Made to Crave Accountability


I picked up the book Made to Crave by Proverbs 31 girl Lysa TerKeurst . . .I have been reading it and I am searching for one or possibly two people to be accountability partners as the book suggests. If anyone has read it or is reading it and would like to partner up with me let me know. Thanks.


  • missfittin_missy
    missfittin_missy Posts: 184 Member
    I love Proverbs 31! I am going to have to see if I can get my hands on that book sounds like a good one!
  • MarySunshine70
    I'd love to find another Christian mom with lots of kids to be accountable with.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    oooh, sounds fun. i need to get my book back from a friend and then i'm in.
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    I am loving this book, read a bunch last night. Part of me is racing through it, part of me is underliing, rewriting and circling every second paragraph!

    Today's nugget from chapter 8 . . . what is more important, the number on the scale or being able to look back on my week (or in my case, my last 24 or less hours) and know that I have been obedient. God will not love me more at 150 lbs than he did at 225, but my relationship with Him will definitely be greater when I have to use obedience to get down to 150.
  • momtothemax10
    I just started reading the book today! We are doing a book study on it at church and I've tried everything under the sun to lose weight EXCEPT turn to God. I feel like the light switch has turned on FINALLY! I just finished chapter 2 and for both chapters I've read them once then reread them with all my notes. I'd love to have an accountability partner if anyone is interested in as well! I've just started using my fitness pal today but have used spark people in the past. =)

    How has the book changed anything for you though, since you've been using it for 3 weeks?
  • wekay
    wekay Posts: 3
    This is such a great book. I've almost finished it and I'm ready to read it again. I did a search on the Boards just to see if any one else has been empowered by it. I totally agree that it's like a light switch has gone on. I will keep checking back to this thread if you want to keep it going for accountability.
  • janineswenson
    janineswenson Posts: 19 Member
    Just finsihing up a summer discussion group with some friends using this book. It has been a wonderful study with lots of breakthroughs for all of us. We meet in person once a week and some in the group are walking together in the mornings. We are sad to see it end and have used this site to encourage one another and become accountable in what we are eating too.

    Please feel free to "friend" me here for some like-minded encouragement.

    God Bless.