ketogenics Diet

I was just wondering if anyone on here is doing the Keto diet ... love to swap recipes and success stories


  • puzzlingkirsten
    puzzlingkirsten Posts: 58 Member
    I am new to keto, and I am kind of lazy about it, but I'd love to have a place to get some new recipes and ideas!

    Feel free to add me! :smiley:
  • 740p
    740p Posts: 11 Member
    I am! This is my second stint but I am really committed this time. There are some great recipes on reddit in the subreddit ketorecipes, ketomealseatingnow, and even just the keto subreddit. Instagram is also a great community and people are all doing it in a way that fits them! Some people adhere to saying no to some things that have a bit of added sugar and some people don't. So far this week I have made: meatloaf, ham & cream cheese roll-ups with pickles, carbquik biscuits and sausage gravy, and prosciutto wrapped asparagus. Feel free to add me! I believe I have my journal open to friends.

    I try to keep under 10g of carbs because I do better that way. I wish MFP did net carbs but it is easy enough to figure out on your own. If things have added erythritol or stevia I search for something like [ item with erythritol subtracted ] so I know I have the right carb count.

    Best of luck to you on your journey. Keep calm and keto on!
  • AnnieH_4512
    AnnieH_4512 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I've been doing Keto for a year now. It can work great if you do it right. The key is to not get bored with it. There are Keto-friendly recipes all over Pinterest!
  • crawfordjenn0820
    crawfordjenn0820 Posts: 9 Member
    I just started Monday and so far i have doing well ... major headaches set in yesterday but I am powering through it. I've done low carb before but never keto ( high fat). Has anyone tried the Bulletproof coffee yet?
  • SparkyJess3
    SparkyJess3 Posts: 625 Member
    I just started keto last week and so far I'm loving it! I'm down 8 pounds (I'm sure most is water weight) and the keto flu only last for a couple days.
  • SparkyJess3
    SparkyJess3 Posts: 625 Member
    I just started Monday and so far i have doing well ... major headaches set in yesterday but I am powering through it. I've done low carb before but never keto ( high fat). Has anyone tried the Bulletproof coffee yet?

    I just tried BPC today and it was nice and creamy! I added stevia to mine since I'm not a huge coffee person to begin with.
  • dboyer30
    dboyer30 Posts: 14 Member
    I just started Monday and so far i have doing well ... major headaches set in yesterday but I am powering through it. I've done low carb before but never keto ( high fat). Has anyone tried the Bulletproof coffee yet?

    I love my BPC! I do 16 oz of coffee, 1 tsp coconut oil, 1 TBSP kerrygold butter, some cinnamon and 2 packets of truvia sweetner. Sometimes I'll add a TBSP or 2 of Heavy Cream to make it creamier. My nutribullet comes in handy to blend it all together. It's so good!
  • dboyer30
    dboyer30 Posts: 14 Member
    I have found all my recipes so far on Pinterest. There's so much out there. I have my hubby and 2 kids that I cook for and they've all liked the recipes that I've made so far.
  • pattiedgar
    pattiedgar Posts: 1 Member
    I started lectin-free keto on Nov. 30 under the care of a functional medicine MD and nutritionist, however really started in earnest after the holidays. I find the high fat content keeps me satiated. My blood sugar has decreased from 140 to 105 and I've lost 12 lbs. The hardest part for me is giving up sugar and all grains. I love MFP but wish it was more intuitive in tracking fats, proteins and carbs, rather than being mostly about calories. I am paying more attention to the macros than calories and MFP (even Premium) doesn't seem to present it that way, unless I just haven't figured it out yet. So any computer whiz kids in this message board who can help me out with this?
  • kao91092
    kao91092 Posts: 1 Member
    Im on day 4 of Keto!
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    Did keto. It was a lot of work to try to get about 3000 calories of proper amounts of fat, carbs, and protein every day while keeping it interesting. Was taking potassium sups and magnesium too. It can do good. I like cheese, rice, and potatos. So its hard to keep them carbs down. Everything has carbs!!!
  • Candy0516
    Candy0516 Posts: 399 Member
  • FunkyJamma
    FunkyJamma Posts: 1 Member
    I've done keto on and off for the last few years. I have very good results, friends ultimately mess up the diet though. everyone always wants to go out to eat or drinking. Most I've lost at one go was 30lb I am getting heavy again and this time I plan to make it stick.
  • demonwithahalo
    demonwithahalo Posts: 11 Member
    I have had great success with keto, and found that I'm rarely hungry on the diet. I've even gotten into baking keto cookies and whatnot. Committed to doing it right this year and training long distance cycling keto.
  • crawfordjenn0820
    crawfordjenn0820 Posts: 9 Member
    pattiedgar wrote: »
    I started lectin-free keto on Nov. 30 under the care of a functional medicine MD and nutritionist, however really started in earnest after the holidays. I find the high fat content keeps me satiated. My blood sugar has decreased from 140 to 105 and I've lost 12 lbs. The hardest part for me is giving up sugar and all grains. I love MFP but wish it was more intuitive in tracking fats, proteins and carbs, rather than being mostly about calories. I am paying more attention to the macros than calories and MFP (even Premium) doesn't seem to present it that way, unless I just haven't figured it out yet. So any computer whiz kids in this message board who can help me out with this?

    I also figured out what my fat/carb/and protein intake should be and edited my daily nutritional goal to meet my needs. but I am having a hard time getting my full amount of fat in with out going over with my protein
  • rebekaxox
    rebekaxox Posts: 7 Member
    I just started a bit over a week ago :) lost 6lbs so far ❤️
  • crawfordjenn0820
    crawfordjenn0820 Posts: 9 Member
    Did keto. It was a lot of work to try to get about 3000 calories of proper amounts of fat, carbs, and protein every day while keeping it interesting. Was taking potassium sups and magnesium too. It can do good. I like cheese, rice, and potatos. So its hard to keep them carbs down. Everything has carbs!!!

    3000 calories ??? wow I'm having a problem getting 1500 in
  • crawfordjenn0820
    crawfordjenn0820 Posts: 9 Member
    curious, how long did it take you guys to be in full Ketosis?
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    Did keto. It was a lot of work to try to get about 3000 calories of proper amounts of fat, carbs, and protein every day while keeping it interesting. Was taking potassium sups and magnesium too. It can do good. I like cheese, rice, and potatos. So its hard to keep them carbs down. Everything has carbs!!!

    3000 calories ??? wow I'm having a problem getting 1500 in

    I know its a lot. That's a lot of eating and trying to do it right. It was expensive and time consuming for me. That being said, ill most likely do it again.
  • am2485
    am2485 Posts: 1 Member
    Started Keto on the 1st. I'm down 7lbs as of today. I feel like I've been getting conflicting information from all the Keto Calculators out there to decide the best macros for me. How did you all determine your macros?