: 316 Member
    I'm in my 20s (for another 9 months or so lol), looking to lose approx 20lbs. Feel free to add me! My motto is moderation. I stick to my calories and I try to stay active every day. If I feel like I need carbs, I eat em. If I want a glass of wine? I have it. I just make sure that it's balanced
  • LozzaaxG
    LozzaaxG Posts: 12 Member
    21lbs is my goal too, im a bridesmaid twice in september (one is abroad) with dress fittings in may!
    Only been doing this a few days now (have previously been on mfp) and i feel better within myself already! Have added you :)
  • andreaelisa77
    andreaelisa77 Posts: 2 Member
    I just started 5 days ago... I'm not in my 20s but I would like to feel as if I were -at least health wise. I would be happy to be a motivational buddy and am in need of one myself as well :)