Day 3 of being and support please!



  • Fat_Fighter87
    Fat_Fighter87 Posts: 61 Member
    Had you eaten Quorn before starting vegan? Some people are sensitive to it because it is made from mold. Head aches can be caused by food allergies/intolerances.
    Becoming vegan and cutting back to 1200cal while having IBS is a big change. A registered dietician could help you devise a diet that meets your specific needs.

    No I've not tried Quorn until now, I definitely think that that is causing the headaches and IBS worsening.

    Can you get access to a dietitian through the NHS? It was never offered as an option to me on my numerous trips to the doctors. If so then I would definitely be interested in seeing one!
  • hikerAaron
    hikerAaron Posts: 22 Member
    edited January 2018

    Because I love animals and no longer want to eat them.

    The ethical implications of eating another living being, and the way animals are treated in factory farms are a couple of the reasons I'm determined to go vegan.

  • alondrakayy
    alondrakayy Posts: 304 Member
    I'm slowly transitioning to a vegetarian diet. I easily cut off red meat (even though I had it more than 2x A DAY) but letting go of chicken has been a battle. I still have it about 2x a week. I'm not sure I can ever be a vegan but I do my best to purchase my diary and egg products from local places who love and care well for their animals even though it's more expensive.

    I tried going cold turkey and gave up after a week. Going from eating meat 3x a day to 0x a day in my opinion is a bit of a shock to the body.. especially if I'm then trying to introduce new foods (Hello Cheese!) that I'm not used to consuming.

    Take it slow and do additional research regarding your IBS.
  • TishTash1616
    TishTash1616 Posts: 22 Member
    You can get access to a dietitian through the NHS. You will have to have a proper diagnosis of IBS (or other digestive issue) through your GP first, or be obese/morbidly obese. You can then ask for a dietitian referral. Some GP's are happy to refer straight away, others are reluctant.

    If you're getting on well with the Linda McCartney products, there are a few other decent ones. The 1/4lb burgers, pulled pork style burgers, shredded "chicken", and country pies are the ones I like, and are all vegan.

    I don't have IBS, but I found that quorn gave me stomach aches.

    Tofu cooked in the right way is delicious. When I first tried tofu I thought it was disgusting, but is hadn't been cooked right. The best way to prepare tofu is to press it for a couple of hours in order to remove the liquid, before cutting it up and marinading it in a sauce of your choice. You can then oven bake it or pan fry it.

    The whole "beans and legumes cause gas" thing might not be linked to your IBS, and if not then it isn't a permanent issue.

    If you have any questions about transitioning to a vegan/vegetarian diet, then feel free to message me.

  • Fat_Fighter87
    Fat_Fighter87 Posts: 61 Member

    hikerAaron wrote: »

    Because I love animals and no longer want to eat them.

    The ethical implications of eating another living being, and the way animals are treated in factory farms are a couple of the reasons I'm determined to go vegan.

    I agree this is my primary reason for cutting out meat and cutting right back on dairy!

    Thanks for all your tips, advice and links guys I really appreciate it! I have felt very much alone in doing this and the butt of all jokes so it's great to speak to others who are on this journey!

    I guess a lot of it is trial and error with regards to what foods are triggering my IBS. I have found a pattern in that Quorn red meat substitutes are bad for me however the 'chicken' quorn products are OK for me.

    And yes I agree with others, a slow transition is best as I want to stick to this and see it through.

    For others who are thinking about adopting a veggie/vegan lifestyle feel free to add me! :smile:
  • easyvegan
    easyvegan Posts: 23 Member
    Congrats! I'm in the same process only thing I haven't cut out is chocolate (I got a hell of an amount for christmas so am slowly weaning it down) My biggest tip for going vegan is once you've ran out of a non vegan product such as milk, replace it with the vegan alternative such as a plant based milk. I find this has been the best method for me so far - also there are some awesome video's online about food you didn't know were vegan and this has made my weekly shop tenfold easier!b (Oreo's, Ginger snaps and BBQ crisps are all on the list!)

    As a part of a vegan diet, it's natural to eat low calorie dense food compared with high fat/densely calorific food of a non vegan diet, so become a healthy grazer - if you have a salad bulk it out with spinach/lettuce/legumes, the quantity of food will need to go up so you can feel as good as before but that doesn't mean eat as many calories especially as your aiming for weightloss as I can gather your body is going through two changes - calories, and a diet change so it's natural to feel a little sluggish - I'd say up your calorie intake a little and allow your body to adjust to this big change otherwise going cold tofurky can be a shock and you may just go back to your old diet.

    Also my boyfriend struggles with the meat alternative avoid quorn/soy (especially quorn - (its quite terrible for those who suffer with IBS) and substitute with carby alternatives - beans, potatos, lentils...

    I also think you should watch a few vegan videos/documentary such as cowspiracy, forks over knifes, earlthings to educate yourself on why you have made this choice, learning about your old diet and the negative impact it has on the earth, your body and animals may convince you to stay on track and understand the changes your body is going through.

    I really hope you stick with it and give me a shout if you need support!
  • Fat_Fighter87
    Fat_Fighter87 Posts: 61 Member
    Congrats! I'm in the same process only thing I haven't cut out is chocolate (I got a hell of an amount for christmas so am slowly weaning it down) My biggest tip for going vegan is once you've ran out of a non vegan product such as milk, replace it with the vegan alternative such as a plant based milk. I find this has been the best method for me so far - also there are some awesome video's online about food you didn't know were vegan and this has made my weekly shop tenfold easier!b (Oreo's, Ginger snaps and BBQ crisps are all on the list!)

    As a part of a vegan diet, it's natural to eat low calorie dense food compared with high fat/densely calorific food of a non vegan diet, so become a healthy grazer - if you have a salad bulk it out with spinach/lettuce/legumes, the quantity of food will need to go up so you can feel as good as before but that doesn't mean eat as many calories especially as your aiming for weightloss as I can gather your body is going through two changes - calories, and a diet change so it's natural to feel a little sluggish - I'd say up your calorie intake a little and allow your body to adjust to this big change otherwise going cold tofurky can be a shock and you may just go back to your old diet.

    Also my boyfriend struggles with the meat alternative avoid quorn/soy (especially quorn - (its quite terrible for those who suffer with IBS) and substitute with carby alternatives - beans, potatos, lentils...

    I also think you should watch a few vegan videos/documentary such as cowspiracy, forks over knifes, earlthings to educate yourself on why you have made this choice, learning about your old diet and the negative impact it has on the earth, your body and animals may convince you to stay on track and understand the changes your body is going through.

    I really hope you stick with it and give me a shout if you need support!

    Thanks for the advice :) I am already using almond milk, dairy free margarine and soya yogurt as I have used these products before and enjoyed them. I still have a splash of milk in my tea (I have tried all alternatives and as a huge tea drinker I haven't found one I can stand in tea yet). Cheese is a struggle, luckily I only eat it a couple of times a week anyway!

    Oreos are a great shout! Like you I will struggle with chocolate - it's my ultimate weakness (dark gives me migraines)

    I agree snacking is key, I bought some houmous and carrot sticks last night to snack on and some almonds too.

    It's funny how Quorn is so bad for people, it's so full of salt too! I don't think I could do this without some sort of meat substitute though so I'm hitting up the Linda McCartney isle!

    I've seen Cowspiracy, 'What the Health' and 'Vegucated', these documentaries are what changed my whole perception of eating meat and spurred this change on. I'm always open to watching and learning more though so I will give the other two a go you suggested (are they on Netflix?)
  • easyvegan
    easyvegan Posts: 23 Member
    I quite enjoy cashew milk, it's quite creamy and thick, good in tea as well - I think almond milk is too watery for my liking...

    I so agree with you on the cheese, I haven't had it since I went vegan but I tried tesco's mature vegan cheddar and was the most foulest thing I have ever tried - fingers crossed for their other ones!

    I love Linda McCarntey - the mozzarella burgers are amazing. Lidl do an amazing cheddar and garlic wellington, I reminisce of this one on the daily - so damn good.

    Forks over Knives is, I'm afraid earthlings isn't - but I'm sure there's somewhere to stream it.
  • kls1100
    kls1100 Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hi! I’ve been a vegetarian for about 18 years now, and the best advice I have is to look online at vegan blogs and get some vegetarian cook books! There are some websites with really good information for eating a low-cal, healthy, vegetarian diet. Check the PETA website to get you started. Some of my fav. resources are Skinny Taste (lots of vegan options), the Vegetarian Times website, and any of the Thug Kitchen cook books. All of them have great, balanced recipe ideas. Good luck!
  • uleliaam
    uleliaam Posts: 5 Member
    I was also going to recommend the Thug Kitchen cook books. I'm vegetarian, nearly vegan, but my boyfriend (who I live with) is a big meat eater. We struggled for a year or two cooking different meals, or having the same but no lump of meat for me, and it got very boring, and time consuming, very quickly. I bought him the thug kitchen book though, and he loves those recipes, and often eats vegetarian with me now. We just finished eating a meal from there which as I was cooking it he said 'that smells really meaty', and it did, but it was fully vegan. It might be a good one to try rather than meat substitutes?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    If the 1200 is new, I'd assume it is likely to be that, but if you are low on fat or protein that might be a problem. It's quite likely you don't need to be that low, and if you are exercising or active you will want to eat more for sure. If you want to give your stats we could comment.

    I'm not 100% plant-based, but I'm moving that way (maybe) and trying to eat that way at the moment, and have done it at times in the past (Lent, and an experiment in November). I'm enough of a volume eater that I usually feel super satiated, although I need to make sure I'm including enough fat.

    You don't need meat alternatives, although I personally enjoy tofu and tempeh (and don't really think of them as meat alternatives, just a different form of legume). Do you include other foods that have a decent amount of protein, like beans and lentils? Also, eggs are great if you are still eating them.

    We have a vegetable and fruit challenge going elsewhere (Challenge section) that you might enjoy too.

    What specifically are you eating?

    I have been on and off MFP for a while and not really struggled with 1,200 calories until I cut meat out.

    Hoping to go raw vegan at some point but for now I am eating the meat alternatives until I have learnt more about what foods to include, recipes etc. As a huge meat eater this was a big step for me to cut it out so in order to maintain this change I want to do it gradually. I am still eating eggs although in moderation (I used to eat them every day!)

    See my above comment on another poster as to what I have been eating the past few days :)

    I would think raw vegan would be holy hell if you have IBS...not to mention there's nothing wrong with cooking your food and many vegetables and other things release more nutrition when cooked.
  • USAMcK
    USAMcK Posts: 80 Member
    edited January 2018
    I was vegetarian for 8 years with minimal faux-meat products. Just focus on whole foods like veggies and grains and dairy. I like greek yogurt, eggs, and cheese for protein.

    One of my favorites was a veggie scramble. Just a bunch of broccoli or spinach or whatever you like mixed with egg whites and one whole egg. Season as desired. Top with salsa.

    I like olive oil, nuts, and avocados for fats.

    Baby carrots are great.

    I like making crispy tofu. Just get the extra-firm, drain it, press it between paper towels, cut it into small cubes, put it in a pan with some oil til crispy. Takes a good while. Then add whatever vegs (cooked separately to limit the amount of water on the tofu) and sauce you like. We do tamari, honey, lime juice, and grated ginger with some red pepper flakes.

    Big salads are awesome, too. Vinaigrettes are easy to make from scratch and lower on calories.

    Roasted beets are insanely good. Separate the leaves from the stalks and the stalks from the bulb. Peel the bulbs and chop, and discard the peels. Sautee the bulbs til al dente, add the chopped stalks til al dente, turn off the heat and add the chopped leaves with a pat of butter. Salt and pepper. Serve. Honestly delicious. Goes well with a side of saffron basmati rice.

    Hope these ideas help!

    EDIT: Do you still eat fish? I liked salmon, tuna, and shrimp. If you eat all those above, you'd be an ovo-lacto-pescatarian. :)
  • Zulu87
    Zulu87 Posts: 119 Member
    I've been a veggie for 26 years and pescatarian as of late.
    I also have ibs so I understand how it can be hard with the fibrous proteins that a lot of plant based proteins are.
    I use a type of seaweed called kombu that can help with the digestion of beans, you put it in while cooking! It doesn't add any weird taste!
    I also try to balance out when I have super fiber rich foods and not throughout the day. Like a big salad for lunch means I'm not gonna the high fiber later in the day. Obviously what type of IBS means it will be different for everyone, I've got ibs-D.
    I've found a great probiotic helps and knowing what triggers your symptoms.
    It can take awhile to find what works for you! Good luck!