I am a failure



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited January 2018
    NOT a failure. NOT. Things change, and we have to change with them! And that's what you're doing.

    Glad they're finding something for your vertigo! I got vertigo, brain fog, agitation, insomnia and carb cravings for 3 years. It did not make eating healthy easier. Fortunately some of that (which was peri-menopause for me) is abating as menopause is settling. And, at the end of the menopause roller coaster, I'm 8Lbs over what my profile says.

    You can do this!

  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    You are still with us hon. Alot of us have hidden stories and ups and downs. You are far from alone, as you can see. It's important that you keep trying. As for the advice you give--you know better than anyone else how to do it right. Keep on posting and wishing you the best of luck.
  • pogiguy05
    pogiguy05 Posts: 1,583 Member
    You are not a failure cause you are one of us. You are not alone and this is something that happens to the most of us.


    This is about a research project where they had people live in a controlled environment for 9 months.
    If you watch basically our brains are wired to fail us. My only question is how do some keep off weight
    and other do not.
  • PattiRoman
    PattiRoman Posts: 4 Member
    I have been up and down my whole life. I found that I have the willpower to lose weight for a while. It's a lot harder maintaining. Don't give up, and thank you for sharing
  • kdbulger
    kdbulger Posts: 396 Member
    And thanks for prompting me to write all that out, because I could have written your original post. It was nice to get some perspective for myself - I am always trying to do better in some way.
  • pluckybanana
    pluckybanana Posts: 7 Member
    I feel this post so hard, thanks for writing it.
  • nsagley
    nsagley Posts: 84 Member
    I feel the exact same way you do except I don't have health issues to explain my failure. I am an emotional eater and the last 3 years have been an emotional roller coaster for me so my binge eater has gotten completely out of control.
  • LeannJeffers
    LeannJeffers Posts: 486 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story. We all fail at some point and the fact that you admit to your failures means you are trying succeed again.
    Here's my story: Growing up I had always been a curvy girl that had a little more weight than the other girls but not to the point that I worried about it. It didn’t affect who I was. When I was pregnant with my first born had the mentality that I could eat for two!! I gained 40 pounds with that pregnancy. After two years my hubby and I decided to try again for another child. It took 2 more years before I was pregnant again. My second child was born with a rare disease and he passed away at 6 weeks of age. We decided to adopt our son. It was after the adoption I really started to notice my weight. I was topping the scale at 209 pounds, I was able to hide my weight with bigger clothes and my 5 foot 10 inch height but it was showing in my face and in my energy levels. A new gym opened in our town and I joined. This is where my journey started. I worked hard with a personal trainer, I cut out junk food and soda out of my diet. I didn’t go out to eat at fast food places and I didn’t drink alcohol. I did a transformation challenge at the gym. After 6 months I was at 161 pounds. I stayed at that weight for 2 years until my personal trainer left the gym. I started sluffing off on my workouts and the intensity dropped while my weight crept up by 1 pound her and 2 pounds there until I had gained back 20 pounds. I found myself having junk food and chocolate daily, enjoying meals at fast food places and even drinking alcohol almost every weekend. I am so frustrated with myself because I know that my weight gain is from the crap I put into my body. I started over on Sunday! Increased my water to half my body weight and have been faithfully tracking my food and attempting to stay under my calorie goals and burning more calories. I also put my scale away. I was addicted to the number on that stupid little square and would gage my food intake by what it said. So here’s to starting with a fresh me. I know I need to make better choices and day by day I will achieve them.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,281 Member
    Nope. Just nope. I've read your posts. I don't care if people regain weight and give good advice. You know what to do. Doing it is another thing altogether. Keep at it. Your wisdom and worth are not tied up in how long you can keep weight off. Learn from each setback, but never call yourself a failure. Lying in bed gaining every day with no intent to get back in the game would be so much worse. You're just getting sidelined. Keep getting back in. You'll win. And FWIW, you give really solid advice, support and suggestions. Take the love given here and climb back on that proverbial horse. :heart:
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    Thank you @Alatariel75 for launching this discussion. You had a failure. Learn from it. Avoid having it again.
    Fortunately for you it was a life-phase related failure and that phase is over.

    I had a failure when I reached my maintenance range. My failure was not that I quit. Rather, it was that I tried to find a calorie target experimentally. My failure consisted of eating too much too often, and I logged every daily weight as I gained 30 lb. This partly coincided with a 10-week period of temporary retirement on top of the American holiday season, but the failure was that I expected to regain and allowed myself to regain and didn't panic about it until it was 30 pounds regained.

    So now, I'm back to the routine of meals which carried me down to my maintenance range last year. Patience, Grasshopper.

  • LottieHaveMercy
    LottieHaveMercy Posts: 10 Member
    OMG I've failed more often than I've succeeded. Like really, I've failed every diet and attempt to get fit from the year 2000 up until 2015 where I finally got started and in 2017 I got fit.

    And if you only knew how many times I've failed EVERYTHING I've done fitness and diet vice.. *kitten* I fail at eating healthy every other day! Yet I'm still here and trying to be better, do better.

    We all fail, that's what people don't see. You don't see me posting pics of failed lifting attempts... (most don't even share those)

    The thing is there's no such thing as success or failure... You just keep going until you can say you did it!

    This is exactly what I needed today!
  • blackmantis
    blackmantis Posts: 165 Member
    Here we are both failures trying this again!
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    You may be a "failure," but you have one of the best - if not the best - avatar here. Taco Cat rules.