Keto/Low Carb Friends



  • meadowgirl32
    meadowgirl32 Posts: 2 Member
    I am also new to Keto. I would love to join you. I am easing my carbohydrates down and hope to stay under 50. Support is a beautiful thing.
  • meadowgirl32
    meadowgirl32 Posts: 2 Member
    And, I am making these tonight to go with my dinner.
  • AllyMPPB
    AllyMPPB Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm on day 3 of Keto. Worked amazing for me 3 hrs ago but I got complacent and gained it all back due to love of carbs. Aiming for less than 15% carbs a day. I'm getting recipes off Pinterest but would love some fellow newbies to support and encourage each other.
  • nicolecharvel21
    nicolecharvel21 Posts: 40 Member
    Hey everyone! Sorry i havent checked this message board in app on my phone for some reason doesn't show me when you guys post on the discussion.
    Anyone that wants to add me as a friend definitely feel free :smile: Ive enjoyed the friends that i have added and have learned new recipes and much more. The accountability and support is seriously everything!

    @AlexMorganMc your 50 net carbs is perfectly fine! Im big on everyone doing whatever works for them. I hate when people get all huffy puffy because someone doesnt do the diet the same way that they do it so they consider it "wrong". You do what works for you and ill keep rooting you on ;)

    @lowil44 ive been fortunate to not have the keto flu or the keto rash. The most that i have encountered was headaches and like you did i just added salt into my water and stayed as hydrated as possible and it gradually went away. Ive heard that the keto rash can be knarly. I hope that you were able to find something to help. Were you able to get added to the group that you were wondering about?
  • nicolecharvel21
    nicolecharvel21 Posts: 40 Member
    AllyMPPB wrote: »
    Hi I'm on day 3 of Keto. Worked amazing for me 3 hrs ago but I got complacent and gained it all back due to love of carbs. Aiming for less than 15% carbs a day. I'm getting recipes off Pinterest but would love some fellow newbies to support and encourage each other.

    Ive been the same way. I just looked on my Instagram and realized that i decided to start keto/low carb at the end of September 2017 but have been all over the place. I would go 3-4 weeks and then fall off track and then another 3-4 weeks and then just fall back off because like you I do love carbs but ive found that i feel so much better when i dont eat them. I get tons of recipes off of Pinterest and Keto Connect! Keto Connect has been a lifesaver. Since i started back strict 2 weeks ago i really have just been playing it safe with crazy simple stuff. Back to the basics and not trying complex recipes. March will be my 6 months (and also my birthday month) so i have a goal in mind :smiley: Ill add you and we can help keep each other accountable! Support and encouragement is definitely so helpful