Windy City weight loss

Allow me to reintroduce myself MY NAME IS HOV! Lol just playing.

Long story short...Hypothyroidism and trying to get healthier since my metabolism is pretty much dead and weight loss is damn near impossible...womp womp....
But at least I can get healthier!


  • theabsentmindednurse
    theabsentmindednurse Posts: 405 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hypothyroidism can mean your metabolism fights against you to lose every pound, but it is not impossible.
    It is still CICO.
    Count and log everything you eat accurately.
    Stay under your daily caloric allowance and just stick with it.
    Sure it has taken me two and half years to lose 110 pounds, but I have done it.

    Hypothyroidism is a condition you can work with.
    Stay positive and focused.
    Just start and put one foot in front of the other.
  • seriaadi59
    seriaadi59 Posts: 11 Member
    110 lbs!!!! I haven't been able to loose more than 10 since I was diagnosed!.....I'm jealous!