Weight Loss Challenge for August! (OPEN)



  • emluvcw
    emluvcw Posts: 6 Member
    My name is Emily~

    SW~ 295
    GW~ 285

    need support and modivation!
  • priscilabezerra50
    Hey guys, for lack of support and motivation often already stopped dieting, I think this problem is not only mine .. Together we can achieve our goals!

    As of SW 8.1: 61kg
    Goal for Aug: 58 kg
    Self-Challenge: Walk 60 minutes 5 times a week

  • FaithsVegWorkout
    Well, I didn't go over my calorie burn from yesterday. I was close though. I'm hoping to make up for it tomorrow. I would like to burn 650 calories tomorrow. It's only 30 more, so it shouldn't be more than like 5 extra minutes keeping the heartrate up.

    I ate something from a restaurant today, but I only ate 1/3 of it, and put the rest in the freezer. I ball parked the calories on the high level, and I'm only going to eat back 50% of my exercise calories (I'm only on the 500 calorie deficit so I'm not worried about going into starvation mode).
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    SW 183
    GW 176

    Aim is to get into the 170's before sept so as I have 3.5 weeks left I need to get my butt in gear!
  • Alissa_Sal
    Alissa_Sal Posts: 141
    Happy Friday everyone!

    Yesterday was another good day. I was over on my calories, but only by 15 calories, so I'm putting it out of my head. ;) I did a total of an hour of walking, and did a half an hour of of ST (which I am feeling today!)

    Today I am on track so far on my eating (I actually suspect I am going to be quite a bit under) and I am getting ready to leave to go to the gym to get in 45 minutes of cardio. Hope that everyone has a great weekend! Weekends are my hardest time to stay on track (it's a lot easier not to eat when I'm at work and don't have any food in front of me!) but I am going to stay strong!
  • kezziemc
    kezziemc Posts: 51 Member
    Well I don't really have a good update to post so far.... But here goes. I'm visiting family so can't really 'choose' food as I would at home, however I am having smaller portions and the healthier versions. My 30 day shred has arrived in the post... But it's at home 240 miles away.... So I have been dragging my dad for a half hour walk everyday. I have however stuck to my 'no bread' pledge so somethings going right.

    Hope everyone else is doing better.
  • zoeypanther

    its not all about the numbers on the scale. i know from experience. i just came off of a 4-5 week stand still where my weight did not budge an inch! but i was losing inches. during that time i lost a total of 8 inches all over my body. if you are using weights of any kind you have to remember than building muscle is great because muscle burns fat. so if you are building muscle the scale may not move although the fat is disaparing. just keep working at it and it will start to come off again. have faith in your self and dont give up!
  • LeonaWFU98
    LeonaWFU98 Posts: 28 Member
    Checking in - today was my weigh-in day, and I'm happy to report:
    SW (8/1): 272.5
    CW (8/5): 267.5

    Yay! Excited to be 5 lbs down, and headed toward both my August goal and my total goal!

    I've done very well with the water and tracking this week. My mini-week goal for next week is to head back to the gym, now that I have the eating a bit more under control. Oh, boy. :)

    Happy to see others with good news to report. Stay focused, and you will succeed! :flowerforyou:
  • Ceceamanda
    Ceceamanda Posts: 91 Member
    I'm all about this!

    SW Aug 1st: 182.6
    GW for Sept 1st: 173
    Personal challenge - - - workout more consistently with my 30 day shred dvd and cut out "bored" snacking
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    Goal for august: 205
    Self-challenge: to burn 600 calories 6 days a week
  • CynthiaS
    CynthiaS Posts: 208 Member
    Well today was ok I went to my first zumba class today it was great but totally kicked my butt :)
    the only down fall was that I was craving sweets all day grrrr
    hope everyone had a great day !!!!
  • lakenleona
    lakenleona Posts: 22 Member
    First Report:
    SW: 211
    1st week, as of 8/5: 207.4

    YAY!! I feel great this week and I've exercised 6 days out of the week, which is more than my personal challenge! I'm so happy to get August off to a good start!
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    Had a lovely horse ride this morning and have been on the Wii :) So exercise definately done :D Now I just have to survived tonight and the 'treats' my daughter bought! grrr
    Strawberries and grapes to keep me away from that dark stuff beginning in Ch...

    I find it much easier when it's not school holidays - eldest goes to bed early and I have homework to keep me busy.. 1 month to go and I'm starting Uni so that'll help.
  • lrbarr
    lrbarr Posts: 60
    This is my first weigh in for August and happy to say I lost 2lbs!! My goal this week is still getting my food on track!
    Thanks for the support :flowerforyou: !

    August Start weight 144
    current weight 142
    August Goal 139
  • lrbarr
    lrbarr Posts: 60
    Nice job Everyone!!!
  • treed4
    treed4 Posts: 66
    Hope it's not too late.......

    Your starting weight for August: 172
    Your personal goal for August: 160
    Your personal self-challenge for August: Stick with my workout routine each morning which is bodypump 3x/week, and cardio weights 4x/week.
  • MissKash
    MissKash Posts: 132
    Happy weekend everyone! Hope everyone is doing something fun. On weekends, I tend to eat more and make less healthy choices. So, im making an effort to do better. So far in the challenge, I have done well with the water as well as the fruits and veggies. I still haven't gotten in a workout but I will be able to get 3 in by my weigh in day on Wednesday. Good luck to everyone!!
  • FaithsVegWorkout
    Met my goal and surpassed it. My goal was to burn 650 at the gym, and I burned 667. Oddly enough, that was the exact amount of calories I had already eaten before I went to the gym today, and it was totally not on purpose.

    I did my final weigh in before Aunti Flo comes. I'm guessing things might get a bit delayed due to having just recently started exercising again. It's possible my next weigh in won't be for about 2 weeks.
  • abertawe2
    Oh a bad day today for me :sad: my worst ever since starting my diet and excersie plan! But never mind I will start again tomorrow and get back on track :happy:
  • ShannonBas
    ShannonBas Posts: 101 Member
    Checking in...
    This past week I didn't do TOO bad. I pretty much stayed within my calories. (until Saturday, any way... :laugh: )
    I did indulge a little too much at Chili's and ended up getting what I probably shouldn't have. I got their Cajun pasta with grilled shrimp. So yeah... over 1000 calories on that one plate. YIKES! :noway: Oh well, I'll make up for it today (sunday) by getting in some extra calorie burns. I'm not going to beat myself up for it.

    Happy note! I finished Jillian's 30 Day Shred on Friday. I lost an overall total of 9 lbs, and overall 9 inches (waist, hips, arms & thighs). Not bad really. I do have to deal with PCOS, so weight loss isn't easy. But I don't use that as a crutch... I used to, but not any more. I just work harder & try to eat better. Getting ready to start up Jillian's Ripped in 30. Took a "day off" on Saturday & will start up the new workout routine probably Sunday evening. Workouts still tend to wear me out instead of energize me, so I use them to help me to fall asleep. Also, not being a morning person, I don't favor morning workouts. :laugh: :laugh: I hope to eventually change that.

    Congrats on everyone's progress so far!! Hang in there! We can do this! :heart: :heart: :drinker: