350+ pounds Support for Men & Women



  • pugsrmypatronus
    pugsrmypatronus Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for coming up with the question Cassie! I'm not doing anything special like keto as I've done that so many times and the anxiety of doing low-carb is more than it's worth. I also have PCOS but I figure losing the weight in a healthy and not extreme way is better than another crash diet. I do try and focus on eating a lot of vegetables and plant based food as I use to not eat meat so I really enjoy that but I'm just keeping an eye on it more than anything. I'm still in the early part of this journey but I guess what I've found to help me be successful is using a food scale to measure so I can get a sense of portion sizes and reminding myself why this is important. I have to get a brain MRI scan done soon and I know I can't control what's happened in the past but I really want to work hard to make sure I'm putting my best foot forward!

    As a few folks have mentioned I think removing negative influences is so critical as I'm guessing a lot of us may use food as a way to deal with those situations. I honestly think I may be the most negative thing in my life so I'm trying to focus on a little more self love and acceptance!
  • Mellykay88
    Mellykay88 Posts: 307 Member
    Ooh.. removing stress and negatively were huge for me as well! I actually switched jobs in October 2016 (right before I started losing weight). My previous job was so stressful that I cried before going to work sometimes. I couldn’t have been successful with this if I’d stayed there.
  • heartsaver81
    heartsaver81 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi there. I definitely know the feeling. I've got 150lbs I need to lose. I have several severe health issue that make it hard to lose but I want to so bad. I use to be a runner and then got sick. They have had me on and off steroids for years and it makes it so hard to lose. If any of you ladies want to add me feel free. My husband is a body builder and we just got married, seeing how I looked in pics made me feel like a cloud. I'd love to look good again for me and him.
  • sarahchmielarz
    sarahchmielarz Posts: 5 Member
    @CassieBinTC I think a question of the week is great!

    I'm with most of the people here, I'm not really following a specific diet, just tracking what I'm eating to stay under my nutrition limits. I've also committed to a few other things that have helped in the past - making my own food for all meals, one cheat meal per week (allows for a stress free date night with the hubs), no drive through and no soda.

    You all are also a part of this commitment - it's the first time I've reached out for support in this way. You guys are so inspiring and I'm really hoping that this will help me get through the moments where my willpower is faltering.
  • MouseTmom
    MouseTmom Posts: 201 Member
    Hi - so glad you created this!! I was on MFP a few years ago and lost about 60 pounds and then regained it plus +. Support from people in the same “weight class” is so important to me. I’m tired of having trouble getting up from a seated position - and off the floor OMG!!! The floor is the worst
  • sarahchmielarz
    sarahchmielarz Posts: 5 Member
    @MouseTmom A friend of mine posted a "test" on facebook the other day about using your hands, knees, etc,. to get up of the floor. You had to subtract a point for each "assist" you used and that number would indicate if you were healthy. I did NOT do well. Here's to subtracting fewer points as we progress!
  • NicoleVT83
    NicoleVT83 Posts: 67 Member
    Happy Saturday All! I just saw question of the week. I just watch my calories and try not to go too crazy on carbs/sugar as I’ve been told that will help with PCOS.
  • NicoleVT83
    NicoleVT83 Posts: 67 Member
    Goal for this coming week is to workout 3-4 times. Which has been difficult with legit arctic tundra that VT has been these last few weeks. No more excuses. Gonna have to get back to my Zumba til I can make it to pool.
  • CassieBinTC
    CassieBinTC Posts: 59 Member
    Today I have realized that I have officially lost 1/6 of the weight I've set out to lose. When I started out, losing 200 pounds seemed very overwhelming, but breaking it down into smaller goals/milestones makes it seem a little more within reach!

    So AWESOME!!!!! Keep it up!
  • CassieBinTC
    CassieBinTC Posts: 59 Member
    Hi i'm Jon- i started at 456lbs (32.6st-207kg) about 22 months ago and i am now down to just below 292lbs(20.75st- 132kg)- still a few more stone to go!! it seems daunting at the begining almost impossible, but if you really want it you will succeed- every pound you loose motivates you a little bit more. Find that one photograph of yourself that you really hate and when you get discouraged look at it and remind yourself why you are doing this!! good luck to all of you.

    Jon the picture thing is so huge. I just compared myself at Christmas 2016 vs my brothers wedding in Nov 2017. That was at about 70 pounds lost and I can tell a total difference.
  • CassieBinTC
    CassieBinTC Posts: 59 Member
    How is the weekend going for everyone?

    Myself I walked this morning while my daughter had a pitching lesson and then she and I just finished riding our bikes.

    Hope everyone is having an amazing weekend.
  • CassieBinTC
    CassieBinTC Posts: 59 Member
    Mellykay88 wrote: »
    I was below my calorie goal everyday last week! I’ve also gone to the gym everyday since I joined on 12/28 (with the exception of one day when they were closed ;) )

    Congratulations to everyone who reached milestones and followed your plans this week! Here’s to another week of smashed goals!7dlh6wm5axmd.jpeg

    Couldn't have said it better myself.

    Hope everyone starts this coming week out with a bang!!!!
  • CassieBinTC
    CassieBinTC Posts: 59 Member
    cjmcfly79 wrote: »
    Hi everyone. I am so excited that I found this post. My name is Carrie and I am 37 years old. I have never admitted my weight to anyone and it had been so long since I have been on a scale I do not know my exact weight, but it is somewhere around 350-370. I have tried losing weight in the past and have not been successful. I am starting a new chapter in my life and have decided that weight loss is a must in order to be healthy. I need all the help and encouragement I can get and new friends to make this journey with.

    Welcome Carrie. We are happy to have you. Please feel free to ask any questions. This is a great group of people!
  • CassieBinTC
    CassieBinTC Posts: 59 Member
    Hi everyone! This thread really caught my attention because it's nice to be able to interact with others that also have a lot of weight to lose, such as, myself and its also motivating to hear other people weight loss journeys that have a long way to go as well.

    Anyways, my name is Katherine but Katie for short. I am 26 years old. In very late November, I was 400lbs and now as of January 14th, I'm at 365lbs. I've lost a little over 30 pounds in like, nine weeks :smiley: I'm currently on a very strict weight loss program called, HMR. My diet mostly consist of shakes, oatmeal, soup and entrees. I'm extremely proud of myself but I have lost track of my journey since Christmas and I ended up gaining three pounds, but starting yesterday after I got over my flu I decided to start again and to continue on my weight loss program. It's difficult, but I keep reminding myself that it's not going to last forever.

    My main goals for this year is to be able to walk for thirty minutes straight without any back pain. Right now, my back starts to hurt after just 15 minutes of walking. I also want to be able to support behind the scenes at my Buddhist meetings as a Byakuren. It's a long story but its a part of my religion and its something I'm very interested in but in order to support, you have to be on your feet for two hours, sometimes for six hours with very little breaks. For me, that wouldn't be enough. I also would love to be able to walk my very first 5K by the end of the year, and hopefully by next December I will weigh at 250lbs. It sounds crazy but the way I'm going, I feel like it might be very doable for me. I would love the chance to speak to some of you, and just be a support system for each other! Therefore, feel free to add me as a friend and, or message me!!!!! and if any of you lives near Long Beach or even in Los Angeles, CA, maybe we can form a walking group? Keep me updated! I am on MFP like everyday :)

    Welcome Katie!!!!!! I too am in LA County. I am just up the 605 in Temple City! I think you are doing amazing keep it up. I hope you feel better soon. Keep it up and we all have your back.
  • rabidhamster87
    rabidhamster87 Posts: 74 Member
    Today I have realized that I have officially lost 1/6 of the weight I've set out to lose. When I started out, losing 200 pounds seemed very overwhelming, but breaking it down into smaller goals/milestones makes it seem a little more within reach!

    I love this! I'm going to start doing that too. When you put it that way it seems much more achievable. I've lost 1/10 of my goal already!
  • rabidhamster87
    rabidhamster87 Posts: 74 Member
    MouseTmom wrote: »
    Hi - so glad you created this!! I was on MFP a few years ago and lost about 60 pounds and then regained it plus +. Support from people in the same “weight class” is so important to me. I’m tired of having trouble getting up from a seated position - and off the floor OMG!!! The floor is the worst

    I know exactly what you mean about getting off the floor. We've been sleeping on a mattress on the floor in the guest bedroom for longer than I want to admit while we redid the floor in the master and having to climb up off that floor every morning motivated me to finish our renovations more than anything else did!