
Anyone doing Keto? Have you been losing weight and then suddenly out on a few pounds? If so, why does that happen? I e been doing it strictly and I gained two pounds.

Any suggestions?


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    (Water) weight fluctuates, sometimes more in a day than the amount of weight (fat) you can lose in a week. If you're in a calorie deficit, you lose weight.
  • SparkyJess3
    SparkyJess3 Posts: 625 Member
    Hi, I started Keto on January 3rd and so far I'm down 8 pounds, but I'm sure a lot is water weight. I'm hoping I don't stall anytime soon. I still watch my calorie intake as well to make sure I'm at a calorie deficit. Have you been tracking calories or just macros?
  • murp4069
    murp4069 Posts: 494 Member
    How long have you been at it? And how much do you have to lose? Daily weight fluctuations are very normal and weight loss isn't linear. Sometimes people go weeks without a loss (or even a gain) and then *whoosh* it flies off. This happens to me frequently, and even more frequently since I've gotten to a point that I am very close to goal and have little to lose.
  • Jrp0722
    Jrp0722 Posts: 4 Member
    Ive been doing it for almost a week. I want to lose 25 pounds. I know I need to be patient but it can be discouraging
  • Jrp0722
    Jrp0722 Posts: 4 Member
    Sparkyjess- I started on January 3rd too and I lost 8 pounds too! I have been following Fit2Fat2Fit 60 day program pretty strictly. I have been tracking my macros (5% carbs, 30% protein and 65% fat) on this app. I have also been tracking my calories but according to the app I have been over Caroline’s. Maybe I need to cut back in how much I have been eating but I already feel hungry, often.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    1 weeks is waaaaay too short a time to have any concerns. With all forms of weight loss patience is required. Did you gain a bunch of weight in 1 week? If not, they why would you lose it.
    FTR , keto has no proven metabolic advantage over other forms of diets. And most of the initial loss is water not fat. The water weight all come back when you stop keto. Better to focus on calorie restriction and fat loss.
  • me0231
    me0231 Posts: 218 Member
    So wait, you've lost 8 lbs in less than a week and now you're worried because you're up 2 pounds? All in less than a week? If so you need to seriously adjust your expectations. With only 25 pounds to lose, 1 pound a week overall would be amazing progress. Weight loss is not linear, some days you lose, some you gain. Use a trend app and don't sweat the small stuff. And more importantly accept that you're in it for the long haul. You didn't put on 25 pounds in a few weeks and it won't be gone in a couple of weeks either
  • marywaters24
    marywaters24 Posts: 2 Member
    Will take a few weeks before you become fat adapted. At first it will be eater weight that comes off. Count your calories and make sure you are eating less then you burn. I have lost 10lbs in little over a month of keto and my weight only changed a bit the first few weeks. I also switched up what I was doing. I follow ketogains method now. Low carb, moderate fat, and high protein. I restrict calories and also fast 16hrs a day. It's a lot at first to learn but keep reading. Once you are doing it right you will lose weight. Check out ketogains on Facebook.
  • Jrp0722
    Jrp0722 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you, all, for your feedback. Just getting adjusted and I know I need to be patient. Just trying to figure out works for me and what others have experienced.