I need to lose my last 12-15 pounds ! Need motivation and help on what I can do!


  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    Be prepared for the possibility that your weight loss will slow down somewhat as you get closer to your goal. At least it did for me.

    This. Just keep going; you know how to lose weight already. Expect the last few pounds to be slow. You probably don’t have a large calorie deficit now, so make sure your weighing and logging are as accurate as possible. Head on over to the maintenance board and start planning to transition into maintenance. And congratulations!
  • me0231
    me0231 Posts: 218 Member
    edited January 2018
    I'm with you! As of this morning 13.6 lbs to go. So close!

    I'm just going to keep going as I have until now. One day at a time, not getting discouraged with weight fluctuations and not trying to compete with anyone else losing weight. I'll get there when I get there.
  • ortizgloria00003
    ortizgloria00003 Posts: 2 Member
    @me0231 @apullum @DebLaBounty @Fit4sure @Rebecca0224 thank you guys so much!! big hugs from NC!!
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    thank you guys so much!! big hugs from NC!!

    I used to live in Durham! I really liked it there, but wound up moving to take a different job.
  • jrae75
    jrae75 Posts: 16 Member
    I just hit 15lbs to go this morning, too! It's kind of a soft goal, I'll get there when I get there. It has taken since June to lose the first 30, so I'm content to let the last chunk come off as it will. We can do it!
  • me0231
    me0231 Posts: 218 Member
    jrae75 wrote: »
    I just hit 15lbs to go this morning, too! It's kind of a soft goal, I'll get there when I get there. It has taken since June to lose the first 30, so I'm content to let the last chunk come off as it will. We can do it!

    More or less same here, I've been at it since April and have taken 40lbs off. I've set my target for April this year, but I'm not going to stress about it.
    To be honest I may reevaluate my goal weight too when I'm there as well. I just sort of arbitrarily set the middle of my BMI range as my goal weight. I don't actually remember what I looked like at that weight, so we'll see. But yes, we can so do it.
  • 150poundsofme
    150poundsofme Posts: 523 Member
    Wow, that is fantastic. Your motivation is to come back here and tell us you did lose the weight and your great insights. I will be looking for the day when I can say I only have 15 to lose, very exciting. Good luck
  • Yep.
    In the same boat.
    After 860 days. So near...Yet so far.
    The funny thing is.
    I am excited!
    I know it will take as long as it takes!
    So I accept that.
    I have kept my daily caloric allowance at a deficit. Ensured I hit my protein and fibre macros every day and stay positive.
    I am now planning my final celebration when I reach my goal!
    So embrace this time. Stay positive. Stay focused.
    The finishing line is in site!
    Well done!!
  • jrae75
    jrae75 Posts: 16 Member
    me0231 wrote: »
    jrae75 wrote: »
    I just hit 15lbs to go this morning, too! It's kind of a soft goal, I'll get there when I get there. It has taken since June to lose the first 30, so I'm content to let the last chunk come off as it will. We can do it!

    More or less same here, I've been at it since April and have taken 40lbs off. I've set my target for April this year, but I'm not going to stress about it.
    To be honest I may reevaluate my goal weight too when I'm there as well. I just sort of arbitrarily set the middle of my BMI range as my goal weight. I don't actually remember what I looked like at that weight, so we'll see. But yes, we can so do it.

    Haha -- I did the same thing... I picked a number in the middle of the BMI range, because it seemed reasonable. I plan to reevaluate when I get to that point, too. If I'm still losing with what I'm doing, then why switch to maintenance just because I hit the arbitrary number I chose?

    I've never had such a large amount of weight to lose, so I really wasn't even sure if it was possible when I started. After having three kids in a five year period, it just kept going up, and I finally was in the mindset to do something about it. I've been pleasantly surprised with how well this journey has gone. It hasn't been nearly as painful as I'd imagined it would be. I think that fear is what made me put off trying for so long. I know maintenance is an entirely different animal, but I feel confident about being able to keep the weight of long term.
  • me0231
    me0231 Posts: 218 Member
    jrae75 wrote: »

    Haha -- I did the same thing... I picked a number in the middle of the BMI range, because it seemed reasonable. I plan to reevaluate when I get to that point, too. If I'm still losing with what I'm doing, then why switch to maintenance just because I hit the arbitrary number I chose?

    I've never had such a large amount of weight to lose, so I really wasn't even sure if it was possible when I started. After having three kids in a five year period, it just kept going up, and I finally was in the mindset to do something about it. I've been pleasantly surprised with how well this journey has gone. It hasn't been nearly as painful as I'd imagined it would be. I think that fear is what made me put off trying for so long. I know maintenance is an entirely different animal, but I feel confident about being able to keep the weight of long term.

    Same here, except no kids. The weight just slowly crept up. Made some half hearted or crash diet attempts and always gained it all back. This is the first time I'm actually able to lose in a healthy and sustainable way. I've always been in that mindset that this extra weight needs to come off in a week and if there's no success on the scale I'd order a pizza. Maybe not quite, but not that far off either. This time around something just clicked and I've had my freakouts and panic moments but all in all it's really not been that hard. I'm confident that I can maintain as well, the way I eat And exercise now is completely sustainable for me. But I suppose time will tell.

  • RunStart34
    RunStart34 Posts: 164 Member
    Usually those last few pounds are so hard to get rid of. I am also at 14 pounds left to lose. I actually had to make the month of January break (one month long Maintenance status). I had to get my head around the fact that this is a lifelong change and there fore not a rush. The fact is that if you have loss some weight already then its something to be proud of. We can only move forward!!
  • Kfrase83
    Kfrase83 Posts: 42 Member
    Same boat, just a few to go, and I can almost TASTE the finish line! LOL

    I ran the numbers for mid-range of the BMI for my height, and that seems like a lot for me to lose! I can pack on muscle, so I have found as I get closer to the goal, the goal is shifting. If I get within 5lbs and feel great, I'll switch to maintenance.