What gives?? I'm so HUNGRY!

I've got the whole day's worth of food planned. 1,240 Calories, 68g Carb, 50g Fat, 119g Protein. For reference, I have a desk job. At 8AM, I had 2 muffin tin sized egg quiches - 158 calories, 14g of protein. I was feeling hungry at 10:30 so I broke out my snack - 3 slices of honey ham and a colby jack cheese stick - 133 calories and 13g of protein. It is now 11:30 and I am HUNGRY. AGAIN. And no, I'm not preggers haha!

I'm determined to try low carbing and see if my body responds more favorably to that than the usual 40/30/30 I have tried...seeing if it'll rev up my metabolism (if that's even possible)...is that what's going on here?? Or am I just not satiated by protein??! This is probably my third day of really trying to stick with this and get back on track after a 5 month hiatus, but I haven't been HUNGRY like this in the morning like I am today. Obviously nobody has a definite answer but I figured I'd see if someone could shed some light as to why I'm so dang hungry lol


  • m1088mark
    m1088mark Posts: 1 Member
    I cant say why you are hungry but to be honest is it really a bad thing? I am hungry at times as well. Sometimes more than I should be. What I have been struggling mentally with is whether or not it is OKAY to be hungry. I believe the answer is yes. Always having to not be hungry is what got me to 291 pounds in the first place. If I can beat the idea that I should never be hungry then I will be okay. Keep in mind that you should be showing up to meals hungry. Not just eating because you have to.

    Best of luck
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    My vote would be 1240 is too low. Hard to say without knowing your stats, how much you have left to lose and how much a week you're trying to lose (my guess is maybe that's set a little too high).
  • COGypsy
    COGypsy Posts: 1,223 Member
    If it's just today that you've been this hungry, it may not be anything at all. It's not unusual for me to have probably a couple of days every month or so where I'm just hungry. No identifiable reason--I'm not especially stressed, bored, dehydrated, or tired. It's not my cycle or my workouts or underfed the day before. I'm just hungry. And it's usually a cavernous HUNGRY, not just an "almost time to eat" hungry. I can usually tell the difference because EVERYTHING in the food drawer in my desk looks delicious :D I'll usually just decide to bump up to maintenance for the day and eat a little more. Heck, I've even left work to go get more food on days like that! If maintenance (or a food run) aren't feasible, I tend to drink a LOT of hot liquids - tea, coffee, broth--that kind of stuff.

    My suggestion is to use the notes section in your food diary to track things like this and see if it becomes a pattern or if you're just having a Hungry Day. If it's a pattern, you might adjust macros or your weight loss goal per week. Otherwise, I'd say just realize that this too, shall pass.
  • akb8a
    akb8a Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2018
    One thing I will say is that when I've cleaned up my eating the first several days I am hungry. maybe give it a few days, but 1240 seems very low. Did you use any kind of calculator to determine caloric intake? Don't sell yourself short in the long run by reducing calories too much.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I've got the whole day's worth of food planned. 1,240 Calories, 68g Carb, 50g Fat, 119g Protein. For reference, I have a desk job. At 8AM, I had 2 muffin tin sized egg quiches - 158 calories, 14g of protein. I was feeling hungry at 10:30 so I broke out my snack - 3 slices of honey ham and a colby jack cheese stick - 133 calories and 13g of protein. It is now 11:30 and I am HUNGRY. AGAIN. And no, I'm not preggers haha!

    I'm determined to try low carbing and see if my body responds more favorably to that than the usual 40/30/30 I have tried...seeing if it'll rev up my metabolism (if that's even possible)...is that what's going on here?? Or am I just not satiated by protein??! This is probably my third day of really trying to stick with this and get back on track after a 5 month hiatus, but I haven't been HUNGRY like this in the morning like I am today. Obviously nobody has a definite answer but I figured I'd see if someone could shed some light as to why I'm so dang hungry lol

    low carb doesnt rev up metabolism. exercise boosts metabolism. putting on muscle can burn more fat but its not a lot and its very hard to gain muscle in a deficit.if you are hungry and pretty active then your calorie goal may be too low. you may not be satiated by protein. some are some arent. some are satiated by fat some arent. so try upping fat a bit and calories and see what happens. keep the protein the same. Im on a low fat diet due to health reasons and my fat is around what yours but I usually eat less. carbs for me are more satiating.I dont know what your job is or how active you are outside of your job but if you are pretty active then you need more calories.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    Yep, seems like the more I work out the more I just want to eat. I've found coffee works great for keeping my appetite in check at work. Not sure what it is, but as long as I sip on coffee all morning I rarely get hungry.
  • southrnchic479
    southrnchic479 Posts: 136 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Uncle TOM on his way to town?

    Lol no Uncle TOM is on his way out :D
    aeloine wrote: »
    Is 1,240 too low? Sounds like it might be.
    I don't think so. I haven't started a workout regimen just yet. I am SEVERELY inactive/sedentary. I've lost the weight before on 1200, and though I haven't stepped on the scale, I know I'm on my "higher end" just by the way clothes are fitting :D so I think 1200 is safe enough for me until I start expending more energy (in which case I will eat more). 1200 is rather manageable to me, usually.

    Maybe what I'm really asking is, why after eating breakfast (which I normally don't eat - perhaps I should have mentioned that in the first place?) am I so hungry?
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    I've got the whole day's worth of food planned. 1,240 Calories, 68g Carb, 50g Fat, 119g Protein. For reference, I have a desk job. At 8AM, I had 2 muffin tin sized egg quiches - 158 calories, 14g of protein. I was feeling hungry at 10:30 so I broke out my snack - 3 slices of honey ham and a colby jack cheese stick - 133 calories and 13g of protein. It is now 11:30 and I am HUNGRY. AGAIN. And no, I'm not preggers haha!

    I'm determined to try low carbing and see if my body responds more favorably to that than the usual 40/30/30 I have tried...seeing if it'll rev up my metabolism (if that's even possible)...is that what's going on here?? Or am I just not satiated by protein??! This is probably my third day of really trying to stick with this and get back on track after a 5 month hiatus, but I haven't been HUNGRY like this in the morning like I am today. Obviously nobody has a definite answer but I figured I'd see if someone could shed some light as to why I'm so dang hungry lol

    Based on your profile, I would guess you don't have much weight to lose. You should set your weekly goal to no more than 1 lb per week, and for some women who are already in the healthy weight range, it works best to set it to lose 0.5 lb per week. You just aren't carrying enough size to comfortably lose more quickly.

    You MFP goal does not include exercise. You should be logging your exercise and eating back at least dome of those calories.

    If it is your TOM, many of us get really hungry for a couple of days around that. Me personally, I eat maintenance calories 2 or 3 days a month because of that.

    It's possible a different macro balance will help you feel less hungry, but don't do that without determining if you are eating enough calories first. Underfueling your body is not healthy.

    The type of food you eat doesn't really affect your metabolism. And honestly, if something "revved up" your metabolism it would make you more hungry, because a higher metabolism means you need more food. The only thing that has a likely affect on metabolism is exercise.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    You have to play around with calories. Maybe look at having a larger amount for breakfast. I aim for 3-400 for main meals and then use the rest for snacks. I am 5ft 6" Start weight 214 and losing on 1300 -1400

    I lost 32 pounds using this site a couple of years ago eating high protien lower carb (love my carbs so can't ditch them altogether) Put a lot back on due to ill health but getting back on track now.

    If you are on 1200 now you don't have any wiggle room Check your weekly goal and maybe look at losing a bit less over a longer term to ensure you have enough calories to eat a bit more when you are hungry.

    Losing weight shouldn't be torture. :)
  • Mike1804
    Mike1804 Posts: 114 Member
    My secret weapon for hunger: Fats ... 0.5-1oz of almonds or cashews, couple cheese slices, a big glass of water... maybe even an extra protein shake (Dymatize Elite with 8oz water). Then I occupy my mind with something else so I can forget about it. If I'm really starving, I will increase my calories slightly for the day - you might be too low in relation to your activity.
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    I am 5'4. 157 lbs and my goal is 1210 as I have a desk job.
    I have almost reached my full day by lunch time LOL
    Good thing I go to the gym later, which will make me even hungrier lol
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Uncle TOM on his way to town?

    Lol no Uncle TOM is on his way out :D
    aeloine wrote: »
    Is 1,240 too low? Sounds like it might be.
    I don't think so. I haven't started a workout regimen just yet. I am SEVERELY inactive/sedentary. I've lost the weight before on 1200, and though I haven't stepped on the scale, I know I'm on my "higher end" just by the way clothes are fitting :D so I think 1200 is safe enough for me until I start expending more energy (in which case I will eat more). 1200 is rather manageable to me, usually.

    Maybe what I'm really asking is, why after eating breakfast (which I normally don't eat - perhaps I should have mentioned that in the first place?) am I so hungry?

    even if you arent working out yet do you have a active job? when you set your mfp to lose weight the activity its asking for is your work/daily activities and not exercise. so if you are active at work/home thats what its taking into acct not your exercise.
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Uncle TOM on his way to town?

    Lol no Uncle TOM is on his way out :D
    aeloine wrote: »
    Is 1,240 too low? Sounds like it might be.
    I don't think so. I haven't started a workout regimen just yet. I am SEVERELY inactive/sedentary. I've lost the weight before on 1200, and though I haven't stepped on the scale, I know I'm on my "higher end" just by the way clothes are fitting :D so I think 1200 is safe enough for me until I start expending more energy (in which case I will eat more). 1200 is rather manageable to me, usually.

    Maybe what I'm really asking is, why after eating breakfast (which I normally don't eat - perhaps I should have mentioned that in the first place?) am I so hungry?

    A lot of us could probably lose on 1200, that doesn't mean it's necessary (again no way for anyone to say without knowing stats). But if you still want to stick to the 1240, it may be a matter of finding which element helps to satiate you the most (carbs, protein or fats) and do your best to make that a focus of all your meals. Also sometimes thirst can feel like hunger, so depending on your water intake that might be a thought. I had some good success having water with my meals tiding me over awhile.
  • nm212
    nm212 Posts: 570 Member
    I would try adding some fiber to your diet...fruits & veggies and maybe even some healthy carbs ;) They are not the enemy, you know... good luck
  • whosshe
    whosshe Posts: 597 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Uncle TOM on his way to town?

    Lol no Uncle TOM is on his way out :D
    aeloine wrote: »
    Is 1,240 too low? Sounds like it might be.
    I don't think so. I haven't started a workout regimen just yet. I am SEVERELY inactive/sedentary. I've lost the weight before on 1200, and though I haven't stepped on the scale, I know I'm on my "higher end" just by the way clothes are fitting :D so I think 1200 is safe enough for me until I start expending more energy (in which case I will eat more). 1200 is rather manageable to me, usually.

    Maybe what I'm really asking is, why after eating breakfast (which I normally don't eat - perhaps I should have mentioned that in the first place?) am I so hungry?

    I can't eat breakfast. As soon as I start eating I want to keep eating so I grab a coffee in the morning and try to push it as long as I can.

    I don't know why you're so hungry. Maybe bring some celery with you to work so you can just keep snacking on it until lunch time.