Info on Figure/Bikini Competitions

Balanced_Elephant Posts: 18 Member
Hello Everyone,
I'm just looking for any pointers, advice & information on competitions. I'm completly new to all of this.. I've always been into exercise- just cardio though. Currently I am 22 weeks pregnant with my 3rd so I'm not fully invested in anything yet. I started looking into the competitions because it would be something that i could do for myself... plus, I'm currently working on my personal training certificate so, being able to say that I have competed will add to my experiences..
Anyway, it's obvious to say that I will need to lose some weight prior to even looking into any competitions. Pre-pregnancy, I was roughly 120-130 lbs (I'm 5'1"). With my last 2 children I dropped almost all the weight right after. I'm not too crazy concerned about the extra weight, I've lost it before..
Sooo... any information will help. How much do these competitions cost? How long should I allow myself to get ready? Any "need to know" topics? etc..
Thanks in advance!!!


  • Maribreal
    Maribreal Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, I have competed as a Figure competitor in NPC for four years. I'm currently in off season and taking some time off to focus on building. I agree with @JoRocka hiring contest prep and posing coaches have been key to my success and growth as a competitor.

    With regards to competition cost/expense, it varies, depending on what organization you'll be competing in. But my suggestion, (and the thing I wish someone had told me as a newbie unsponsored competitor), is to create a budget for contest prep because things will begin to add up. My experience has been as follows:

    [*] Contest prep coach/trainer - $200/month and up;
    [*] Posing coach - $35-40/group session and $70-80/Individualized session;
    [*] NPC card - $125; and
    [*] Cost to compete - $100/per class.

    And those are the basic expenses, which don't include the cost of food, supplements, posing suit, shoes, jewelry, hair, nails, makeup, tanning, and other show day essentials. All of which you don't have to break your pockets (i.e. - you can purchase a gently used suit or even rent one). And if you happen to be gifted with hair and makeup, you can save there by doing it yourself. But again, it really varies and depends on the person.

    The amount of time that it should take to get ready for a show depends on where you start. A professional coach will be able to work with you and help you assess this, where you both can set a realistic goal as to when it will be the best time to start choosing a show(s).

    Congratulations and best wishes with your pregnancy and physique competition goals! :)

  • Maribreal
    Maribreal Posts: 4 Member
    edited January 2018

    Not only will you need to lose weight, but you also need to build substantial muscle before competing - this may require a couple of years of focus on training and nutrition, with some bulk/cut cycles, to get you ready.

    Competitions are not just financially expensive, they also cost a lot of time and effort. You have to make lots of sacrifices - especially time with your family. I know of many relationships that have been strained due to one or both people competing. Many people (women especially) suffer long term health issues, physical and mental due to competing.

    My suggestion would be to get in to weight lifting/resistance training... Lose weight.... Get to a point where you're happy with your body, in a way that is sustainable every day, and maintain that. Unless you're going to gain a tremendous amount by competing, forcing yourself to be a certain look for 5 minutes on stage isn't worth it, imo. (I have competed many times, but honestly would tell myself not to if I could go back and talk to my pre-comp self)

    @livingleanlivingclean This!!! So on point! #truthserum
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