Any tall women out there looking to lose weight? I'm 6'2" hoping to lose 100+!!



  • ashleylg143
    ashleylg143 Posts: 1 Member
    6ft here 240 I need to lose 60 pounds!
  • LKjourney
    LKjourney Posts: 40 Member
    5'10 here with around 30 more pounds to lose.
    I can easily gain weight and not really notice as well.. I'm also prone to gaining weight in my lower body so my top half is a size sm/med and my bottom half is xl! It's hell on my knees when I go running. Is that a tall girl thing because I'm carrying so much weight? Or is it just a me thing?
  • jessicamyers642
    jessicamyers642 Posts: 3 Member
    6'1" here. Need to lose 25.
  • Hungry_Shopgirl
    Hungry_Shopgirl Posts: 329 Member
    Hey there OP! Feel free to add me. I'm 6'1" or 6'2" (not entirely sure) and I've lost 50lb so far, have another 25lb before hitting my ultimate goal weight. My next mini goal is to weigh less than my hubby (he's about 8lb lighter than I, though also an inch or so shorter). I've never ever been lighter than him so I'm looking forward to how that will feel like!

    Have all you beautiful women noticed how hard it is to relate to other women's weights in terms of numbers? I tell people my ultimate goal is 145lb, and for non-tall women that's still a "big" number. Even at my dream weight I'll still be the heaviest woman in my circle of friends!
  • iwtbt170
    iwtbt170 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi there, I am also on the short side of tall...5'9 I have 50 lbs to lose to start then will reevaluate from there...never been thin so don't really know what looks/feels good
  • richardpkennedy1
    richardpkennedy1 Posts: 1,890 Member
    Tall women here!
  • Skinny_Kitty
    Skinny_Kitty Posts: 136 Member
    Hello! I am 5'11" and would like to lose around 60 lbs. I am currently 237 and would like to be down to the 175-180 range. Being tall- it's hard to figure out exactly how much you should eat to lose weight. My doctor says I need to eat 1,800 calories a day to lose weight, but when I do that, I maintain. MFP says for me to eat between 1,570-1,350. What is everyone on here doing?
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I'm 5'10"+ and at least 6'1" in heels. :)

    I had lost nearly 100 pounds at one point, but I have gained a bit back in the last year. I struggle with some pretty serious health problems, including 5 different metabolic diseases. Being tall really is not my biggest challenge...except on the dance floor!

    My start weight was 300, lowest weight was 208, current weight 234.
  • julisha
    julisha Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Im 6ft 2 currently 216 goal is 145, any of you tall ladies feel free to add me xoxo
  • emilyvictoria7
    emilyvictoria7 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm 5"10, 23 and a cat mom of 5!

    SW: 270lbs
    CW: 220lbs
    GW: 199lbs
    UGW: tbd!

    Feel free to add me :smile: I love having other motivational women on my newsfeed!
  • Christine_2017
    Christine_2017 Posts: 60 Member
    5'11 for me! We can do this ladies! 23lb down for me and at least 10 more to go hopefully before the new year
  • long_for_me
    long_for_me Posts: 184 Member
    I am 5ft 10 and want to lose 50lbs. Add me.
  • AmandaGutridge7
    AmandaGutridge7 Posts: 21 Member
  • garnetandlace
    garnetandlace Posts: 5 Member
    5'10" and need to lose 75lbs!
  • garnetandlace
    garnetandlace Posts: 5 Member
    How do I add people?
  • staticsplit
    staticsplit Posts: 538 Member
    I'm just shy of 6 ft, but I'm focusing more on re-comping at the moment or very slowly losing a little. I'm currently 163 lbs. Always happy to have more friends on here!
  • Rosiev2014
    Rosiev2014 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi! I’m 6” and currently weigh 190. I’ve lost 40lbs but want to lose another 30...that’ll put me bang in the middle of the healthy section! Lovely to hear from other tall people!
  • kristen8000
    kristen8000 Posts: 747 Member
    I'm in the maintainace stages of weight loss - in 2011 I lost 50lbs and made it to goal (143). Through out the years I've gained 10-15lbs back here and there, then lost it again. Good thing about being tall, you can gain and no one notices. Bad thing about being tall, you can gain and no one notices...LOL

    I'm 5'11, started at 193lbs, size 14 (a very tight 14, there's no way I'm buying 16's). Currently weighing around 141lbs. I'm happy if the scale says something in the 140's. 152 is my "oh girl, something needs to change" weight. Size 4/6 jean, usually find them at OLD NAVY online - even though I'm not super tall I still have a 36" inseam. My boyfriend is 6'2 and my pants are longer than his...LOL

  • Cmwkburd
    Cmwkburd Posts: 8 Member
    Yes! A tall thread! I'm 6' and need to lose a significant amount of weight. Today is my first day using the app, so I'm playing around still trying to figure everything out.

    I used to have a beautiful figure in my early 20s...but thought I was fat. Gained weight to where I was actually fat and lost most of it in 2012, then I was almost killed in a head on car accident from a woman playing on her phone while driving. Prior to that I was running 4-5 miles a day, the car accident left me in a wheelchair for 6 months and I quickly regained all the weight I worked so hard to some. Goal for this year is to lose 91.5 lbs, while that won't put me at my lowest I do feel relatively good about myself at that weight. 2019 weight loss goal is the remaining 60 lbs. (which I'm not sure how realistic that is, I've never been that low and even at 175 I was a size 8) so a total of about 110-150 lb is what I'm looking at, depending on how I feel/look/and realistic maintenance.

    Feel free to add me! I'd love to get to know some other tall ladies
  • ZhivagosGirl
    ZhivagosGirl Posts: 161 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm 5'11" - lost 70 lbs through last year. Am still battling the holiday "fluffiness" sitting at 66 lbs at the moment. Started a year ago at 300 lbs looking at getting under 200 this year. Where I'll stop I'm not sure yet.