What does eating healthy look like?



  • Fitnessmom82
    Fitnessmom82 Posts: 376 Member
    My version of eating healthy is low carb, lots and lots of veggies, baked or grilled chicken, not a ton of red meat. I avoid processed food as much as possible and only indulge in sweets occasionally. I don't feel restricted eating this way, and it doesn't cost a lot. If I'm making something super heavy for the family then I'll take out a portion of whatever the meat is and have that with veggies. Or if it's not possible I'll eat a big bowl of quinoa with veggies. I call it my version of healthy because everything is really individual. This way of eating does not work for my husband. He likes his carbs and feels drained when he eats like I do.
    Just try to make sensible choices when shopping and watch your portion sizes!
  • wefts
    wefts Posts: 183 Member
    what is healthy eating ? depends on your goals . for me I wanted to loose weight, lower my blood pressure , keep my blood sugar in check and get more fit increase . So I am setting my goals on higher fiber and minerals , and foods that are low calorie and high nutrient and allow for occasional splurges . my husband does not want to go along on this journey . so our meals share similar elements, but I add more salads and veggies , I mix in lentils, chick peas black beans, and kale to my brown rice He does not . I eat smaller portions of the starch and meat .and big servings of the vegetables with little or no butter, he has things like pretzels and peanut butter, chips or hot dogs for snacks, I have humus on romaine , dried fruit , roasted pumpkin seeds, dates , figs , dark chocolate, cheese with a few whole grain crackers or a low cal high fiber bread. my best help to stay on track has been a morning fiber and fruit or veggie smoothie and fiber rich veggies and home made low cal soups for when you just need a warm snack but want a healthy one. I also try not to have my trigger foods around too much home made stuffing or mashed potatoes cause me to over eat so I avoid them or make just enough for that meal 2 servings for hubby and one for me . you have to look at what will make it fit your goals .
  • rikkejohnsenrij
    rikkejohnsenrij Posts: 510 Member
    Another of the healthy switches I made was to exchange almost all sugary drinks with mineral water / mineral water with lemon...now I only drink calories when I drink alcohol or hot cocoa....it took about a month, then we as a family went from 4-6 liters of coca cola etc each week to 1-1½
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    "Eating healthy" to me looks like eating a varied, balanced diet which contains all the necessary micro- and macronutrients, with all things (including treats) in the appropriate dosages and proper context within the diet.

    It also looks like not arbitrarily excluding foods or entire food groups from my diet based upon woo, fearmongering or pseudoscience. It also looks like not taking unnecessary/useless "supplements" based upon advertising hype, fraud and lies.
  • carolinapassos
    carolinapassos Posts: 2 Member
    Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes and small amounts of nuts and seeds. Low sodium, low added sugar, low saturated fats.
  • kimsliselle
    kimsliselle Posts: 19 Member
    I really like this one! Thank you!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Well, for the week, I've been watching WHAT I eat and HOW MUCH of it I put on my plate. According to the log, I've gone over my caloric intake about half the time, but in real life, I've been careful for the most part to eat LESS than my usual amount. Tonight at Olive Garden for example, I ate half the appetizer and a small portion of salad, half a breadstick and half my dinner. Normally, I would eat double that and still want dessert. :) Granted between OG and Waffle House breakfast, I am not eating dinner tonight, but right now, I'm full and happy about the choices I've made this week.

    That's a great start! Small sustainable changes, especially when you don't drastically overhaul your diet cutting out all the foods you love or trying to never eat at a restaurant again- are likely to yield good results that you can stick with. Congrats!
  • kimsliselle
    kimsliselle Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you so much for your encouragement!!
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    I want to not just count calories, I also want to make calories count. I actually eat a whole lot less prepackaged food or fast food in favor of more homecooked meals, not just to eat healthier, but because I find I can often make a tastier and more filling alternative for the same calorie count.
  • kimsliselle
    kimsliselle Posts: 19 Member
    Agreed @rankinsect !
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Tonight it looked like peanut butter toast as a late evening snack. Because I had already hit my protein macro, was within my calorie goal and had some discretionary calories to spare.
  • kimsliselle
    kimsliselle Posts: 19 Member
    Discovering that eating within the caloric goal isn't that hard, and you tend to make better choices when you realize that many things are simply "empty" calories with ZERO benefit. That Captain D's was great today, but it's a super simple salad for dinner because of it.