Losing Weight HEALTHILY - Need Friends

Hey, all! So to lay it all out on the table, I'm in recovery from an eating disorder. I'm 20, developed an ED at 6, and didn't get help until I was 15. I've been good for four years or so now, with minor slips, but over time I've put on a fair bit of weight. Now my doc is pushing me to lose 20lbs or so, for the sake of reducing strain on my bad knees and hips.

Insurance won't cover a nutritionist for me, so I'm kinda on my own here. I'm not looking for a dietician, a trainer, or a therapist, let me make that perfectly clear. But I do want a friend to keep me accountable. If I'm doing this alone, I may very well slip back into bad habits, or just give up. Having someone to at least be doing this with will help me keep things safe, I think.

Looking to go from 160 to 140 at 5'5", hoping for 1.5lbs a week. Let me know if you're interested in being accountable together. Don't really care where you're starting from or what your goal is, though I want to avoid overly fast weight loss and negative self talk as much as possible. I'm going to do this the right way and get healthy and strong, and I mostly need someone who shares those goals, rather than numerical goals.


  • staticsplit
    staticsplit Posts: 538 Member
    Please feel free to add me. I had a very bad eating disorder as a teen. I'm not really aiming to lose weight but am focusing on body re-composition through weight lifting, and then I might do a cut later in the year. My diary is open to friends and I eat healthy amounts and try to focus on moderation. I'm aware how easy it is to slip back into ED behaviours. It's hard!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    1lb per week is the maximum you should be trying to lose. 1.5lb per week is too large a deficit when you only have 20lbs to shift.

    has your doctor recommended MFP, given the ED history?
  • staticsplit
    staticsplit Posts: 538 Member
    1lb per week is the maximum you should be trying to lose. 1.5lb per week is too large a deficit when you only have 20lbs to shift.

    has your doctor recommended MFP, given the ED history?

    This is a good point. I'd definitely aim for a gentler deficit. If I'm aiming to lose I set it for .5 a week max because of my ED history. I'm also not as stringent as other people are on here. I still use a food scale for most things, but I sometimes eyeball or guesstimate so I don't get too perfectionist about tracking.
  • Haych97
    Haych97 Posts: 7 Member
    I need some motivation and help on how to lose weight and need help on what foods are good to eat