Anyone doing Wheat free/Gluten Free??



  • lili200
    lili200 Posts: 200 Member
    I try to keep gf,
    Add me if you feel like it
    The gluten I miss the most is beer..
  • lialiali
    lialiali Posts: 4 Member
    I am GF due to an autoimmune disorder that impacts thyroid function. Bring wheat free absolutely helped my thyroid function and therefore ability to regulate my weight. In addition I was retaining water- a ton. Fat or water I don’t want extra of either on my body.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    You'll lose weight if you eat in a calorie deficit, regardless of whether your food contains wheat. Measuring and tracking your food accurately will ensure you are in a deficit.

    If you feel what products are problematic trigger foods for you, then certainly avoid them. I'd be wary of "holistic woo people," but I'm skeptical of everything. I stay away from chips, because I can't moderate them and they aren't satisfying or fit my calories.

    I do eat other treats like chocolate and carbs with regularity though, just within my calorie goals.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I will say that a good portion of my diet is gluten free because my husband and daughter have Celiac, the only known and legitimate condition that requires a gluten free diet. We don't keep gluten in the house to prevent cross-contamination, so naturally most of what I eat is GF. You can look at my diary (there is some gluten in there, so just be mindful).
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    CoriPiche wrote: »
    You could easily lose that much in two weeks. I'm doing keto. And I've lost 7 pounds in a week and a half before.

    Water weight....which will come back if/when you start eating carbs again.
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    I have celiac disease and have been gluten-free for going on 8 years. Understand that being gluten-free doesn't just mean avoiding foods containing gluten, it includes any gluten from anywhere that may get to your small intestine. That means no foods that may be cross-contaminated. Obvious sources of contamination are "gluten-free" baked goods baked and displayed alongside foods containing gluten, or corn taco shells fried or warmed on equipment also used for flour tortillas etc. More subtle sources include foods prepared on equipment shared with other foods containing gluten and hygiene products such as shampoo, conditioner, body wash, moisturizers and foundations (many of these products contain wheat). that may inadvertently get into your mouth and disgestive tract.

    In my experience, going gluten-free had absolutely no impact on my weight, I lost and gained according to the amount of food I ate, the same as before diagnosis.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited January 2018
    sheilaraeb wrote: »
    I am on a no wheat diet because my doctor says its an inflamatory food and I have rheumatoid arthritis. I really miss bread It is true FOR ME that carbs will increase hunger

    ^Fixed it.........

    Carbs are satiating for a number of people.
  • Tried30UserNames
    Tried30UserNames Posts: 561 Member
    I'm gf and was years before my licensed medical doctor ordered me to be. I don't really think you need an m.d. to tell you if you feel better or not eating a certain food. You notice if you feel better. And you can even order your own lab tests for celiac. I don't actually have the standard celiac symptoms, but being gf really helps my fibromyalgia, thyroid antibody numbers and symptoms, constipation, allergies and a few other things. I never did have the typical diarrhea, but got tested for celiac for other reasons.

    Some people say they lose weight eating gf, probably those who replace gluten with vegetables. I suspect a whole lot more gain weight because they start buying special gf products which are usually higher in calories, sugar and starch than their gluten-filled counterparts. Gluten does not effect my weight.