asmaditalip Posts: 3 Member
edited January 2018 in Introduce Yourself
From AUS, hit me up for any training tips, diet and nutrition LETS get this motivation happening for 2018.


  • 20sornothin
    20sornothin Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I’m drew. I just started lifting again in March of 17 after a 10 year “break” lol I didn’t want to watch my food intake as much as I did the nutritional value so I cut the junk and tried to bulk up a little and it backfired. I went from 270lbs 23% body fat to 300 lbs same body fat. I am 6’2” so it’s not horrible but I decided to go on a cut phase for 4 months to try and get down to about 250. Then try bulk again. My worry is that I will loose my gains from the last 9 months. Any suggestions ? Your pic suggests you know what your doing lol
  • asmaditalip
    asmaditalip Posts: 3 Member
    Hey mate what's your training routine Mon to Sunday? And also do you work all day?
  • asmaditalip
    asmaditalip Posts: 3 Member
    If your cutting you will lose the bad gains and build and retain the muscle that you have when you go through that process when cutting. Stick with a clean diet 6 meals a day. Supplements can help too depending on what supplements you take.