Recomendations for creating muscle and loosing fat?

Hi!! What's the best exercise for achieving lossing fat pounds and creating muscular definition? I'm 5'2 and weigh 115, been doing cycling, cardio, 30 day shred and very confused if im doing the rights exercises in order to conquer my weigh goal! Please help!!!
What exercise do you recomend!?


  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Lift weights. Heavy ones.
  • lizrangel76
    Weights. I started taking a physical conditioning class and we do an hour of weights. Since then, I have noticed more definition in my arms and legs.
  • lizrangel76
    Well, we don't really do heavy weights because we as women don't want to bulk up. The heaviest I will do is 10-12 pounds. But, the secret to toning up is doing it slow, not fast. My trainer said when you do it slow the muscle works harder so you don't necessarily have to do heavy weights.
  • Justkf
    Justkf Posts: 208 Member
    PIlates Reformer for me.
  • SassyStef
    SassyStef Posts: 413
    yes weights and heavy too lol I gauge mine that I can't do the last 2 or 3 of my set, keep you cardio too tho...also add more protein 1g per lb of your weight.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Well, we don't really do heavy weights because we as women don't want to bulk up. The heaviest I will do is 10-12 pounds. But, the secret to toning up is doing it slow, not fast. My trainer said when you do it slow the muscle works harder so you don't necessarily have to do heavy weights.

    Women don't have enough testosterone to bulk up. That's an old myth. Lifting heavy is the best way to build muscle.
  • pkarim
    pkarim Posts: 171
    Lift heavy weights. Women cannot bulk up it is not possible unless you are taking a huge amount of supplements and eating zero fats and carbs. Women is competitions do that only for the competition. If you want to get a muscular look you have to do weights. I do a different group everyday and do 20 min cardio every other day. If you go to you can find a ton of wonderful workout plans with pictures and videos :)
  • debbiemcn85
    debbiemcn85 Posts: 3 Member
    You will only start seeing muscle definition when the layer of fat covering the muscle is stripped away. Stick with cardio and make sure you do weight training about twice per week and you will start seeing a difference.
  • rleongg
    rleongg Posts: 2
    You're weight is ideal for your height. if you want to build muscle, start first by toning them. do light weights and more repetition. as you build your strenght and start to see the muscle tones, then start increasing the weight slowly and do less repetion. if you don't have weights at home, by exercise by, they work just as well.

    good luck!
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    Wow...I was about to reply, but the "quick simple" responses thus far are not so much off base as they are incomplete. There are a hundred more variable to seriously changing your body composition than "Lift Heavy".

    You need an basic strength routine that challenges all your muscle groups at least twice a week to fatique with ample rest in between to allow for recovery and repair.

    You need to eat the right foods regularly throughout the day to maintain proper insulin levels in the blood and thus ensure your metabolism and fat burning mechanism work at their peak efficiency. As well, quality of food choices plays a huge role in how your body breaks down what you're into into useable components in the blood.

    You need to time your pre and post workout nutrition for maximal fuel and recovery before and after your workouts with the right balance of nutrients that kickstart your body to re-energize and repair used tissues and cells.

    You need at least 7-9 hours of sleep every night to allow for ample rest, stress reduction and stable hormore levels in the body.

    and you'll need a moderately calorie reduced diet which over time will result in the desired composition changes that you're looking for.

    That will help you lose fat while strengthening and defining the muscle tissue you currentl;y have in your body.
  • SassyStef
    SassyStef Posts: 413
    Well, we don't really do heavy weights because we as women don't want to bulk up. The heaviest I will do is 10-12 pounds. But, the secret to toning up is doing it slow, not fast. My trainer said when you do it slow the muscle works harder so you don't necessarily have to do heavy weights.

    Women don't have enough testosterone to bulk up. That's an old myth. Lifting heavy is the best way to build muscle.

    exactly what I was gonna say!!
  • fifrocks
    fifrocks Posts: 14
    I have "The New Rules of Weight lifting for Women" and it is great. Apart from explanation that you will not bulk up unless you spend hours, it has a great training plan and explains the exercises. I am a weightlifting novice and i enjoy it. They also have it for abs and men
  • morningstarluv
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    The absolute lightest I do at the gym is 30# and that's for lateral raises. (So... 15# each?) I do 40-60# for all the other upper body stuff, and more than double that for anything with the legs. Judging by my photo from yesterday... I'm about the furthest thing from bulky. :wink: