Pregnant - Third trimester - UK mums

Hi girls... I am just starting third trimester with 3rd child and was hoping to chat to similar women. Based in UK (same time zone is helpful!) and due in next few months. I have gained a lot of weight and have a terrible sugar addiction which I really want to curb. I dont want this to impact on my baby and I'm hoping to breastfeed so want to sort this asap! Could do with some like minded ladies to give each other support and encouragement. I also have SPD/PGP which means mobilising is getting trickier all the time. Anyone want to join me in eating better for the sake of our babies? All the best either way xxx


  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 1,049 Member
    Not preggo, but congrats on the soon to be baby!
  • Banana_Cats
    Banana_Cats Posts: 8 Member
    My baby is only 6 weeks old but wanted to send you positive vibes for the remainder of your pregnancy journey. Im back on the weightloss train myself and had the same troubles in my last trimester. I wouldnt be too hard on yourself babe, pregnancy makes these things a lot harder!
  • meash82
    meash82 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks hon... and congratulations on your baba! Trying to be kind to myself but feel guilty every time I eat something bad.... keep panicking that it's having a bad effect on my baby. I don't want to diet, just reduce the rubbish! Enjoy your new little one x
  • mramya
    mramya Posts: 3 Member
    Hi i am in my 25th week now, 1 more week to enter third trimester. I am not looking to lose weight but trying to eat healthy and control my sweet tooth. I am in the US. But let me know if you are interested. I am looking for a accountability buddy.