Need to lose weight for wedding!

JoJoShingler23 Posts: 6 Member
edited January 2018 in Health and Weight Loss
Hiya, I'm getting married May 2019 and I need to loose 2 and a half stone! It's definitely possibles having just over a year to do it! But I'm just looking for any tips? Iv been weighing all my food recently and counting calories. Does anyone have any meal ideas? X

Also, I wanted to ask. When Iv done exercise and logged it onto here? The calories Iv burnt off get added back onto how many calories I have left. Isn't that defeating the whole object?


  • etherealanwar
    etherealanwar Posts: 465 Member
    Personally I have been meal prepping my lunches and dinners to help and keep me on track. Go grocery shopping on Saturday and then cook both meals on Sunday. Makes for much easier calorie logging as well and staying on track because your main meals are always ready for you. I honestly don't think I would have even made it this far (and it's only been 7 weeks) if I didn't meal prep.
  • JoJoShingler23
    JoJoShingler23 Posts: 6 Member
    Also, I wanted to ask. When Iv done exercise and logged it onto here? The calories Iv burnt off get added back onto how many calories I have left. Isn't that defeating the whole object?
  • JoJoShingler23
    JoJoShingler23 Posts: 6 Member
    Aw yeah that makes sense really! I will try prepping my meals then, sounds like a good idea! Thank you x
  • Fitnessgirl0913
    Fitnessgirl0913 Posts: 481 Member
    Also, I wanted to ask. When Iv done exercise and logged it onto here? The calories Iv burnt off get added back onto how many calories I have left. Isn't that defeating the whole object?

    Nope, your daily goal on MFP already has your deficit worked in, ie to maintain you need to eat 2000 calories and you set MFP to lose a pound a week so it subtracts a 500 calories a day deficit so you end up with a 1500 calories a day goal. You should eat exercise calories back but MFP tends to overestimate your calorie burn for exercise so most people eat only a portion of those calories back.
  • JoJoShingler23
    JoJoShingler23 Posts: 6 Member
    I usually add it in myself what Iv burnt off on my exercise machine. I set myself a goal to loose 2lb a week. So if I eat the calories back that I burnt off, will I still loose the weight?
  • temazur
    temazur Posts: 76 Member
    I usually add it in myself what Iv burnt off on my exercise machine. I set myself a goal to loose 2lb a week. So if I eat the calories back that I burnt off, will I still loose the weight?

    Most people only eat back about half what they burn off, so if there is any error between MFP logging (which overburns a bit) or the machine overestimating burn, you aren't undoing all the work. I only eat back half what I "earn" through exercise, and I track on a fitbit. When I was eating back nearly all of it I gained weight.
  • Fitnessgirl0913
    Fitnessgirl0913 Posts: 481 Member
    Yes, however you may want to start by only eating half or so of the exercise calories back if you are basing off of what your machine tells you, they tend to over estimate your burn.

    Also if my math is right 2.5 stone equals out to 35 pounds in which case a goal of 2 pounds per week may be too aggressive. Hard to say for sure without more stats but just something to keep in mind. If you find yourself ravenous or fatigued you may want to adjust your goal to 1 pound a week, that will give you more calories to work with.
  • JoJoShingler23
    JoJoShingler23 Posts: 6 Member
    Ah, I'll keep that in mind then! Thank you so much for your help guys :smile:
  • JoJoShingler23
    JoJoShingler23 Posts: 6 Member
    temazur wrote: »
    I usually add it in myself what Iv burnt off on my exercise machine. I set myself a goal to loose 2lb a week. So if I eat the calories back that I burnt off, will I still loose the weight?

    Most people only eat back about half what they burn off, so if there is any error between MFP logging (which overburns a bit) or the machine overestimating burn, you aren't undoing all the work. I only eat back half what I "earn" through exercise, and I track on a fitbit. When I was eating back nearly all of it I gained weight.
    temazur wrote: »
    I usually add it in myself what Iv burnt off on my exercise machine. I set myself a goal to loose 2lb a week. So if I eat the calories back that I burnt off, will I still loose the weight?

    Right I see, that makes sense! Thanks for your help :smiley: x
  • Laruto
    Laruto Posts: 23 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hey! I'm getting married May this year and last year flew by without reaching my wedding weight so I'm working hard to get the last 7kg off in time! Congratulations!!
  • Laruto
    Laruto Posts: 23 Member
    wedding weight so I'm working hard to get the last 7kg off in time! Congratulations!!
  • Laruto
    Laruto Posts: 23 Member
    For some reason my posts are being chopped off? Go for small permanent manageable changes, new healthy habits, consistency and more water and sleep! We are cheering u on!
  • Safari_Gal
    Safari_Gal Posts: 888 Member
    Laruto and JoJo! You can do it! Stay healthy and disciplined! I had the same desire to lose weight before my wedding- it is absolutely doable!
  • katnadreau
    katnadreau Posts: 149 Member
    I'd also encourage a 1 lb loss goal. Being your ideal weight doesn't help if you've lost significant muscle in the process, and you do have plenty of time! Make sure you get some strength training in addition to cardio. Focus on making changes that you will keep for life. For me some of those changes meant still having wine most nights, but only one 5 oz glass. I have chocolate every night, but I keep it to one square. Depriving yourself of things you love could ultimately end in a binge. I've loved learning that smaller portion sizes can leave me feeling satisfied
  • Live_life_well
    Live_life_well Posts: 86 Member
    Very curious, do you think that you will try to keep the weight off after the wedding or is the focus primarily the wedding? Hope I don't offend. Just see these posts often and have always wondered whether folks will just revert to normal after the wedding or if it is a catalyst.
  • 30kgin2017
    30kgin2017 Posts: 228 Member
    Well quite often a baby follows a wedding which often throws a spanner in the works.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Laruto wrote: »
    For some reason my posts are being chopped off? Go for small permanent manageable changes, new healthy habits, consistency and more water and sleep! We are cheering u on!

    Your posts will get 'chopped off' if you use your own emoji's instead of the ones in the tab at top of reply ^

    All the best to the brides getting married this year, knuckle down on tracking your calories, move a bit more if you can and weight loss will happen.
  • ejg1010
    ejg1010 Posts: 48 Member
    This time last year I was in the exact same position as you!

    I am getting married in June this year and started a conscious effort to lose weight in May last year, not long after I got engaged. I wanted to shift the 2.5 stone I had put on since meeting my fiancé but I wanted to do it at a sensible rate so that I didn't just pack on the pounds the minute we are married!

    To begin with all I did was get back to the gym, varying my workouts between cardio and weights (mostly circuit classes) and eat at the calorie deficit that MFP set me for a 1lbs/week weight loss. After a few months I started doing 5:2 intermittent fasting but my average daily intake remained the same across a week, it was more so that I could splurge a little more at weekends and I never felt like I was on a 'diet'.

    By November I had lost the 2.5 stone that I was aiming for, and have been maintaining that ever since. I have now decided to lose a further 7 lbs (currently 140lbs) and will re-assess after that.

    My advice would be to eat the things you like and just stay within your allotted calorie goals. if you are working out you will need to take in more calories than the base amount that MFP has set you and it's common practice to eat about half of the calories you burn on top of your base goal. This will ensure you have enough energy to work out effectively.

    In a nutshell, I don't think there is a magical 'fix' to weight loss. It takes time, patience, and if you have both of these things it shouldn't feel like a chore. I commend you for starting early and congratulations on the engagement!